Israel has enough reason to promote the strategy of cracking down on terrorism, including cracking down on Hamas, but it is too much to do too much, even if it can cause huge harm to the opponent, it may not even lose or even be counterproductive.Today Israel does not know if this is aware of this, and Israel, which is lost in the loss, may face a greater crisis.

Since the Harbin conflict on October 7, last year, the United Nations Security Council will not pass a clear resolution immediately on March 25 this year.Basic consensus of cease fire.The only votes in the United States have passed the resolution, which made Israel, which has been sheltered, and claimed that they would not follow the Security Council's resolution.Israel's stubbornness may make the United States, the United Nations, and the international community very headache. After all, it is more difficult to formulate and implement corresponding sanctions; but Israel may be more careful because they have gone too far after the crisis broke out.

First, it is too far in the design of war.At the beginning of the Harbin conflict, Israel sets a very high goal.The first is to directly define this military action as war, which means that, like the first five Middle East War, we must make every effort to mobilize domestic and foreign resources and strive for the most powerful legal basis.Then, the 300,000 troops were mobilized immediately, and a large number of reserve personnel were recalled from ordinary positions to deal with Hamas, which estimates about about 20,000 or 30,000 people, obviously an excessive arrangement of chickens and cattle swords.

After the start of the war, two specific goals were announced publicly, namely to rescue all the hostages and completely eliminated Hamas.Not to mention that these two goals are difficult to achieve, because the terrorist forces have never been completely cleared, not to mention the military blow to cure the standards, the 20 -year counter -terrorism war in Afghanistan is an example; let alone these two goals.There are still contradictions between each other and it is impossible to achieve at the same time. If you want to physically remove Hamas, where can you save the hostages?

During the advancement of the war, the hundreds of thousands of troops in Israel were getting farther and farther. The people of Gaza rushed from the north to the south. Now more than 1.5 million people are squeezed in the open -air refugee camps in the Lafaya area, and Israel stillThere is no intention of stopping the offense.If it continues, there is only one way left by the people of Gaza, which is the endless Mediterranean.No one ignored the huge casualties and pains of Israel under terrorist attacks, and few people opposed Israel's action to combat terrorism.The strategic intention behind it is unknown, but Israel has successfully pushed international public opinion to its opposite side.

U.S. patience is exhausted

The second is to go too far in the US relations.Due to the great influence of the Jewish Group in the United States, Israel has always been concerned about the relationship between the United States.After the Harbin conflict broke out in this round, the United States even formed an absolutely correct political correctness to Israel, and even Harvard President was forced to resign because he did not stand on the position of the Jews.However, over time and the advancement of military operations, Israel has begun to abuse the support of American allies and ignores the advice and warnings of the US government many times. Even if the US weapon assistance has not stopped, there are signs that the patience of the United States is being exhausted.Essence

The Democratic government of Biden originally had a heart of the right -wing cabinet of the Israeli Rockd Group.For the Senate leader of the Senate, which represents the authority of Jewish Jewish, has always publicly accused Israel's over -military operations, and Neitanho's friend and former US President Trump also said that Israel may make mistakes.Behind the steering of representative characters, it indicates the changes in American public opinion. On March 27, the Gallop poll shows that about 55%of Americans do not agree with Israel's continued attack on the besieged Gaza Strip, and the number of people in favor is less than reached that the number of people is less than reached.36%.

Israel may have forgotten that the survival of this land since its founding of the country depends on the strong support of Western countries, from the past British and French and other European countries to the United States.Maybe they will not really reach the opposite side of Israel, but their attitude will be an important basis for Israel's living environment. This time, the United States' abandonment votes in the Security Council should be to make Israel sober.

Third, it is too far in the humanitarian crisis.Nearly six months after the Gaza War, about 30,000 Palestinian died, most of which were women and children, and more than 1 million people were close to catastrophic hunger. Almost everyone faced the crisis of food shortage.The organization reports.This scale of humanitarian disaster is placed under the focus of attention of countries around the world, and may even exceed the civilian casualties brought by the Russian and Ukraine War, which lasted more than two years, coupled with the tragic encounters of the Palestinian people for nearly a century, and the billion Muslims from the 100 million Muslims.Concern for concerns, it undoubtedly promotes the global "moral indignation" as the United Nations Secretary -General Gutres.

All revenge or counterattack should be controlled within a certain limit. Both individuals and countries should be the case, but Israel obviously turns the revenge operation into a humanitarian disaster.What is the difference between the name?When women and children who do not resist resistance have become the object of being attacked, they cannot escape. What is the difference between even more sadness?Israel's current wartime cabinet has made itself in a very passive position on the humanitarian crisis. This is probably not only a problem, but a question of illegal law, just like South Africa in the international court to them.Said like that.

The more disappointment of the Pakistan, the less Israel is peaceful

Fourth, it is too far on the issue of Palestine.Arabia is surrounded by Israel, and coexisting with the Palestinian supporting Palestine they support is an essential way for Israel to survive.The "theory of the two countries" should be the future political framework that both sides and the world are willing to accept, and it is also the minimum requirement to ensure peace.Even so, many Palestinians are unwilling to accept, Hamas is one of them.However, Israel now ignores the "two countries", and replaces the absolute control of Gaza, and continuously erodes the settlement of the west bank of the Jordan River.You know, the more disappointment in Palestine, the less peace in Israel. This is the fact that Israel must recognize.

The Israeli Jerusalem Post reported on March 27 to prove this. After tracking the Harbin conflict, they found that Hamas estimated about 30,000 military personnel before the war.Israel has forced about 26,000 people to continue to fight, including 13,000 people killed, more than 10,000 injuries, and more than 2,000 captured, but now it is estimated that at least 15,000 people are continuing to fight.In other words, as the target of Israel to eliminate, the number of Hamas's overall staff is more and more, rather than the less and less.In this case, Israel pushes more and more Palestinians to the opposite of themselves, and fights in despair. Perhaps "the ocean of the people's war" is not a distant story for Israel, butIt is the reality in front of you.

Everything is too late, but the speed of desire is not reached.Israel has enough reasons to promote the strategy of cracking down on terrorism, including cracking down on Hamas, but it has done too much to do too much, even if it can cause huge damage to the opponent, it may often be worthy or even counterproductive.Today Israel does not know if this is aware of this, and Israel, which is lost in the loss, may face a greater crisis.

The author is Yangzhou current affairs commentator