Singapore, Singapore, and each of us from the Third World, and each of us Singapore, is touching the stone to cross the river and enter the new field that has not been encountered before.From the perspective of change, we see that Prime Minister Huang put forward new possibility and development motivation for the development of the country; from an uncharacteristic perspective, the speech clearly revealed the same sense of worry as the leader of the predecessors everywhere.

From what perspective, Singapore's political world's highly anticipated Prime Minister's transfer on May 15, 2024 -was taken over by Huang Xuncai as Li Xianlong as the fourth prime minister since the founding of Singapore. It is indeed extremely stable and orderly.Especially from the political situation of all countries that are turbulent and disturbed in today's world, this is a rare peaceful and ideal government that is worthy of every national pride.

For our first prime minister to be born after the founding of the People's Republic of China, everyone is of course sent to high hopes, and Premier Huang Xuncai's inauguration speech, which has been encountered in these 20 years, can be said to not only meet the standards, but also open many new hope.In addition to the future, the speeches have also been encouraged to be deeply encouraged. At the same time, I also think of philosophy and wisdom related to Chinese culture behind the speech.

First of all, Singapore is moved by the FORWARD SINGAPORE.Huang Xuncai, who is the general leader of the sports, put forward conception as early as June 2022, and promised to work with the Chinese people with the fourth -generation leadership team to review and update the social contract of Singapore. At the same time, it is Singapore's future.Form the blueprint for 10 years and afterwards.Then the Minatian contact group (Reach) organized a series of Singapore to go forward to the dialogue to collect the participants to the six pillars, that is, economic and employment, education and lifelong learning, medical and social support, housing and living environment, environment and financial sustainable financial sustainabilitySex, as well as Singapore's identity.

After 16 months of close work, this campaign to collect more than 200,000 Singaporeans has finally made a report in October 2023, reflecting the consensus and future vision of the Chinese people.After the report was published, more than half a year passed. In this year's most important Prime Minister's inauguration, Huang Xuncai once again emphasized the importance of exercise.Among them, he particularly emphasized that the government learned that the younger generation had a new understanding of the "Singapore Dream": "They want a new Singaporean dream, it is not just defined by material success, but because of the goal of work, life is meaningful, and life is meaningful.I am determined to help Singaporeans realize their dreams. "

The name of Singapore and the name of the plan to get well, "join hands" means that the country supports each other on the way forward, carrying each other, and not to fall anymore.This has to remind me of Confucian political claims.Confucian political thoughts represented by Confucius and Mencius are ethical and ethical political philosophy with ethics.The so -called "benevolent, lover", that is, the ritual and music system that traces the Zhou Dynasty, emphasizes the use of virtues, governing the country with benevolence, and promising state.The emphasis on the people's livelihood has become an important philosophy of emphasis on the people's light monarchs, that is, Mencius seeing the blood from the blood point "the people are expensive, the society is second, and the king is light."The opinions of 200,000 Chinese people are not light, and the efforts to collect public opinion in 16 months are not expensive.The first batch of Singapore in the fiscal budget in February this year has made us see the actual measures of Xingbang Aimin.Of course, from the beginning of Shan Ruliu, it is only the beginning, and the implementation can always be expected.

With the slow maturity of the country and the society, we are deeply looking forward to the concept of governing the country and the light of the people, which can be more popular and continued for a long time.The so -called "Singapore Dream" will not just stay on the surface slogan, but a beautiful vision with content, substance, and adapting due to people.Of course, if the government is willing to continue and long for a long time, review and implement it with an open mind, there must be more than 200,000 people who are far more than 200,000, or vote for newspapers' remarks, or contact the people., Even breaking the salary of the kettle and the bottom of the kettle.

Guangna Romance -Starting from the newspaper speech version

In fact, there is no need to seek far away. I think that as long as the remarks and communication versions of various language newspapers have begun to sort out and pick up people's livelihood opinions, there are already thousands of sincere feedback and good suggestions.It is worthy of the government's face -to -face and review.Not to mention, as far as the suggestions in our "outside walls" alone, this year, there are environmental protection (stealth resistance on the plastic reduction road -corporate giants are no longer warm water boiled frogs "don't say" saving the earth), Language Education (if the bilingual advantage becomes a single language "worry"), the economic culture (your Taylorrs, my Lodos capital, westernized and happy to fight for the economy, but also pay attention to the construction of cultural construction as a bookstore.In the future), the future of science and technology (the old age enters AI, embrace this elves) and other detailed observations and reflections, there are also good expectations and words.The focus of these columns is actually related to the six pillars of Singapore, and even perfectly corresponds.

