China's dilemma from large extent comes from the negative image in the West, as well as the discourse system that is woven on this.Democratic dictatorship, justice to evil, Biden's hand is quite successful. In terms of policy coordination, almost all developed countries have responded, which has greatly changed China's geographical economic environment, but the driving force is notConflicts.

Since the launch of the trade war in US President Trump in 2018, China's rise in the international environment has deteriorated sharply. In terms of major difficulties in major Western countries and trading partnerships, it has experienced in the same difficult years.Capital reversal has reversed the tide of more than 40 years, and the economic danger is superimposed. For a while, it seems to be a Chu song, and the prospects are dim.However, in the undercurrent under this adversity, there was a dawn of the undercurrent: in the Sino -US relations that dominate the international relationship, the overall impact of the United States on the offensive United States on the international community is non -constructive, but China, which is in the trend, is constructive.The long -term trend is to disappear this long.

Non -constructive American

The United States is currently in an embarrassing position in international order.The international order of liberalism after World War II was established in one hand. For more than 70 years, it has spent strength to maintain and repair this architecture, and defeat the former socialist camp in the Cold War, including Chinese countries to join liberal order, and create creationThe glorious globalization after the Cold War.However, the United States now feels that this order is no longer in line with its interests.The rise of domestic populism turned it into introverted, and the Trump administration played a large -scale retirement group of "the first American"; the Bayeng government basically gave up the concept of free trade.

The United States no longer fights for ideals and beliefs, or even fights for national interests: Because it is high for a long time, its definition of national interests is extremely broad.In the event that can't be controlled, such as the Vietnam War, the Second Iraq war, etc., consumes the strength of the United States and ignores a large number of problems accumulated in China.The meaning of "Chinese threat theory" is also vague.

From Trump, the limits of the United States are often disappointed.Many ordinary economic and trade relations are suddenly politicized, mutual benefit and win -win into zero sum, and cooperation is coexisting in you and dying -at least emotionally.No ASML is allowed to sell it for after -sales service that it sells for Chinese products, and the US citizen and green card holders are employed by high -tech companies in China., Science and Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), investigating the persecution of Chinese and American professors, forcing allies to demolish Huawei equipment, suspecting that the Chinese production of heavy machines at the port, the anti -China of the two houses is very emotional.This bottomless behavior makes all its civilization claims pale and weak, which has a destructive effect on the order of the United States.The United States is becoming a mediocre country, and charm, appeal, and leadership are declining.

Construction of China

The United States has become a destroyer of international order, but China has become a maintenanceer.The international order with the main United Nations system as the core of China, the United States is canceled.Chinese leaders publicly declare that China is the beneficiary of the current order, and it is also a maintenanceer and unintentionally challenged the status of the United States.China also advocates the reform of the international governance system, but it is not to establish its own hegemony, but to make it more tolerant, mutually beneficial and representative, otherwise it will not have the reputation of "not interfere in the internal affairs".

Investment infrastructure in Africa in Africa has been accused by various accusations, but the actual effect is for the development of the country. It provides an urgent need for starting funds and infrastructure, as well as the convenience of international trade interoperability.These projects with high risks, low returns and long cycles are areas that developed countries have long been unwilling to get involved for a long time.China is one of the countries with the largest contribution of the United Nations peacekeeping operation. In recent years, it has actively participated in mediation international conflicts and contradictions. If it promotes Saudi Arabia and Iran, it has not fallen to Russia like people's predicted side in the Russia and Ukraine War.The policy of "making judgments based on the right and wrong of the matter itself" can be described as a pen.Even former US Secretary of State Kissinger believes that China is a large country with a stable role, which is very rare in the current troubled times.

The establishment of a fair and objective international image for a major rising country is the greatest national interest, which is longer, comprehensive and far -reaching than any other interests, and often gains in unexpected places.

Character interchange?

In terms of strength comparison, the United States has an advantage in most aspects. In some aspects, such as AIA and scientific and technological innovation, they even have an overwhelming advantage.However, the United States is in the situation of eating the old basis, leafing and ammunition. It can not be replaced while destroying the current order, which greatly increases the uncertainty of international relations and attracts allies' resentment and centrifugal.This kind of anxiety caused by worrying about its decline has used its national strength to use negative effects, which not only makes the nature of bilateral relations between China and the United States change, but also complicates its relationship with the allies.

In the West with a full victory in the Cold War, neo -liberalism is encountered unprecedented difficulties -social loss, political disorder, security loss, and elite loss.Liberal discourse hegemony is declining, and "the end of history" has become a laughing stock.Developing countries are looking for another path, and the "Chinese model" is quite attractive -at least China is much more effective in solving many of the same problems.American sinologist John King Fairbank said it for a long time that Western countries have to learn some of China's practices and make Tianping transfer. When they are "more like us", we are also "more like them".

