Is it possible for us to build a Singaporea -speaking school, mainly the main teaching priorities with the three major ethnic groups and three native tongues of the Chinese witch?In other words, the school enrolls students who are most interested in mother tongue and parent culture among the three major groups, and most of the subjects teach the mother tongue, and the extra -curricular auxiliary courses in the school can also be related to parent culture.

This must be the topic of old teeth, and it is an old problem for the light of the teeth.However, who knows that I have been engaged in Chinese and cultural education in Chinese language and cultural education, I have never stopped asking my views on this topic for decades.Coupled with local newspapers and the media from time to time, it seems that it has become a new topic.A thick memoir published by Mr. Li Guangyao, the founding Prime Minister of Jianguo in 2011: The challenge of my life: Singapore's bilingual road, showing bilingual, for our political great men, it is also a random marathon challenge for life and life.Essence

What else do we have to say about this topic?Yes, and you have to say as soon as possible, don't leave any regrets.

In the past 40 years, we have vigorously declared to the world that we are a bilingual education society.Bilingual education is the cornerstone of our national education policy, and to make others fully convinced, of course, it is constantly listed on the top global reading ability test.For example, in recent years, our reading ability, reading comprehension ability, and even online reading ability, mathematics, scientific ability, etc., especially the international student evaluation projects of the Economic Cooperation and Development Organization (OECD) of everyone.(PISA) exams have continued to achieve good results and even the top of the list.

This is also the key reason why educational delegations, principals and scholars in mainland China and Taiwan have continued to have been in Singapore in recent years.In some promotional short films produced for immigrants Singapore or came to Singapore, we saw foreign agencies, immigration companies, and educational institutions highly praised the road of bilingual education in Singapore.When they use our "bilingual education" and make money from the parents of Wangzi Jackie Chan, what do we let them learn?

When sharing, I always show the transcripts of our various international competitions and examinations to educators and inspection teams around the world.However, soon I will admit them to them -all the reading and understanding ability tests involved in Singapore students are evaluated in English, not the mother tongue of all ethnic groups.In fact, these beautiful results have not allowed us to prove the bilingual ability and advantages of Singapore students, and we cannot understand the gap between the ability between ourselves and bilingual people around the world through these achievements.

Even if you do n’t talk bilingual first, our students have not participated in the international mother tongue level test (such as the Chinese level test in mainland China or the Chinese language ability test in Taiwan).When we say that Singapore ’s primary and secondary school education is the world’ s first, and when the OECD has achieved impressive results, of course, we should definitely affirm the efforts and performance of the education system for many years.EssenceYes, I must admit to the International Inspection Troupe to let them see that we are willing to face up to blind spots and actively overcome.

The mother tongue of each ethnic group is near the critical point

So we should face up even more: Behind this charming number, do our people even be confused, or only continue to focus / focus on good English and mathematical subjects?The hidden concerns behind the numbers are actually getting bigger and bigger, because the mother tongue of our ethnic groups is close to the critical point.Just as after the dialect passed the critical point of that year, from the cliff -like rivers and rivers, it was stunned.

So far, we have seen only 8.7%of the most commonly used dialects in the "2020 National Census".This percentage will only decrease year by year as the elderly dies. The next generation will listen to dialects, and there are very few.Data speaking: The census in 2020 clearly shows that the strength of English in family terms is getting more and more obvious, and the status of the native language of all ethnic groups is falling rapidly.In just 10 years from 2010 to 2020, Chinese as the main family term, from 35.6%to 29.9%, while English as the main family term has soared from 32.3%to 48.3%.

If you look around the world from a macro perspective, as China's economic and cultural influence continues to increase, the internationalization of Chinese is becoming increasingly obvious. Mastering the needs of bilingual bilingual and even multi -language, it will definitely only increase.Is our bilingual advantage enough?Do we even have any advantages?Or we have already entered a single -language "worry" without knowing it, or unwilling to admit it?

If bilingual no longer becomes the cornerstone of our home, harmonious, and economic development, the unity of mother tongue will never exist again.Then, many education pioneers and Society of Social Hiroshi have bet on the past few centuries to advocate and protect their mother tongue.After we are independent, we set English as the first language, and the mother tongue is bilingual education in the second language, that is, the so -called "English -based bilingual system" will also be changed.According to the current social language trend, in the end, there may be only "worry" in English.In that, our former Chinese language, the prosperity of the Chinese book newspaper and the publishing industry, the Chinese school scenery, the dedication of the first Chinese University Nanyang University overseas will it be just a footnote of history?

