Public opinion believes that it is Sunak's gambling under the 20th point of the Labor Party's 20 points.The Labor Party continues to do not receive national security. Can Sunak's "national security card" work?

In the UK, the election has always been economical, who can make the people's life better.National security and international relations are not high in the British elections, because this is a tiring issue that belongs to the British elite (the word is derogatory in the UK).I remember that after a British heard that I wrote an international relationship, a sympathy face seemed to be engaged in the most unbearable job in the world.

Therefore, national security has not been the primary attention of Prime Minister Sonak.Sunak's family is richer than the British King Charles III. Since he has served as the Minister of Finance in 2020, he seems to only printed "money is the most important" on his head. National security and him seem to be the other side of the old death.

It is not easy for the British to be interested in national security, let alone let voters support national security issues.This unbelievable reality that mainland Chinese readers have been confirmed for nearly 20 years.Recently, I started to take the campaign myself. When our constituency was talking about the political platform, from the town councilor to the level of parliament, the national security was not within the scope of the topic.

When I came to Britain 20 years ago, my head was full of international relations: Western powers have bully China, and China must always be careful of the concepts of bullies in the West.Later, I realized that this is the product of patriotism education with Chinese characteristics. Most Chinese people have this mind in their heads.Based on this kind of brain thinking, I like to talk to the people of the British people about international events, because I thought they would like it, but found that they played piano.For a long time, I felt that they had a short vision and did not care about international events. I had little awareness of the competition between China and the United States that was in full swing now, and there was no intention to resist the slightest Chinese manufacturing products that made China quickly become rich. They only cared about themselves.Equipment, health of African children, the rights and interests of refugees, the rights of animals, etc. In short, it is related to the rights and interests of individuals (especially vulnerable groups) of individuals (especially vulnerable groups).

Later, I finally found the answer: In a mature democratic human rights society, the purpose of everyone's living is to live well, bother, worry, and less worry; the opposite of politicians, they shoulder the prosperityThe mission of employment opportunities, but must be accepted by voters' supervision and criticism at any time.

National Security is an unpopular vocabulary in the UK. Because after the Cold War, the West has always lived in ease, thinking that democracy is the only direction in the future, and that threats will disappear, and the West will always be prosperous.Recently, the topic of national security has been moved to the table, but it is just quiet, because the opposition, the media, and the public are not interested in it.The Minister of Conservative Party Defense made a speech in January this year: "Ending the era of peace dividends and entering the pre -war world." This warning basically only a bubble, the British continued to forget the happiness, Sunak's pre -election policy continuedIt is related to domestic people's livelihood.

Surprisingly, the recently changed the door of Sunak, and it loudly talked about the threat of "autocratic national axis".The first mention of this term was when visiting Poland and Germany in mid -April.At that time, Sunak said that Britain and Germany were "unshakable" NATO ally, and said that the link between the two countries was "stronger than ever before."He specifically mentioned the "autocratic national axis", but did not specify which country it was, but only said that the world has faced the most dangerous moment in decades.

By May 13th, in a public speech delivered in the UK, Sonak directly picked up who was the "autocratic national axis": China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran believed that they were the biggest threat since the Cold War, "I am deeply urgent because the changes in the next five years will exceed the past 30 years.The expenses increase to 2.5%of the GDP (GDP) (the minimum defense expenditure of NATO member states is 2%of GDP), which will make his party better cope with this threat.

Sunak repeatedly attacked Labor leader Stammer in his speech, saying that he lacked a plan to deal with security risks from the "autocratic country's axis".Stammer refuted: Sunak's speech was the seventh time he re -developed the agenda in 18 months (that is, Sunak's policies without stability and credibility).He refuted that he would be weak on national defense issues, saying that his primary task was national security.Soon Stammer introduced the six major policy claims of the Labor Party, but national security was not worse.

The Labor Party does not take Suner's "national security", not to fight, and continues to take economic security as the primary task.I thought this was over.Unexpectedly, in less than 10 days, the general election suddenly started!

The rumors of "the day of the election will be determined soon, and it may be July" spread on May 22.Regarding the election date, the British media has speculated that for more than half a year, Sonak has always said that it will be "the second half of 2024".Public opinion believes that when the economic data improves, it is the day he wants.On the 22nd, good news came from the economy: the annual inflation rate as of April was 2.3%, the lowest in the past three years.Good news is rare recently. Since Russia has attacked Ukraine, the natural gas supply channel changes to push up inflation, and then push up prices. Some even doubled. The daily expenses of ordinary people have increased suddenly, complaining.

At 5 pm on the same day, Sonak walked out of the gate of Prime Minister's palace and delivered a speech. He said: In the past five years, the crown disease epidemic affects the economy, and then the war has increased inflation and prices.Under his leadership, the price is now declining, and the inflation has fallen to a range of 2%(the normal standard of the central bank), indicating that his economic policy is paid.He repeated the tone in the past few weeks, saying that the changes in the next five years are faster than in the past 30 years, increasingly dangerous, and increasingly uncertainty. He already has a plan, and the Labor Party has no plan!He convinced voters to be the candidate for the prime minister who led Britain to get out of danger.He then announced that the election will be held on July 4th, only six weeks, but it is indeed the second half of this year.

This sudden announcement, I wonder if Sunak has passed with anger with the cabinet members, or is it with the temporary decision between the two Minister of Finance Hente?Public opinion believes that it is Sunak's gambling in the 20th point of the Labor Party behind the Conservative Party.A few days later, Goff, a member of the Conservative Cabinet, announced his retreat and did not participate in the July 4th election.This led the current Conservatives to withdraw more than 80 candidates, and more than 72 conservative parliamentarians stepped down before the 1997 election.Sunak immediately announced that it would restart the national volunteer service plan and continue to focus on the national security election card.

The Labor Party is cheering, and continues to do not take the move of national security. It only pays attention to "economic security, border security and national security", and national security ranks third.The election has officially launched. Can Sunak's "national security card" work?See you on July 4th.

The author is a bilingual writer who settled in the UK