In just nine months, the Singapore police cracked two large -scale money laundering cases with huge amounts of stolen money.Singapore is the world's major financial centers and wealth management centers. The illegal people regard Singapore as a shelter of illegal wealth, which has attracted the attention of Chinese people and internationally.

In August last year, the Singapore police dispatched 400 law enforcement officers and arrested 10 members of illegal gambling groups from China in many places across the island.They were charged with forged documents and laundering money in Singapore. The amount involved in the case exceeded 3 billion yuan, including cash, bank deposits, virtual currencies, gold bars, real estate, luxury cars and sports cars, brand bags, watches, jewelry and wine.Most of them have been convicted, and some have been deported after serving in prison.

As the case was about to settle, the Singapore police arrested a 35 -year -old Chinese man who lived in Singapore on May 24 at the request of the United States.He was accused of operating and controlling the world's largest malicious software criminal network, and sold the "zombie network" implanted in malicious software to network criminals, profit at least 99 million US dollars (about S $ 134 million)Zombie network fraud exceeded billions of dollars.

The U.S. Department of Justice pointed out that suspects use illegal income to purchase 21 real estate in the United States, Thailand, China, Arabia, and Singapore.It will freeze or fill his assets, including sports cars, bank deposits, famous watches and Uridar Road registered in Singapore.It also plans to extradite the suspect to the United States for trial.

Singapore has a zero tolerance for money laundering criminals.Statistics show that between 2020 and 2022, at least 240 local people were convicted for money laundering and seized more than 1.2 billion yuan in stolen money.However, even if Singapore adopts severe punishment law, illegal disciples will still treat Singapore as a shelter. Here, we will engage in money laundering, which destroys the image and status of Singapore's financial center and wealth management center.

On the other hand, in order to bleach the unjust money, the money laundering criminals do not hesitate to buy money to buy luxury homes, cars, watches, brand bags, etc.In the 3 billion yuan money laundering case, the assets involved in the police include 152 real estate, 62 luxury cars, and 294 brand -name bags.This not only promotes the psychology of showing off wealth and wealth, but also distorts the investment and consumer market.Therefore, Chinese people are generally applauded by the police to crack 3 billion yuan in money laundering, and many people think that the government should increase the punishment to effect.

Singapore is an open financial center and a country ruled by law. It faces many challenges in investigating money laundering and law enforcement.Singapore financial institutions have a huge transaction volume daily, and illegal people are mixed with water to touch the fish, put unwilling money into the banking system, and scattered money to different countries, different banks and shell companies to conceal the source of funds.

Secondly, Singapore is committed to developing wealth management business and protecting customers' privacy is an important consideration for high net worth individuals to choose funds.As the saying goes, there is no fish in the water to clear. In order to fight for business, financial institutions put their privacy privacy first, and money laundering criminals can cover up the footprint of capital flow.

Despite this or that difficulty, Singapore is still necessary to increase its efforts, strictly fight money laundering, so as to scare criminals to treat Singapore as a money laundering paradise.After a 3 billion yuan money laundering case, the government established a cross -departmental committee to review Singapore's anti -money laundering system and regulations.

The Minister of the Prime Minister of the Cross -Department Committee, the Minister of the Prime Minister of the Commission, and Ying Lanni, the Ministry of Finance and the Second Minister of the Ministry of Finance, pointed out in Congress that the 3 billion yuan money laundering case showed that criminals became more and more savvy.Even if the government tighten the regulations, they will still find new loopholes.She emphasized that government agencies and related enterprises must strengthen cooperation and disclose and stop money laundering activities.

Anti -money laundering, like anti -fraud, is a struggle without an end.In addition to tightening the rules of anti -money laundering, it is necessary for the government to increase reconnaissance and law enforcement, and increase punishment to play a deterrent force against money laundering criminals.The injustice of money laundering criminals is obtained through illegal means, and they must legalize illegal funds through layers of bleaching.

Therefore, in addition to law enforcement units, financial institutions, housing brokers, jewelry merchants, car dealers, and rural clubs in front line have obliged to report and block the footprint of black money to maintain the reputation and image of the Singapore financial center.