The meaning of the historical long river

No, I think there are reasons for the efforts and persistence of these ancestors, Chinese businessmen, and signs, and signs. Perhaps it is not a moment, but it must have the meaning of historical long river.Today we still have the ability to set up the front and back, and we are still working hard, in fact, it is their meaning.Judging from today's system, in recent years, we have been actively cultivating bilingual talents from the people to officials in recent years.The Chinese Chinese generals, translations, Chinese literature, dual culture, and even Chinese history, cultural courses, etc. we launched in school are important nutritional conveyor belts (whether they focus on culture or economy and other practical value.As long as the motives can be aroused, they are all nutrition), which can strengthen students' Chinese ability and improve their understanding of Chinese culture, and can also promote the connection between Singapore and China.

Including the official and semi -official units such as Lee Kuan Yew's Bilingual Fund, promoting Chinese council, promoting the Chinese learning committee, the National Library Chinese Reading Committee, the China Cultural Center, the Chinese Cultural Center, the special school and the units of the university;New Newspaper Media Chinese Media Group, New Media and Bookstores, etc.; Grassroots and civilian institutions such as Zongxiang Federation, Club and reading clubs, etc., are still trying to strengthen Singapore's convergence point and hub for Chinese culture and business in this region.

Frankly speaking, in the past, I was fortunate to cooperate with each unit. I really saw countless officials and people who are willing to pay for money and sincerely promote Chinese language and culture.Even foreign friends, especially those who have difficulty in promoting Chinese education and culture around the world, are envious of our resources and support.Of course, you will also encounter nationals who have no sense of mother tongue culture, including individual Chinese society who have abandoned.However, so many organizations are still working hard. What are the reasons for us personally?

If you do n’t give up, we may be able to work hard from two aspects (there can be a lot of faces, but it is really expensive and not expensive), and work together.

First of all, if the English / single -language environment cannot be changed for the time being, the individual environment that must be improved is to make it Chinese / dual -language.If you even read the Chinese language, you do n’t insist on using Chinese with Chinese and grandson at home. Then, who will have so much in life in their surrounding life?Even if you are not familiar with Chinese, you can still create a small environment for pro -Chinese words, and even enjoy Chinese culture with children and grandsons, including the mother tongue settings of mobile phones, eye -catching popular media programswait.

Learning the attitude of the second language of the second language is more important

Other / multi -language regions such as Canada have confirmed that the attitude of parents is far more important for children's second language.Therefore, although it is not easy to create a small environment in the English environment, it is indeed controlled in your hands of the owner of each small environment. Don't make excuses for our own small environment and Chinese level.

I believe you are the same as me, and even most parents have the same feelings. We deeply hope that the next generation can use multi -language and free communication in the multi -language world.However, the English environment is not necessarily conducive to the acquisition of multi -language. Instead of complaining or protesting, we might as well create a small mother tongue environment.Only by adhering to the use of mother tongue in the family and providing children with a rich, natural learning bilingual environment, can we cultivate good language habits and broadcast high -quality bilingual / multi -language seeds for them.Bilingual bilateral culture not only allows children to be deeply rooted in the homeland, closely connecting our cultural root system, but also allows them to travel the world confidently and to pursue their dreams bravely.

Second, whether our environment is likely to make some improvements.If the country is really willing to face up to this "challenge of one country", it must be acknowledged that the existing officials and folk efforts are still insufficient, otherwise our social language trend will not change so fast.Of course, there are many ways to change the language environment, including multi -language notices in public places and exhibitions, a large number of mother tongue in the official use, and even university entrance examinations or civil servants selection, and the mother tongue is listed as necessary conditions.Everyone knows that it is not easy, but it is not easy to mean impossible -so it is a challenge, so it must be overcome.

I and like -minded friends even thought that Singapore has actively promoted and created the Singapore Sports School and Art School initiated and created by Singapore in recent years.Is it possible for us to build a Singaporea mother tongue school to focus on the three major ethnic groups and three mother tongues of the Chinese witch?In other words, the school enrolls students who are most interested in mother tongue and parent culture among the three major groups, and most of the subjects teach the mother tongue, and the extra -curricular auxiliary courses in the school can also be related to parent culture.Of course, students can also learn the language and culture of other races in the school, cultivate cross -language and cross -cultural abilities, and achieve the goal of true integration of different ethnic groups.

Of course, I will not say to educators and experts who scriptures foreign scriptures.Can the plan that can completely reverse the situation?

The author is engaged in Chinese teaching and local cultural research