In the interview, Dong Mingzhu shared his views on leisure lifestyle.Photo/Social Platform Video Screenshot

Workers can only resign and go home if they want to leisure?According to reports, in a recent interview, Dong Mingzhu's remarks caused heated discussion.

In the interview, when asked about the popular drama, my Altay triggered the public's desire for leisurely lifestyle, and what kind of concept he advocated the employees, Dong Mingzhu said: "You can resign report reportsYou can go back to leisure, there is no problem.

"Resign and go back to leisure", Dong Mingzhu's phrase is a bit too much -the migrant worker just wants to be casual and relaxed, and he is going to the point of resignation?What is the significance of labor rights such as legal holidays and paid vacations? This attitude that confronts work and leisure is obviously inappropriate.

Of course, interviews are a special language space, and it is common to say no words when dialogue.Even if people do not remove their eyes, they can feel a negation of "leisure value" from the words of Dong Mingzhu.

Dong Mingzhu probably thought that leisure life did not make much sense, and in the interview, she took herself as an example. She mentioned that she had never really rest for more than 30 years. She thought this was a personal happiness choice.

Everyone has a different choice. It is difficult to say whether their choices are suitable for others. Even if they are "what they want", it is best to "do not do people." It can also be seen from this that the awareness difference between Dong Mingzhu and the worker is very obvious.

In fact, to this day, there are already many studies at home and abroad to discuss leisure economics, and people's attention to leisure is also the inevitable result of social and economic development and water to achieve.

From an economic point of view, after the rich material is rich, people's consumer behavior expansion will inevitably shift to a richer and diverse leisure consumption.In terms of social psychology, this is also the meaning of "people" again, recovering the initiative of life in leisure, exploring the richness of the world and obtaining the calmness of the soul.

In a more macro perspective, the meaning of leisure is not just for individuals.For example, the explosive growth of my country's service industry is highly related to leisure consumption - transportation, accommodation, catering, cultural sports and entertainment, Internet services, etc. The main support is people's leisure consumption.

and the reason why society forms such an observation perspective is essentially reserved the economic value and social benefits of leisure.Without people's spontaneous longing for leisure, these may not be able to talk about it.

Therefore, the rebound caused by Dong Mingzhu's remarks on the Internet is not just a personal choice, nor is it just a moral debate such as "no humanity", but this prejudice against leisure.The current context of the entire society is not matched - Whether in people's concepts or overall economic forms, leisure is no longer in a dispensable position.

In fact, from the recent news hotspots, public opinion is very sensitive to topics such as labor rights and humanistic care.In the past, there was the "President of the President" of the former vice president of Baidu, and the people who played the workers of the workers in the "king mother" collapsed. There was a common psychology behind these phenomena - People hope that the ecology of the workplace ecology isBeing able to match the overall cognitive level and economic structure of society, and we can also pay more attention to everyone's labor benefits.

I hope that companies can understand the voice of workers and truly rejoice with workers, just like the imagination of a beautiful life in the leisure desire of the workers should not be ignored.

Concer/Editor Liu Zao/Chi Dao Chinese School/Zhao Lin