Since the beginning of this year, the first public sales (IPO) issuance rhythm has slowed down.Data show that the first season was launched by 31 companies, lower than 86 in the same period last year, with a total fundraising of 22.368 million yuan (RMB, Same as the same as S $ 4.62 million), which was lower than 96.13700 in the same period last year.The amount of fundraising of 10,000 yuan; 80 companies terminated IPOs (withdrawal), exceeding 47 in the same period last year.

Enterprises take the initiative to withdraw orders, whether for the internal reasons such as the decline in performance, or the external reasons for the queue too long, it is a good thing to withdraw the listing application.At least, in the current market environment, it is a good thing for investors.You know, the A -share market has not completely established an efficient, orderly, and strict regulatory mechanism. Especially in terms of listed companies withdrawing from the market, it has not yet formed an effective constraint and standardized system. After the enterprise enters the market, as long as there is no obvious violation of the rules, there are no obvious violations of regulationsThe problem, even if the performance has declined significantly, can be stealing in the market, and can even be reinstated again and again.

Why do capital investors like some companies that do not have much technology content, do not have good products, and do not have good market prospects?The reason is that through market operations and burning money, enterprises are made into profit tools with strong conceptual hype, promoting quickly listing, then delisting quickly, and completing capital speculative purposes.As for whether the enterprise has room for growth and whether it can bring positive factors to the market, capital investors will not ask. Even the company's actual controller will not consider this problem too much.Rather than being an entrepreneur, it is better to be a capital player. The company they "created" is the profit platform planned with capital copy.In the current A -share market, some companies have been listed for many years. The funds have raised billions of yuan, losses have reached billions of yuan, and their holdings have been cashless, but operating income has not reached billions of yuan, but the stock price has been speculated to the stock price to speculate to the stock price until it is speculated to the stock price to fired.Hundreds of yuan, can this be considered a company?It is clearly the profit tool for capital players.

Because of this, regulators have strengthened the supervision of the entry and entry of enterprises. They do not allow a large number of bad coins to enter the market because of the implementation of the registration system, which is completely correct.Through the severe investigation and punishment of illegal issues of listed companies, strict accountability of personnel involved, and severe supervision of intermediary agencies, people at all levels can be in awe of the market, law, and investors.Treating the listing of enterprises and treating listing with a responsible attitude, the quality of listed companies can be greatly improved.

The fact is that if the company's listing is through the barrier, it can only show that listing is not a pleasant thing, but a pain, not a good thing, but a bad thing.As everyone knows, the listing of enterprises is not just as simple as financing, but also has a strong support for the development of enterprises, bringing rich returns to investors.If it is listed on the market, these functions cannot be formed, especially investors, which may cause serious damage to companies that break through.

The listing of enterprises should be responsible, attitude, and confidence. Whether it is an enterprise, an intermediary agency, or a regulatory agency, the enterprise shall be treated as a career.The hidden risks, not stringing to make a breath, fool the listing, and create a profit space for capital investors.

Only by taking the good entry and minimizing the listing of companies abducted by capital can the listing of blood loss in the market be effectively blocked, and listed companies are not allowed to become a blood -drawn machine in the stock market, but hematopoietic machines.At present, there are too many listed companies that have been abducted and wrapped in capital by capital, especially in recent years, most of the listed companies created with concepts are mostly capital profit tools and platforms, causing a large number of blood loss in the stock market. Ordinary investors are ordinary investors. Ordinary investorsIt is difficult to provide enough blood to the market, which eventually leads to a serious decline in the market.

It should be encouraged to go public in the real quality enterprise and provide better development conditions for enterprises through the funds raised by listing.Those companies that introduce too much capital should strictly control their listing to avoid adding too much vampire to the market.The stock market must be a win -win platform for listed companies and investors, rather than winning or investors in listed companies. If so, the stock market will one day completely cross -platform.Remember, it is a cross -platform, not a collapse. The 3000 -point Chinese stock market has no qualifications to collapse.

The author is a Chinese financial commentator