Recently, Norway will build a transmission line of about 54 kilometers long to provide electricity for the largest natural gas factory in Europe.This decision triggered fierce controversy with reindeer herders.This transmission line will cross the area where the reindeer herdsmen grazing in summer, and herders are worried that this will cause irreversible damage to their livelihood and natural environment.

Summer is a critical period for reindeer delivery and cub growth, and infrastructure such as transmission wire brackets may disturb the life and activity space of reindeer.

The purpose of

The purpose of building transmission lines is to achieve the goal of reduced carbon dioxide emissions from the level of 1990 by 2030 by 2030.In Hammerfest's liquefied natural gas factory, it will be converted from using natural gas to renewable power provided by the power grid; most of Norway's power comes from hydropower.

Eat reduction is a good thing, but the development of energy infrastructure in the grazing area must first destroy the natural environment.Herders feel that their land has been filled with town, small houses, roads and other infrastructure.

This is also a challenge facing the world in the process of energy transformation.Faced with the dual pressure of economic growth and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the local governments must make a weighing and decision -making on land use, and understand the impact of new energy projects on ecosystems and wildlife composition.