Since the outbreak of the Harbin conflict in October last year, the Malaysian government and the people have launched actions to support Palestine, showing their support for Palestine's unprecedented support.These actions include the Ministry of Malaysia's Ministry of Education in public schools to "support Palestine Week", the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Guanlian Corporation provided humanitarian donations to the Palestinian people, the Palestinian parade organized by different non -governmental organizations, and BDS, which has continued to this daySports (Boycott resistance, DIVESTMENT withdrawal, SANCTIONS sanctions).

The occurrence of

This phenomenon can be simply attributed to two reasons: first, the foreign policy of Malaysia focused on the countryside of Muslim.Prime Minister Malaysia has long been self -proclaimed as participants and leaders of the Muslim World. After Mahathir came to power, the overall foreign policy tilted to the Muslim country and provoked the attention of the Palestinian issue most Muslim countries, Malaysia supports the Palestinian national self -determination movement and pursues the "two countries' plans."In 1981, Malaysia was the second country to recognize the comprehensive diplomatic status of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), which regarded them as the legal representative of the Palestinian people and allowed Palestine to set up an embassy in Malaysia.

Followed by Malaysia's political circles with Hamas's close relationship.Unlike other countries that sympathize with Palestine, whether in the Malaysia country, whether it is a government, a political party or a folk person, "support for Palestine" and "support for Hamas" are inseparable.Therefore, Hamas's control of the Gaza Strip was attacked by Israel, and directly touched the sensitive nerves of Malaysia and Malla's Bulletin Political Elite, and initiated solidarity activities for Palestine.

Initially, the Malaysian government was closely related to the Palestinian autonomous government, which is located on the west bank of the Jordan River.PLO Chairman Arafat visited Malaysia in 1984 and 1990, and Mahathir received himself.However, after 2013, the Palestinian policy of the Malaysian government has changed from support from the Palestinian Autonomous Government to supporting the Hamas regime.

Its iconic incident was when then Prime Minister Najib in January 2013, when Hamas and Fatheh, a Palestinian regime in Palestine, chose to go to the Gaza area controlled by Hamas and Lafa in the Egyptian border.access.

At that time, the reception of Hamas Prime Minister Hania was received.After Najib's visit, Khaled Meshaal, chairman of the Harma Politburo in December of that year, led an official delegation to Malaysia to visit the Malaysia and signed an agreement with the UMNO leadership.Mas also sent representatives to attend the UMNO conference.

Behind the scene with Hamas

Later, regardless of the Malaysian Prime Minister, they continued the Palestinian policy set by the Najib period, that is, to maintain a friendly relationship with Hamas.Mahathir often received Hamas leaders during the second term.Concerned about Israel's attack on the Palestinian people; when Anwar announced Ren Xiang at the end of 2022, he received a call from the then director of the Political and Education Bureau, Hania and Mechar.For a while, he power -on and supports the Palestinian people.

The friendliness of the Malaysian political circles and Hamas is not suddenly, and behind the scenes, it is actually operated through non -governmental organizations through a specific person.After the outbreak of the Gaza War in 2008, many non -governmental organizations that supported Palestinian, a Palestinian Cultural Organisation Malaysia (PCOM) in the Malaysia government and Hamasimportant role.

PCOM has a huge network in Malaysia and political circles.For example, Mahathir attended the launching ceremony of the organization in 2011; its sponsor in politics included Mrs. Anwar Azha, the current deputy leader Ahmad Zahi, and the current Minister of the Internal Affairs Savin.At that time, Ahmad Zahi, who was the Minister of the Interior, was accused of being an important promoter established by PCOM. Some analysis even pointed out that he was the co -founder, showing that the organization had close connections with the UMNO and the Justice Party.

So, what kind of organization is PCOM?PCOM claims that the purpose of the organization is to establish cross -cultural understanding of Palestine and Malaysia, improve people's understanding of the Palestinian issues, contact Malaysian officials and political parties to mobilize the support of Palestine's rights.The interests of the Palestinian community and refugees.But according to the study of MAREN KOSS, a German Middle East researcher, he found that PCOM and Hamas have a close connection, just like Hamas's "white gloves" in Southeast Asia.

It is said that PCOM's establishment was because Fartach's officials were unwilling to evacuate the embassy after the 2006 election defeated, forcing Hamas to set up an unofficial organization to connect Malaysia.Gauss found any activities organized by PCOM, and did not invite representatives of the Embassy of the Palestinian Autonomous Government, nor did they mention their names; PCOM's organization badge design is very similar to Hamas; members of the organization can also participateMass high -level visits to Malaysia.

The main reason for domestic political needs

Not only that, in April 2018, Hamas high -rise at a lecturer at a university in Malaysia was assassinated by Israeli agents on the streets of Kuala Lumpur. PCOM's senior officials were also found to take an important role at the funeral.In July 2020, a news about Hamas's organization of Wushu, showing that the letter was transferred by PCOM's chairman Muslim Imran.Interestingly, Gauss also found that Hamas intends to hide his relationship with PCOM, and cannot find the connection between these two organizations in any open official document. We can only use the person in charge of the organization.To judge his close relationship with Hamas.

This article believes that the Malaysian government's support for Hamas is the main reason for domestic political needs.When the UMNO and the Justice Party faced the fierce competition of the Islamic Party, high -profile supported a Hamas who resisted Israel in front of the front line, which could strengthen their "Islamic legitimacy" and mobilized Malay by the issue of Palestine.Muslim group.It can be understood that why the Malaysian government refuses the US request, does not label Hamas as a terrorist, and why Anwar was visited in Germany on March 11, the political connection between the Malaysian government and the Hamas organization and the Hamas organizationendorsement.Behind this series of "escort" of Hamas is actually the result of long -term lobbying of specific organizations and factors based on domestic political considerations in Malaysia.

The author is a doctoral student in the East Asia Research Institute of Taiwan Politburo, and the Malaysian current affairs commentator