Economic and national security is closely related.Without national security, there is no prosperity of the economy, but if you just strengthen security cooperation, it will make the regional situation nervous and may not be conducive to the economy.

U.S. President Biden threw an idea in October 2021 -India -Pacific Economic Framework and invited Southeast Asian countries at the United States -Asian Secret Summit in May of the following year.

I was interviewing the summit in Washington at that time. When I tossed in front of the computer for many times, I thought about how to explain the specific results of the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity, which was simply called the extensive two empty two empty two.Sentence: "The United States ... I hope to cooperate with regional partners through this framework to formulate rules for the areas of common concern. The framework is divided into four pillars, that is, formulating fair and tough trading rules, strengthening supply chain toughness, development infrastructure and green technologyAnd tax and anti -corruption work "

Two years later, the 14 member states of IPEF have opened several rounds of meetings, which lists the best ways to share the best operations in which aspects of the member states to increase the rules and standards.However, how the agreement can bring economic benefits to the people of individual countries, the people are still watching flowers in the fog.

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The most specific "benefit" in the agreement to this day, it is necessary to provide funding to provide funding in clean energy and sustainable infrastructure to drive investment.But whether it can be implemented is still a problem.

Bynden proposed this concept to show the United States' determination to continue to participate in the affairs of the Indo -Pacific region, and to repair the mutual trust of the United States and Indo -Pacific countries after the former President Trump withdrew from the Cross -Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP).However, due to domestic politics, the United States has stated from the beginning that IPEF does not talk about market access.

From the perspective of investment and trade, the content of IPEF is thin, but there are still seven countries actively responding in the ten countries, including Singapore, including Singapore.These countries are actually holding a hint of hope, hoping that with the IPEF unified labor rights, technology and other standards, they will restore the in -depth economic cooperation with the United States to be on the corner.

But now, even the first step of implementing IPEF is full of thorns.Trump, who has a good situation in the US presidential campaign, has stated that once the re -ruling will immediately "kick out".Trump did not pay attention to the Asia -Pacific region. IPEF was "TPP 2.0" for him, which would only hurt the manufacturing and workers in the United States.

Although the current U.S. government has repeatedly blowing the IPEF negotiations to reach a "substantial result", the fact is that there are only three talks in the four pillars. The trading pillar seems to be difficult to escape the bad luck.The United States has a different view of digital trade rules and is a large roadblock.

A few days ago asked a Japanese scholar, whether Japan would carry the flag instead of the United States like saving TPP and complete IPEF negotiations.The other party laughed bitterly that most of the "big guys" in the technology industry were in the United States.

Southeast Asian people's disappointment of the iPef, the Southeast Asian situation reported this week: 2024 is exposed.The negative evaluation of the results of the IPEF results increased from 11.7%last year to 14.9%; the most doubts, accounting for 44.8%.

Economic and national security is closely related.Without national security, there is no prosperity of the economy, but if you just strengthen security cooperation, it will make the regional situation nervous and may not be conducive to the economy.What's more, the economy itself is also an important tool, and the lifeblood of a country's people is tightly. Only diversification can ensure safety.

Of course, there are a lot of investment in the United States in the Indo -Pacific region, but there is no continuous operation, and its economic influence will only be small.

According to the Southeast Asian situation report, Southeast Asia has increased their influence on China and the United States in the region, but there are still more people who are welcoming the United States to increase economic influence than those who are worried.

After reporting out of the street, some colleagues received readers to write a letter and scolded, saying that "small countries should have self -knowledge", and they want to participate in regional affairs in large powers, but they are worried. "Monkey said that it does not accept the influence of the tiger in the forest.".

It is really useless, but the monkey will not lie flat and die.In order to ensure their survival, monkeys naturally hope that the ecology in the forest is richer, and animals can check and balance each other.If IPEF helps to keep strong beasts, it will be better as it brings prosperity as its name.