The last business journey, in the new navigation cabin to Los Angeles, can finally watch the Crazy Rich Asians (Chinese translation: Golden Qi Yuan).The film is adapted from the novel of the same name of the American writer Guan Kevin, born in Singapore, starring Asian actors such as Michelle Yeoh, and the impression of many local Singaporean actors participated in, giving the audience preconceived.Essence

It must be acknowledged that Crazy rich is a standard for laughed and tears, full of entertainment, Hollywood.However, the author, as a Chinese descent of Singapore and worked hard in the business community for a long time, is an eligible portrayal of the wealthy class in Singapore in the film, which is almost completely distorted.The film's crazy off -wealth, outbreak household consumption, Cinderella -style marriage may be in line with the image of the rich man in the Western perspective.demeanor.

According to the latest data reported by the world's richest city, Singapore currently has about 245,000 net worth millions of dollars, which is equivalent to one of the wealthy among each 25 Singapore residents.Yes, the uncle Ange wearing shorts and slippers and sitting in the food pavilion and drinking coffee may be a low -key rich man.In fact, after the original author Guan Kewen settled in the United States since he was 11 years old, he is now 51 years old. Because he has not fulfilled the national service obligations, he has not set foot in Singapore's land in the past 40 years, and related works are inevitably full of exaggerated colors of "take for granted".

After 17 hours of long -distance flight, I finally arrived at Los Angeles, where the city of Hollywood is located. After the Asia -Pacific business travel permit was successfully cleared, I can finally use the long -lost mobile taxi software -Uber.Uber sold Southeast Asian business to GRAB in 2018, completely withdrawing from the Singapore market.2018 is also the year when the Crazy Rich Cinema Line is released.The driver's name in the mobile phone confirms the Chinese Pinyin in Chinese, Yao (Yao).

It is said that taxi drivers are business cards in a city, so the author also develops the habit of talking with the driver to get a glimpse of the local style.Maybe they are all Asians. The half -year -old Yao driver quickly opened the phone and introduced himself to Nanjing, China. 10 years ago, he settled with his wife as an investment immigrant to California to settle in California.In 10 years, the two children were born in the United States. Mr. Yao also changed from a successful person in the system to a Gu family who claimed to be herself.Home.His wife was engaged in the piano tutor and his income was higher.

During the conversation, Mr. Yao could feel that Mr. Yao had accepted the identity gap after immigrants, and like most Asian father, he pinned his ideals that he had not yet realized to the next generation.In the 1990s, Zhang Xueyou, a god of Asian Song, once had a driver in New York drove the dream of Beijing in the Greater China. The background of the song was also the American dream of Chinese immigrants in the last century.Two or three decades later, the taxi became a private car, and the life story in the sun is still similar.

Mr. Yao also shared his observation with me.He discovered that in the post -epidemic era, more and more Singaporeans came to the United States to engage in business activities, and the Singaporeans left him a good impression of hard work.Reading a lot of books is worse than traveling thousands of miles. If there is a lack of face -to -face communication between the country and the people of the country, the cognition of each other is only a one -sided impression from historical books, specific audience media, and film and television works.If there is a vitamin of politicians to distort and ugly the image of other countries to obtain political interests, it is prone to appear the demonization of the people of the two countries.

Li Xianlong, the state -funded government, proudly said at this year's Labor Day rally that people have high respect for Singapore, whether in a large country or a small country, whether it is a developed country or a developing country.This admiration from the world, in addition to attributing to the successful economic development policy of the Singapore government, and a diplomatic strategy that do not make friends, it must also be attributed to the business development spirit of Singaporeans from generation to generation.The light of human nature left abroad has become an example for the people of all countries in the world.

According to the latest annual polls of the Pew Research Center, nearly 80 % of the American adults have a negative view of China.However, the key prerequisite that the relevant polls did not list are: How many of these nearly 80 % of the American adults have visited China in person and communicated with the locals face to face?The vast Pacific Ocean between the United States and China is almost a whole day. After reaching the other side, it is necessary to quickly adjust the time difference between day and night.How to integrate the Chinese dream and the American dream into a "community of human destiny", both China and the United States have been in a long way from political elites to the general public.

The author's Los Angeles itinerary, including field visit to the Los Angeles Memorial Stadium, is the main venue of the 1932 and 1984 Olympic Games.Coincidentally, 1932 was the first time that Chinese athletes participated in the Olympic Games; and 1984 was a year when China and the United States' diplomatic significance were extraordinary. The two countries jointly resisted the 1980 Olympic Games held by the Soviet Union because of the Soviet Union invading Afghanistan.The 1984 Los Angeles Olympics became the first year when the New China returned to the Olympic family. China and won 15 gold medals in one fell swoop, greatly improving China's confidence in the early days of reform and opening up.The next temperature period of Sino -US relations requires a deeper understanding of the people of the two countries, and it also needs historical opportunities like the Los Angeles Olympic Games.

The author is President of the Asia -Pacific Regional Enterprise Group