In addition to the "Wolf Diplomacy" slightly impatient, China's adversity diplomacy has so far appeared calm, atmospheric, reasonable, and unreasonable.The three global initiatives in China, Trump's "US No. 1", and President Guoan Consultant Sarawon criticized global free trade and speeches on industrial policies.The United States embraces narrow nationalism.Of course, the United States is still advocating the basic values ​​of liberalism -democracy, freedom, human rights, rule of law, etc., and also holds two democratic summits.But in the current geopolitical situation, this is more like a moral abduction against the allies, and holds them against each other.

As long as China is not panic or chaos, the seemingly extremely difficult situation in the short term is expected to continue to unravel in the medium and long term, so that the foreign relations gradually enters the good situation of the source.

Turning to the international image is the key

Compared with 10 years ago, Chinese politics has not changed greatly, but Sino -US relations at the two time points are not the same as.The United States' blockade, targeting, decourse, encirclement, blocking, high -standing reprimand, etc., mainly because of anxiety, suffering and arrogance -of course, there are also definition of China as a "survival threat" but it is quite equal to define China as a "survival threat",Imagination.The European Union is also trending. The strategic outlook documents published have also listed China as "systematic competitors", showing "political consciousness", "core consciousness", "consciousness of alignment" and "awareness of the overall situation."Both cases reflect the changes in cognitive attitudes rather than interest relationships.

China's predicament comes from negative images in the West and the discourse system weaving on this basis.Democratic dictatorship, justice to evil, Biden's hand is quite successful. In terms of policy coordination, almost all developed countries have responded, which has greatly changed China's geographical economic environment, but the driving force is notConflicts.

For example, after Brexit, the Brexit immediately promoted the "golden age of Sino -British relations" to offset economic and trade losses caused by Brexit.Golden Age.Australia and Canada have always attached importance to the development of relations with China. In 2015, China is their largest trading partner.Like the United Kingdom, they immediately returned to the identity and position of Anglo -Saxon, holding up the flag of ideology, Gan Dang Anti -China Pioneer, and even sacrificing economic interests to make detrimable chains, which is more aggressive than the United States in many aspects.

China's negative image is to a certain extent because it does not completely clarify the relationship with the Soviet model.In China more than 40 years after reform and opening up, it has undergone worldwide changes, but the mainland government still uses old bottles of new wine.After 2013, the orthodox return of ideology made the title of the "Red Empire" in the Cold War easily be settled on it, and it was replaced into the formula and discourse system of the Cold War.The mainland government can only say that this is the United States "a serious misjudgment of China."

People should not forget that it is not long ago: a stream of "Chinese whirlwinds" sweeping the world, discussing the "Chinese model" everywhere, pursuing "Beijing Consensus", learning ChineseChina -Europe flights are crowded with politicians, scholars, tourists, and investors who come to China, professional and technical personnel and sales managers who look for jobs.

China has indeed achieved proud achievements: the economic miracles of 40 years, good social order, and the people in peace and career, and almost no homeless phenomenon, infrastructure, education, medical, health, housing, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment, environment,The cause of people's livelihood such as pension, fitness, sports, and sports has continued to improve, and it has eliminated absolute poverty; life expectancy, housing area and self -rate are even higher than some developed countries. Private car sales are the world's first;Execution and emergency mobilization ability is strong, and can be planned in all aspects for a long time; it is determined that everything to do can be done.Even if these are measured by Western standards, it is also a comprehensive improvement, which is the basis for changing the international image.

Therefore, Chinese people do not agree with the accusations of the Western government regime in the West. This accusation has strengthened their recognition of the mainland government.The people's livelihood issues are rising into the main political issues in developed countries, and the achievements of China may be sought after again.Just as it has changed from the red and purple overnight to a "survival threat", it is possible that China has changed from "bad guys" to "good people".However, this requires China to carefully summarize the differences with the former Soviet Union, carry out more thorough reforms, and continuously improve their levels through hard work.

In addition to the decline of the Western model mentioned above, the favorable conditions for China also include the rise of the global south and the polarization of the world.China should pay more attention to the common issues and challenges of human beings: environment, artificial intelligence (AI), security, distribution, employment, innovation, entrepreneurship, medical care, aging, etc.; More world language; more from a personal perspectiveLooking at and measuring the development of your own system, policies, laws, culture and values, such as paying more attention to the rule of law, human rights, and human dignity, this is the perspective of the problem that most people in the world (including the younger generation in China) look at the problem.Chinese traditional culture and current system often ignore this.

The author is a senior researcher at the East Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore