The 21st Shangri -La dialogue once again aroused the world's attention to peaceful topics. Ukrainian President Zelei, who was in the war of war, went to the venue to tell the weak country in the Anti -Japanese War.In the face of the relatively tough attitude of the potential conflict with the country.Because the contradictions and collisions of the China and the Philippines in the South China Sea are close at hand, the subsequent development is particularly worthy of the attention of the Southeast Asian people.It controls everything and does not allow the third battlefield after the Russian and Ukraine War and the Middle East War. It is in line with the original intention of Singapore to provide incense venues.The effect helps regional conflicts to cool down.

Recently, the friction and confrontation between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea continued to heat up.In the face of questions, Macson clearly expressed the scene where military conflicts may broke out with China. China recently announced that the maritime police will be allowed to detain those who are suspected of illegal cross -border in the disputed waters including the Philippines exclusive economic zone from June 15.Many comments believe that the tough attitude of the Philippines originated from "relying on the United States to support the waist."In the context that the negotiations and arbitration results of the belonging to the islands and reefs between the Philippines and the Philippines cannot be resolved, the United States has become the Formula of the Philippines for solving problems.However, Magaks also expressed frankly that the existence of the two major countries in China and the United States in the South China Sea is a long -term reality. This is not a choice. Both countries are important.

There are modern historical factors and international political factors, but all countries must face each other honestly under the principles of various international law.Only through the equal negotiations between the country and the principle of mutual benefit, can it be more likely to achieve long -term solutions and truly avoid possible conflicts.With the rise of the two sides, the risk of friction between China and the Philippines seemed to have repeatedly increased, and it was even considered by international public opinion that it was more likely to have conflicts than the Taiwan Strait.In the tough statement on the court, the Chinese Defense Minister Dong Jun described "touching porcelain" and "blackmail" in his speech, and said that "China maintaining restraint is limited."Wipe the gun and go to the fire.

It is comforted that in this meeting, the United States sees that it is trying to cool the tension atmosphere. In addition to repeatedly emphasizing the communication between the Chinese and American armies, the US Secretary of Defense Austin does not describe the maybe after China and the Philippines.Question.Austin even pointed out that he told Dong Jun that he could call the phone at any time in an emergency.The two major powers of China and the United States have not stared at the beard. The atmosphere of this session is not nervous as a whole, and the smell of gunpowder is not heavy. It is generally believed that there is a tacit understanding between China and the United States to show a responsible attitude and maintain peace to meet the peace to meet the peace to meet the peace to meet the complianceThe international community is looking forward to.However, in addition to their words and posture, China, the United States and the Philippines must take more specific actions in the next, alleviate frictions, improve mutual trust, and seek ways to cool each other's opposite, stop the risks, and increase the space for dialogue.

The coming of the US presidential election is coming, and it must pay attention to the conflict between the Middle East and the European war. Any accidents between China and the United States and the Philippines in the South China Sea will increase too much variable. This should be the main reason why the United States is unwilling to have extraordinary branches.However, the South China Sea is a very important shipping and economic and trade pulse of the world today. Any outbreak or continuous tension of any military conflict will seriously affect the interests of all Indo -Pacific countries in China and the Philippines, causing the economy of various countries with weak recovery.In addition, there are reasons for China and the Philippines to actively find plans and create equal dialogue and negotiation space.

The incense meeting of participants based on the Asia -Pacific region countries is more and more valued, because this is not only the same temperature of the same temperature of the toast, but as much as possible to participate in the state -owned opportunities to express their respective defense as much as possible to express their respective defense.Opinions and military gestures, or understand each other's bottom lines from the dialogue and speech confrontation.Before the Russian and Ukraine War, Russia also participated in its prosperity several times.Faced with the two battle that had already occurred, Dr. Huang Yonghong, the Minister of Defense of Singapore, called on the international community to avoid making various risks and potential consequences superimposed. Unconsciously, like boiled frogs, eventually led to the global system.Including supply chain, social structure and financial system.Maintaining peace requires the huge and unremitting efforts of all parties, and once the war fires, the country cannot return to the original shape.

For the countries in this region, the biggest potential threat is the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait. Both are inseparable from the two major China and the United States.To the greatest extent, it continues to become more and more fragile regional peace, and it is good.