A woman with soft blonde is apron, embrace babies, grows vegetables and milk cows slowly in the farm. This is a picture displayed in the short video of social media bloggers.She gave up the ballet career after marriage. Today's life is based on baking, husband and eight children, attracting 8.9 million fans on IG.

Similar bloggers are not uncommon on social media such as Tiktok, IG.More and more white women who came from the family pictorial in the 1950s appeared on the screen of mobile phones. The banner clearly stated that the family form of the traditional male and female leads in the pursuit of traditional male and female leads, advocating women's family -centered lifestyles.Many of these videos are tags with Tradwife, that is, "traditional wife".This fashion has become popular in North America in recent years, and the content of the Tradwife label on TIKTOK has accumulated more than 70 million views.

Under the trend, the voices of criticism are up.In the past two months, media and other media have published reports in recent months, allowing readers to come out of the rural dream created by short videos and walk into the more comprehensive picture of the traditional wife.Far -in, the heavy and difficult household chores and farm work, the hardships of childbirth, and the emotional crisis of their husbands ... These dark currents are the background of the traditional wife's idyllic dream.

Of course, women have the right to choose various lifestyles, but those bloggers undoubtedly excessively beautify the lives of traditional wives, cater to the expectations of fans with exquisite performances, and relieve the audience's actual anxiety in a seemingly harmless way.For example, Estee, a traditional wife and blogger with nearly 200,000 fans, painted exquisite makeup to do housework, and advice on professional women who must take into account the family -resigning home is an excellent solution.

This seems to echo the trend of conservatives in the United States.ROE V. Wade's verdict was overturned by the Supreme Court two years ago, resulting in the restriction of women's abortion rights controlled by most Republicans.The Republican Party, which tends to conservativeism, uses the topic of anti -abortion, and then expands the status of maintaining women as a wife in traditional core families.Social media bloggers just grasped the anxiety of the people who were scrapped by these issues, and filled their hunger for fans.

This can not help but remind people of the "full -time children" concept that became popular on the Internet last year, that is, young people lift their home -to -home and do housework to receive wages from their parents.In the context of China's economic downturn, severe employment situation, and significant intergenerational inferiority, the choice of full -time children actually highlights the dilemma of young people.

But Xiaohongshu, Douyin and other social media bloggers depicting the carefree family squatting water accounts in full -time children, although it has a huge tear, but with the reality, it has a huge tear, but it is the American tradition of the United States on the other side of the ocean.His wife's life screen accidentally coincides.They claimed that "working for parents" more wise slogans than "working for bosses" also coincided with the reasons why traditional wives advocated "husband -centered".

The bloggers in the two areas of full -time children and traditional wives have inadvertently positioned the protagonist in the subordinate and position of the family, and provides the audience with the "evidence" of living a better life to allow the audience to put pressure on the "evidence" of others.Ordinary people, hope to seek asylum in the patriarchal structure, use the concept of traditional families, and place themselves in the responsible position, so as to realize the fantasy of security, but I do not know that it has fallen into the blogger's narrative trap.Running with the vision of truly grasping life.

After all, dreams are easy to wake up, but behind the filters, the complex twists and turns of real life are in progress.Remove the filter, behind the screen is the real world.