The Dark Forest Law and other similar hypotheses advocate civilization in the universe are not good, and they will hide themselves, because once they are discovered, they will be destroyed by other planet civilization; if you know the existence of other planet civilizations, it must be sureIt will target its development and even eliminate it.

25 years ago, it was popular to assemble desktop computers. Nvidia was one of the graphics card brands, and the central processor (CPU) was selected between Intel and Super Wey (AMD).

Nvidia was a small company that year, with operating income of $ 158 million in 1999 (about S $ 23 million); Intel revenue at the same period, US $ 29.4 billion, and $ 2.9 billion.Today's NVIDIA has played a world in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) chips. It has shoulder than Intel. The operating income in 2024 is expected to be $ 55 billion; the ultra -micro approximate approximately half of them is $ 24.5 billion.

Market analysts are optimistic about the needs of AI chips, because the technology community is vigorously developing AI and chat robots, and a large number of chips are required to create data centers.In addition, because almost all electrical, electronic products, vehicles, etc. need integrated circuits today, the global market demand for chips has continued to rise.

The fierce competition between China and the United States in the fields of technology and trade has made the semiconductor industry a must -fight for soldiers and a strategic industry.

The United States began to sprinkle money two years ago to attract the semi -conductor industry to regain the United States.According to Bloomberg, the United States and the European Union have invested nearly $ 81 billion to produce the next -generation semiconductor.The United States has also pushed "Youkan Outsourcing". In the past year, I have continued to see Samsung, Nvidia, Microsoft, Apple, etc. to inspect and expand their business in Southeast Asian countries.International relations observers say that Southeast Asian countries have favored in the competition between China and the United States and are unexpected winners.

Malaysia on the other side of Changdi seized this opportunity. On Tuesday (May 28), it was announced that it would allocate at least RM 25 billion (about 7.75 million yuan) to implement the national semiconductor strategy.Malaysia has become a global semiconductor research and development center.

As a major semiconductor industry country, South Korea must also retain this strategic industry.The South Korean government announced on May 23 that it had allocated 26 trillion won (about S $ 25.7 billion) to help Samsung and SK Hynix and other semiconductor giants continue to grow. At the same time, it supported a group of SMEs to develop into new giants.The world's largest "super chip industry cluster".

Seeing more and more movements in Western countries and neighboring countries, China dare not neglect.On May 24, the Chinese government established the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Third Phase Limited Co., Ltd., which is referred to as the "Third Phase of the Great Fund".This is a national investment fund with 344 billion yuan (about S $ 64 billion), with the largest scale.The Chinese government should use this money to establish its independent research and development capabilities in the semiconductor sector, and establish its own semiconductor supply chain to avoid being pinched by the United States.

China established 130 billion yuan "Big Fund First Phase" 10 years ago. In 2019, it established a "Big Fund Phase II" of 200 billion yuan to support the development of China's semiconductor industry and reduce relying on foreign chip technology.However, Bloomberg reported that, from the perspective of China's big investment, the current income returns are not proportional, and in particular, they have not been able to establish a supply chain that can completely get rid of Western technology.check.This will definitely affect the development of China's semiconductor industry.

The industry chain is still not perfect. China has only a soft posture and calls on the two most important semiconductor neighbor countries to cooperate with it to do a good job of supply chain.When China, Japan, and South Korea recently held a leader meeting, Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang called on China, Japan and South Korea to "deepen the interconnection of economic and trade, maintain the stable and smooth supply chain of the industrial chain", "leading scientific and technological innovation cooperation, and strengthening collaborative innovation and cutting -edge cooperation."

In addition to spending money, the United States has also implemented chip procurement restrictions and production equipment for China.The United States is fully targeted at China. It is to target China's scientific and technological development, and try to prevent China from using advanced chips such as AI, Astronomical, Military, the Internet of Things, and automobiles to lead the United States.

This is reminiscent of the dark forest law of science fiction novelist Liu Cixin.The Dark Forest Law and other similar hypotheses are mainly trying to answer the Fermi paradox, that is, the universe is so large, there should be many alien civilization, but why there has never been signs and evidence of any alien civilization.This kind of hypothesis advocates that civilizations in the universe are not good, and they will hide themselves, because once they are found, they will be destroyed by other planet civilization; if they know the existence of other planet civilizations, it will definitely target its development and even destroy it.

Such science fiction hypothesis releases the real world, and can also explain the game between China and the United States.The United States believes that the rise of China is definitely not conducive to its future, so it is necessary to do everything possible to the development of China.If it can, the United States will want to destroy China, and even one day in China will want to destroy the United States. Just as Germany in World War II wants to destroy Britain, Japan wants to destroy the United States, or longer in ancient Greece, the Spring and Autumn and Warring States PeriodsWhy is it that the city -state and the city -state, the country and the country are not the same day without wanting to destroy each other.


Dark Forest Law is a scene described by Xunxidd's trap; the former is a science fiction hypothesis, and the latter is a summary of historical experience, but they return to the same way.