Source: China News Agency

The realistic issues that are difficult to move back after the hukou moved out of the countryside, experts still need policy guidance.The latest issue of China News Agency, China News Weekly, is concerned about the relocation of household registration in rural areas. The article pointed out that behind the identity of the villagers is the core issues such as welfare dividends and land.

In the age of the planned economy, the hukou book determines the trend of life, and many villagers are keen to obtain urban hukou.Young people graduated from middle school. The city's hukou can enter the factory to work, and rural hukou can only go home to work.In the context of huge differences in urban and rural hukou, the wave of "agricultural transfer" indicators has set off a "agricultural transfer" indicator in many places in the 1980s.However, once farmers settle in the city, it is difficult to move back to the countryside.

It is reported that when some rural areas are demolished large -scale demolition land, they will give dividends to all rural household registration personnel at the original site at the original site.EssenceIn addition, demolition division is also more common.

Zheng Fengtian, director of the Rural Development Research Institute of Renmin University of China, told China News Weekly that some rich rural areas in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, once losing rural hukou, will have a lot of benefits.Therefore, many people are reluctant to relocate their accounts after their education.

A person in charge of the household administration department of Ningxiang City Public Security Bureau in Hunan Province said that the household administration department can go through the procedures for relocation for those who meet the policy requirements, but the villagers' welfare treatment after the relocation is still determined by the village.

Han Xia (pseudonym), a cadre of a village and village in Zibo, Shandong, said that when some people in their villages moved to the town, even if they could move back, the village committee would generally agree"Second -class villagers".The village where her parents live in the economy and have good welfare, and the village has a red light to the relocate.

Around 1980, China carried out the first round of rural land contracting, and the second round was completed in the mid -to -late 1990s.Since 2025, the second round of land contracting has gradually expired in the country.However, whether the entire household registration of the villagers has lost the right to land contracting, Xia Zhuzhi, associate professor of the China Rural Governance Research Center of Wuhan University, said that there is no clear specification in law.

It is worth noting that in recent years, the national level has indeed paid more and more attention to the interests of those who have moved into the town.

In September 2020, the Ministry of Natural Resources has responded to the "Registration of Rural House Setal Land Use Right Registration" mentioned in the "Thirteenth National People's Congress 3226 Proposal No. 3226":The children of urban household registration are inherited and registered for real estate.

On February 4 this year, Zhu Weidong, deputy director of the Office of the Central Finance and Economics Committee and deputy director of the Office of the Central Rural Work Leading Group, emphasized at the press conference of the State Council's Journalism Office that it must be protected by the city's land contract management rights and homestead use rightsThe right to distribute with collective income.

In recent years, Jiangsu, Shandong and other places have issued regulations to relax the conditions for relocation of households to relocate rural areas.

Xia Zhuzhi said that this is not encouraging "citizens to go to the countryside", nor does it mean that rural homesteads are open to cities, nor is it "counter -urbanization".Let the eligible people "regret the relocation".

Data show that the urbanization rate of China in 2023 was 66.16 %, and compared with the level of about 80 % of the developed economies, there is still much room for improvement.According to experts, hundreds of millions of farmers will enter the city by 2035.

Lu Ming, a special professor of the School of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiaotong University, believes that the design of the household registration system in the past country is not conducive to the flow of population between urban and rural areas, so reform should start from two aspects.The government must create conditions to adapt to the process of urbanization, such as increasing the construction of urban public rental housing, but also gradually decoupled the rights and household registration in rural areas.righteous.

As Weidong said: "Farmers entering the city are a long process. Before the city has taken root, don't rush to break their back to the village."