On the occasion of the Harbin conflict for a long time, the consular building of the Iranian embassy in Syria, on April 1st killed seven Iranian military consultants, including three senior commanders.Iran vowed for revenge, causing concerns that the Middle East conflict may be upgraded.Although Iran is an enemy of Israel, Iran -supported armed organizations such as Gasha's Hamas and Lebanon's Althist Party conflict with Israel from time to time, but Israel chose to directly attack Iranian military personnel at this time, without the focus of transfer. For the United StatesAnti -guest is the calculation of a stone -oriented bird.This strategy may work, but it will inevitably expand the crisis of the Middle East.

In the increasingly serious humanitarian crisis in the humanitarian crisis, Israel faces increasingly strong international moral condemnation.Threatened to wipe out Hamas's Israeli Prime Minister Natanahu on March 31 that before launching ground offensives in the residue of Hamas battle camps in the southern city of Gaza, it will evacuate more than 1 million local Palestinian civilians.EssenceSeven staff members of the Charity Organization "World Central Kitchen" were killed by Israeli air strikes in central Gaza in the middle of Gaza on April 1, causing US President Bayeng to blame, saying that Israel did not do enough in protecting Gaza civilians and assistants.

In the face of the pressure of re -election in the election in November this year, although the national policy that supported Israel has not changed, when the UN Security Council requested the resolution of Gaza to stop fire on March 26, the United States abstracted for the first time instead of rejuvenating, reflecting the same reflection of the same, reflecting the same reflectionIsrael's differences are open.The U.S. Democratic Party, which has always sympathized with the Palestinian founding movement, was very dissatisfied with Bayeng's unable to achieve the ceasefire; the support rate of Biden in young voters fell, partly related to this.At the same time, Neganahu also faced domestic political pressure, and tens of thousands of Israelis held a demonstration in Jerusalem on March 31, asking him to step down and elected a new government.

The Consular Architecture of the Iranian Embassy in Syria has changed the situation to this day.International public opinion naturally focuses on the focus of attention, from humanitarian disasters in Gaza, to whether the Yihui will directly fight.As a common enemy, the United States stated the next day that it did not participate and did not know it in advance, and warned Iran not to use the topic to seek revenge on the United States.In order to protect Israel from being siege by the Lord, after Hamas launched a terrorist attack on October 7 last year, two aircraft carrier immediately sent two aircraft carrier to crack down on international waters near the Eastern Mediterranean.If Iran directly retaliates against Israel this time, the United States may be directly involved.

Although dissatisfied with the Neutanhahu government's refusal to cease fire, Washington still strongly supports Israel.The Washington Post reported on March 29 that more than 1,800 2,000 pounds of MK84 bombs were supplied to the United States and 500 500 pounds of MK82 bombs.These can be used to bomb Hamas.Reuters reported on April 2 that the United States is considering military sales facilities, including as many as 50 F-15 fighters and ammunition, as well as related support, training and maintenance.Since Israel and Iran have no common border, any military conflict must be based on air combat; providing fighters for Israel seems to have ahead of war.

According to Australian media reports, when Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping had electricity after the incident, he called on China to make good use of his influence on Iran to reflect the severe nature of the consulate attack.Iran's highest leader Hamenei said on April 2 that Israel would be punished, and Iran would regret the crime he committed.However, in addition to encouraging Altho, Hamas and Houthi forces to increase terrorist attacks, Tehran may lack other means because it will inevitably lead to the United States intervention.In order to retaliate against the US military base in Jordan on January 28, the U.S. military attacked seven Iranian armed forces in Iraq and Syria in the early February.

Nevertheless, the possibility of the expansion of conflicts in the Middle East cannot be ruled out.According to international law, the consulate abroad is regarded as the sovereign territory of the country, so the provocation of this attack is very strong.In addition to Hamenei, major officials such as Iranian President and Foreign Minister have stated that they will fight back, and the domestic public opinion of Iran will also force officials to act.This may be in the middle of Israel. After all, the situation of Gaza has so far caused Tellaviv to get into a diplomatic passive and isolated.The upgrade of conflicts in the Middle East may be conducive to Israel's disaster.But whether the situation will be more out of control will test the political wisdom of all parties involved.