Secondly, in addition to emphasizing in the inauguration, Premier Huang Xuncai also stated many times before that the fourth -generation leadership team did not start from scratch, but was lucky to stand on the shoulders of the giant -including Jianguo Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew led out of the colonial colonizationIn the era, the country was established, and the gentle and more open society led by Wu Zuodong went to Li Xianlong to lead the heavy economic and medical crisis.From his repeated speeches, we saw that Premier Huang enlightened, respecting and affirming the great contributions of his predecessors, and then continued our mission and strived to create the spirit.This has been promoted from "predecessor breeding trees, future generations of cooling" to "predecessor breeding trees, and later generations to grow trees".

Prime Minister Huang traces the three generations of national leaders, and also reminds me of what Sima Qian Shi Ji said: "The three generations of the three generations, preface books."It is the ritual and music system promoted by Confucius in the pursuit of summer, Shang, and Ming Jun on Wednesday.The historical context of the two is different, but it also emphasizes the spiritual spirit of the ancestors and the meaning of continuing the historical tradition.From the "good ancient history", attach importance to the sages, and to the knowledge of history, so we must record history honestly and preserve the history of the history, so that "although the Best can be known".As a result, we have seen the importance and suggestions of the relevant sages and preservation of the former residence and old places in the past few months, including the unparalleled karma -Chen Liujie Trail and Jianguo Memorial Park HikingDoes Lenovo we are wealthy enough to keep the former residence of celebrities?Enter the old building to reflect on urban space operations and so on.These column articles are not only the personal demands of the columnist, but also represent the voices and expectations of many people.

Third, Premier Huang mentioned in his speech that in recent years, the great power has competed to reorganize the new order, geopolitical tension, and the emergence of protectionism and nationalism.At this time, the national identity, mutual trust and cultural self -confidence of officials and civilians are particularly important, so that they can properly deal with the great challenges at home and abroad.From the third world, Singapore, the first world, and each of us Singapore's people are touching the stone to cross the river and enter the new field that has not been encountered before.In the past, although we were not afraid of the courage of tigers and the aggressive spirit of the first born calf, we created the economic and social miracles of Xiaohong Dot, but it was completely unable to guarantee that the Changsheng Shengjiu was completely.The future development is no longer a model we pursue and hard work, but we must create a new path of development and prosperity of national development.From the perspective of change, we see that Prime Minister Huang put forward new possibility and development motivation for the development of the country; from an uncharacteristic perspective, the speech clearly revealed the same sense of worry as the leader of the predecessors everywhere.

Yes, a strong sense of anxiety has no natural resources, self -sufficiency, and lack of hinterland and domestic markets.Only by a high degree of crisis and awareness of worry can we make us always prepare to face sudden challenges at home and abroad.

Column articles "Public and forget private" "for the country and the people"

As early as the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucian scholars proposed under Zhouyi · Department: "Do you have any worries?", Think of worryConsciousness is the main idea of ​​Zhou Yi's author, and also said, "The gentleman is safe without forgetting the danger, presented without forgetting to die, and not forgetting to chaos.Warning: "Born in worries, died in peace."The authors who have been in Singapore's sense of worry for a long time, of course, also have a deep understanding, so the survival crisis of bee is also a wide range of crises in the company, but the principles cannot be sacrificed.Waves and other articles.The literati is more worried, just like the politicians and writers of the Northern Song Dynasty, Fan Zhongyan's prose of essay Yueyang Tower, saying: "The worries of the world are worried and the world is happy."The family feelings of the country for the country and the people.

Throughout the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign regimes, the alternation of the highest regime in the country or region has never been taken for granted. It is more full of unknown and turbulent, even struggle and blood.During the reference of human history, there are countless war caused by the alternation of the regime. As far as the Chinese nation alone, there are endless dynasties.Of course, with the rotation and rise of the king and the regime, naturally there are loyal ministers, eunuchs and lazia on both sides of the king.

From a positive perspective, can we learn from history, such as the era of the hundreds of sons of the pre -Qin era, a glimpse of the political ideals and wisdom left by the era of all hundreds of flowers and the consequences, including advocating morality to virtue the people.Confucianism; Taoist who advocates doing nothing; the legalist who advocates the must be punished for the reward, and the famous Mo family who advocates the same love and the famous master who advocates to respect the soldiers, and so on.Wu Cunjing moved forward.More than 2200 years ago, Li Si of the Qin Dynasty once said: Taishan does not allow the soil, so it can become large;The dazzling stars' active situations and the active situation of each other, as well as brilliant and colorful academic and cultural ideas, are all good soil boulder and riverside torrents. It should be helpful for the opening of our new regime in our time.

The author is engaged in Chinese teaching and local cultural research