Facing the Western world, it becomes hysterical due to threats, and it must be opposite everywhere. How can Chinese companies go out?After the Chinese economic transformation does not start with the epidemic, the key is that China is like a large container freighter. It takes time to turn on the sea.

Last Thursday (March 28) attended the lectures sponsored by the China Trade China and Lianhe Morning Post to interpret the two sessions of China.In the questioning session, the guests have shared their current "economic cold winter" to share their views on how Chinese private enterprises should spend their current "economic cold winter".Due to the time relationship, he failed to ask for further advice.

At the end of November and early December last year, after 15 days of visa -free visa -free in China, I went to Changsha, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Shenzhen, and Macau. I visited friends who had not met for more than three years due to the epidemic.They are all private business owners, including financial, manufacturing, and foreign trade.Some are going to the sea after the restructuring.Anyone is a hundred battles and will not easily bow to the business owner.

The situation we heard and see outside China is not very positive about the current economic situation in China. It seems that the Chinese economy has been stunned at present, and it has since sank.Consulting the views of friends in this regard, it is generally reflected that the current Chinese economy is really bad.Friends engaged in finance also said that the evacuation of foreign capital was worrying.Comprehensive friends' opinions and personal observations, and understanding of China, I have some views:

1. Chinese governance tradition has always been from top to bottom, which is part of thousands of years of culture.Therefore, it is understandable whether private business owners can expect feasible policies.However, after the epidemic, when the people expect the central government to give policies to help restore economic vitality, the central government seems to be unable to make a satisfactory policy.Although the "two sessions" finally introduced the promotion of large -scale equipment updates and consumer goods to change the new action plan, it is unknown whether it can restore corporate confidence.After the equipment update and consumer goods are replaced, it can be used for a relatively long period of time.Then what?This is just a cure for the standard.

2. Some comments say that the Chinese economy is in the predicament of internal and external problems.Although there are some alarmist, it is not completely lost.Recently, in China, many central policies have given people the feeling of changing private enterprises and DPRK.On the other hand, they are also continuously observing the return of foreign capital.If foreign capital returns to China, it will show that China's economy is really developing in a positive direction.However, foreign investment is also watching the dynamics of Chinese enterprises (regardless of state -owned enterprises or private enterprises).If various indexes have risen, then this huge market will be played.This forms a bad cycle.If you don't move, I won't come; if you don't come, I won't move.

3. Western countries led by the United States will continue to target China, especially the United States.China is very clear.In a set of words, it is to "throw fantasy" in the United States.There are two cases of singing in China to decline in Western countries.First, it is really pessimistic about the Chinese market today; the first is that every China will be reversed.The latter is particularly reflected in Western media reports to China.The former reporter's head of the female forensic JD of Hong Kong drama has a golden sentence: "The news has never been the truth, only the position." China, which sees in the Western media, represents their position.

Today, both the European Union and the United States have launched or have to start a targeted on China's emerging industries, including new energy vehicles and batteries.US Treasury Minister Yellen pointed out that this was due to excess capacity in China, which caused distortion of international market prices and production laws and hurt American companies and workers.Huawei, ZTO, and Tiktok (although they have done their best to satisfy US regulations, the United States has also made great efforts to target it), and will not be the last batch of Chinese companies sanctioned by the United States or Western countries.

Chinese and Western cultures are fundamentally different. Western culture is based on competition, so it can only be summed up.And Chinese culture can be different from, so it can win.Facing the Western world, it becomes hysterical due to threats, and it must be opposite everywhere. How can Chinese companies go out?After the Chinese economic transformation does not start with the epidemic, the key is that China is like a large container freighter. It takes time to turn on the sea.

Corporate owners also understand that this time is different, and must be adjusted by themselves.Otherwise, it can only be eliminated.However, if the central government can make a good cook, it is easier for business owners to make various different delicious dishes.Everyone understands that changes need to be sacrificed, but everyone does not want to be the one who was sacrificed.

If confidence shouts, it will eventually become "standing and not back pain" and "I know that my mother is a woman", which will not help much of the current economic situation.More importantly, if ordinary people feel that the current economic situation is unsolved, the impact will not be limited to the economic field.

The author is a professional trainer, a business management consultant