The failure of the truth is the difference between the legal immigration and illegal immigrants, and the righteousness of the immigration crime is lower than that of the native and the native Americans, so the harmless strange theory.Furthermore, the article does not face the topic that has been deeply concerned by voters. Instead, it is indeed incredible to persuade everyone to calm down, do not exclude, accept reality.

Anyone who has a little cognitive knows that the United States, who is elected, is currently plagued by the out of control of illegal immigration.However, the truth of the American immigration (hereinafter referred to as the truth) of the article signed by Qian Nanzhang on April 2, it seems that the American people's congress in the hot water is relocated to say that the arrival of immigrants is conducive to the US economy and it is not terrible.At the same time, the article also condemned the United States' Republican and Democratic parties to over -political immigration issues, causing division of the American people.Looking around the situation in the United States in recent years, it is not difficult to find that the argument of the article seemed to be plays, so it feels that it is necessary to discuss.

Extremely unfair immigration policy

The United States is an immigrant society. Immigration has brought economic development and diverse culture.However, any of the orderly economies must formulate a fair and effective immigration policy. Immigration must go through a legal screening procedure to become a permanent resident (holding a green card), and then may become a citizen.The influx of illegal immigrants not only destroy the safety of the country, but also extremely unfair to the country's original citizens and legal immigrants.Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) research reports (FAIR) research reports in 2023 illegal immigrants' financial burden on US taxpayers are estimated to have 15.5 million illegal immigrants.The conclusion is that the US taxpayer's services and benefits provided by illegal immigrants each year pay a total of approximately $ 182 billion (about S $ 245.4 billion).It should be noted that taxpayers refer to American citizens and legal immigrants.

The defeat of the truth is the difference between the difference between legal immigrants and illegal immigrants, and discussed the righteousness of immigration.Furthermore, the article does not look at the topic that has been deeply concerned by voters, and some time ago, Texas obtained the wave of 25 states because he insisted on establishing an iron wire to prevent illegal immigrants.Reality is indeed incredible.

Another point ignored by the article is that the unlimited acceptance of unlimited national borders to accept illegal immigration is one of the important political claims of the US Democratic Party.On the first day of the Ben of the White House in 2021, it stopped the construction of the US -Mexico border wall, opened the southern border, and also abolished Trump's policies such as "leaving immigrants in Mexico".Therefore, the total number of illegal immigrants entering the United States from the US -Mexico border is much higher than the number of people in from the US -Canada border, about 20 times.Most states in the southern United States are controlled by the Republican Party (commonly known as Hongzhou), so the Democratic Party has a desire to "turn blue" in these states.

Since the Democratic Party also announced that the state that it controls is "immigration asylum", the southern state that has been targeted at the federal law and cannot effectively curb illegal immigrants, under the limited budget, put the illegal immigration of a car car under the limited budget, the illegal immigration of a car car is under a limited budget.Send to the Democratic Party's "shelter" state.Since 2022, the Republican governor of Dezhou has sent 35,000 immigrants, of which 13,000 people arrived in New York.The Democratic New York Mayor Adams scolded Abbot lunatic, but accepted immigrants proudly.However, it is difficult to take care of the poor. When the federal funding is stagnant, Adams is crazy: In the city's speech on September 7 last year, he said that the immigration crisis was upgraded to "destroy the New York City".Abbot took the opportunity to point out that Ding Dian immigrant New York couldn't stand it. What should I do if facing several million immigrants?

Optimizing immigration, harmless?

The problem of illegal immigrants is not only a number, and even more fatal is the quality of immigration that has not been filtered.Christopher Lei, director of the Federal Investigation Bureau (FBI), issued a warning last month. Illegal immigrants also include criminals and terrorists, which threatened national security.There are people behind illegal immigrants and the operation of drug dealers.Thunder said that the fenne drugs obtained by the FBI in the past two years are enough to kill 270 million Americans.

In order to realize the concept of diversification, equality, and tolerance (DEI), the state controlled by the Democratic Party has also introduced strange measures such as non -bail to release the habit, and the smashing cannot be grabbed.The owner who was forced to occupy for three months changed his lock but was arrested by the police.California and New York State is the DEI severe disaster area. Recently, the incident of illegal immigrants attacked the police. During the arrest, the thugs, who were "sheltered", also raised their left and right hands.

On February 22 this year, Laken Riley, a 22 -year -old care student, was killed after being attacked while running in a forest area near Georgia University.The suspect was a Venezuela national. He was said to be illegally entered the United States. He was initially detained and was released.However, the murder caused the US House of Representatives to pass the Rakan Rakili Act named after the victims on March 7, asking the federal government to detain foreigners who "theft, theft, theft, or the stolen of the store", and allowed states to be allowedA lawsuit against the federal government does not implement the immigration law.

As soon as he mentioned, the police officer Jonathan Diller, a police officer in Queen's district in New York City, was killed on March 25.At that time, 31 -year -old Diller discovered an illegal suspension of the RV (SUV). He stepped forward and asked for an inspection. When the window was shaking, the rear passenger fired at the abdomen below the Diller's bullets, causing him not to rule him.Destiny.After Diller was shot, he still held the fierce firearm, and his robe came forward to shoot the murderer.The New York police held a funeral for Diller, and tens of thousands of police officers in the country came to mourn.

It is reported that the drivers and the rear men (Gushen) on the RV and the men (Gong Yinbi) on the RV were a criminal.Former President Trump attended the funeral, and the Democratic Party's New York State Governor Casey Herch came, but was blocked by the chairman of the police union and persuaded her to leave.Herch was cold, and it was reported that the Diller family believed that the governor was full of blood.

On March 25, Florida Federal Senator Marco Rubine Drudan mentioned that he was considering his candidate as the vice president and the national security issues caused by the border crisis.He said that such a serious terrible massacre occurred in the Moscow Theater, and the Islamic State Organization (ISIS) used only four people.ISIS was destroyed at the end of President Trump, and only a few people were hiding in the cave, but now these guys are dead.Rubio said that only four people can start such a slaughter, and "we already have 9 million people illegally crossing the situation."The truth also said that the data shows that "the possibility of immigration crime is far lower than the American citizen", what a joke!Intersection

The author is the local retireor