Political parties with race as the boundary, will inevitably use other races as imaginary enemies, and if necessary, other races will be used as strike objects.

Recently returning to the tomb to sweep the tomb, pack McDonald's breakfast in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, and turns to the Malay clerk to stop me when he leaves breakfast and leaves: "Please visit every day."

I woke up after half a second.Looking at it, there are only a few table customers in the store, all of which are Chinese, and there is no table of Malay customers.Although there will be no Muslim customers during the day during the fasting moon, McDonald's McDonald's did face the Muslim's cup.

In fact, in the few days of Kuala Lumpur, anyone who passed McDonald's, KFC, Starbucks, KK Convenience Store, 99 Convenience Store, etc., either Menkelot, or two or three kittens.

After the conflict broke out in October last year in Israel and Hamas, Malaysia's Muslim Society has continued to this day to McDonald's and Starbucks.In early March, I went to Johor for a vacation. By the usual Malaysian customers, KFC had dinner. There were only three tables of customers and no Malay.Starbucks from Subang Parade, Subang Parade, recently closed shortly ago. It is said to be the result of the cup of action.

KK Convenience Stores because of the sales of "Allah", which caused the Muslims to dissatisfy. The Umno Youth League leader Akma launched a cup of cups on this chain store.The continuous incitement of Akma has led to the upgrade of KK's cup to a gasoline bomb attack.According to rumors of Ma Guo, the name of 99 convenience stores and KK convenience stores are similar, and they have been mistaken for the same group and suffered a cup.

The previous Bak Kut Teh was listed as a national gourmet heritage, which caused politicians to attack politicians. KK was resisted and thrown on gasoline bombs, explaining one thing -Ma Guo's affairs were politicized, and people's livelihood had been deeply harmed.

The Malaysian State implements the democratic system of parliament, pursues negotiation democracy. Political parties based on three major races reached consensus sharing power before independence, forming an early alliance and later national fronts, winning the previous elections of the Malaysia for decadesEssenceThis kind of political party politics with race as the line will inevitably use other races as an imaginary enemy, and if necessary, other races will also use other races as the target.

Recently Akma has stirred up the "Allah" storm, and it is not difficult to see the purpose of picking up political capital.Some netizens said that the actions of Ge Xing Buck have achieved results, so they do not believe that they can no longer pull down KK Convenience Store Group.

During the prime minister, such as Abdullaza and Mahathir, the UMNO power was holding a great power.Both Najib and Hishan Mu Ding once wore the Malaysian short sword vowed to safeguard the rights and interests of the Malaysians, let alone UMNO has not grasped the power in the dynasty. ThereforeThe essence of politics.

The column article of Zheng Dingxian, the deputy editor -in -chief of Xingzhou Daily, titled UMNO — without Jiangshan, only left the nature, and the UMNO is in the final analysis.

UMNO, MCA, and the National University as the racial party, the mission is to safeguard the interests of their respective ethnic groups.With the development of the times, the MCA and the National University of the National University have been cast aside by their ethnic groups, and UMNO faces the same destiny, especially when Malians' voters realize that UMNO can no longer play its original role, and there are IslamicAfter the party, the united party or the hopes of hoping that the alliance can be used as an alternative, UMNO will inevitably decline.From a certain perspective, the current struggle between Akma and others is more like struggling.

The Iraqi Party has thrived in the past few decades, and is now a hegemon of one party -controlled the four states of North Malaysia.In the competition with UMNO, the Iraqi Party has led UMNO.

The Iraqi Party was born from UMNO.In the early days of Umno, a group of Muslim Scholar established the Pan Malaysians Association, which is the predecessor of the Iraqi Party.After Mahathir came to power, he led the UMNO and the Iraqi Party to compete with fierce competition.After the first realization of the regime in Malaysia in 2018, Najib fell, the UMNO strength was greatly reduced, and the Turkistan party replaced it, but the Iraqi Party was a good fisherman.

From the recently screamed rulers of the Iraqi Party Hadi Awang, the Iraqi Party believes that it has accumulated sufficient political capital and can compete with the rulers to compete for the final voice of Muslim education.

Hadi Awang issued a statement on Facebook on February 20, reminding lawyers, judges, members of parliament, state councilors, and Malay ruler must defend Muslims, and must "aim at the eternal world after death, not the goal, not the goal of the eternal world after death, notBlind pursuit of world interests. "The words of Hadi Awang seemed to show that he was the representative of the Muslim Muslim, and even the Sudan had to listen to him.

In this battle for the right to speak for Islam, if the Iraqi Party occupies the upper hand, it may mean that the Malaysian Constitution will be rewritten.The Republic of the Muslim is worth paying attention to.