The author believes that the "talents" of the Chinese in the United States have benefited from China's social experience, educational background, reading experience, and long -term memories and reflections.The United States must have a more tolerant system and mentality, but in this field of power, adaptation and game of foreigners may be more complicated than simple "successful stories".

Recently, the author saw such a question on the Internet: how many Chinese talents in the United States have gone to the United States after success in China, and how many of them have become talents after completing their studies in the United States.This is very interesting and worth thinking about. In fact, it involves several levels of attention: first, whether there are Chinese talents in the country in China and even being targeted, the phenomenon of the United States is scattered.It provides an institutional environment that is more tolerant and more incentive, so that immigrants from China and even around the world can do their best to be buried after coming to the United States?Third, what are the definitions and standards of "talent" and "talent" here?Especially in the era of globalization of talent flow, a person often has multiple identities and self -recognition, which side of the talent is just like the export goods that are sold back to the place of the company's headquarters after the outsourcing processing.It is indeed a phenomenon worth studying.

This also seems to involve the "talent" problem that has attracted widespread interest in China in the 1980s.In the final analysis, the progress of a society is promoted by a few outstanding talents to benefit the general public.Therefore, the political culture of China in that era began to become diversified from the "fighting heroes" and "model of labor" and "models of labor".People have also begun to realize that the meaning of the concept of "talent" is not to create a hero model of thousands of people, but under the emerging diversified and personalized standards, pay attention to some person's personal talents and special persons and special ones.Professional contribution and tolerant some individual defects.In the context of this value conversion, the Chinese public opinion in the early 1980s, who has respected the non -political and pure academics such as mathematician Chen Jingrun.He praised a group of large -scale promoting corporate reforms, or the earliest reforms of the reorganized talents with distinctive personality.

In this way, talents are some kinds of expertise and talents, can make the director to the extreme, have a distinctive personality, and even cause social controversy.This image is better than the unsatisfactory tall and full -type "hero models" more personal characteristics and color, and the contribution is not limited to moral calligraphy. Instead, it is more practical to promote social change or academic research.The diverse meaning attracts deep thinking.For example, the absolute confidence of the female star Liu Xiaoqing, and the pursuit of the self -feelings of the female writer Yue Luo Jin challenged the social behavior norms and marriage model at the time.

However, the impact of the old valuable concept of the same society and the challenges of the old system show different samples in the background of the transnational background.For those who leave the mother country, adapting to the mainstream culture of foreign countries is a process that requires a lot of time and energy.In other words, for multinational "talents", it may be a long time, and maybe life is in the process of adapting and learning, rather than challenging and reconstruction.

The influence of traditional Chinese family culture is deep

Back to the initial problem, it should be said that most of the Chinese who have achieved achievements in the American science and technology and academic circles -here refers to the first generation of immigrants who settled in the United States through studying abroad and immigrants after adulthood -its fundamental worldview and valuesSome of the invisible factor that emotions or that they are more fundamentally promoted to their success, it must have been laid before going abroad.To put it simply, these "talents" had a successful basic condition and potential before being "cultivated" by the US high education and research systems in the end of the United States, and some people have made preliminary contributions.Among these conditions before the United States, including an important and often neglected factor, the influence of traditional Chinese family culture.

From the experience of the older Chinese social science scholars in the older generation, we can clearly see that whether He Bingxuan, Yu Yingshi, Tang Degang or Lin Yusheng, Zhang Yan, or Shang Jian, who is active in the academic world, came fromIn the late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, the economic and cultural elite families with excellent conditions.Their spiritual background and the academic aspirations of their lives have long been a long time after the family and personalized modern history, and even the teacher's relationship between the Chinese (such as Xiao Gongquan to Huang Zongzhi, Lei Haizong to He Bingzheng, Qian Muzhi Zhizhi.In Yu Yuying, Yin Haiguang was shaped by Lin Yusheng and Zhang Yan, and even the history of literary history, Xia Zhiqing and Xia Jian's brothers).

The United States provided is more standardized modern academic training, cutting -edge research theory and paradigm, secular school halo, and an English publishing and research environment based on academic circles.But as if he saw in the sixty years of the history of He Bingzheng's memories, he also thanked the American mentor for his appreciation and affirmation of his doctoral dissertation, but the people who really remembered the names of the small section were really emotionally remembered.They were all teachers when they were studying in China.He did not have a U.S. professor to recall. For decades of teaching in the United States, a American student was not mentioned in the memoir.

Among the most familiar Chinese history scholars in mainland China, most of the scholars born in the 1950s have completed postgraduate education in China before going to the United States to study in China.Specialty, then go abroad for further studies.These scholars have matured mentally before going to the United States. They have a family study and academic heritage. They also have a lot of personal pain, struggle, and struggle for the personal experience of Chinese history after 1949. They are also deeply rooted in consciousness.

The number of American -style doctoral education, academic research roads, innovation methods, and even academic publishing systems are just grafted on the foundation of Chinese experience in the first half of their lives, so that they can be plasticized.It can be said that they have achieved self -improvement, vision expansion, and sublimation of academic realms, but they cannot be said that they have become "talents" in the United States.That is to say, in terms of the critical thinking of Americans every day, if it is not already had sufficient critical thinking, why should a Chinese university teacher overcome difficulties and go to foreign countries to study abroad?

But, as mentioned earlier, since the first generation of immigrants have observed, learned, imitated, and integrated into the cultural shock, this also makes it difficult for students to have a breakthrough in research.In the paradigm established by Americans, or after the precedent of research that has established a research, it has further found the Chinese example and conducted very detailed empirical research in technology.Because of the long imitation and integration, this scholar group has not formally participated in some major issues of major issues of Chinese history in the English -speaking community, whether it is whether there is a public domain in modern China (Huang Zongzhi is the older generation of the non -mainland background.The argument of the scholars) is still the "new Qing history" dispute in the past few years, but it is still in the anxiety of whether it is "see" by the mainstream academic community in the United States in a large -scale meeting.

The success of secular significance masks many problems

The author wants to point out that the visible success of Chinese academic talents in the secular sense of the United States, including obtaining a degree in prestigious schools, obtaining lifelong teaching positions, and publishing monographs.Do not participate in major issues, as well as the promotion of the tacit understanding of teachers and students with "long teaching" with American students, and it is difficult to realize the ideal problems such as "academic inheritance" in the hearts of many Chinese scholars.Indeed, most Chinese scholars who are first -class academic achievements are often trapped in third -rate schools in the United States.

In ordinary American universities,Professors of Chinese descent often spend a lot of energy to think about how to get a higher scoring of students, how to try to bridge a "Chinese" scholar with professional social science research experience, and a large number of inland inland in the United States.The background and cognitive gap between students who have experienced simple experiences and the world views are seriously affected by American business media.Such an sub -fit and popularity, the clarified "explanation" is certainly necessary, and it is also the meaning of the question of teachers, but this is just a problem of communication.High -quality resonance.

Perhaps because of this, a "50 post -50s" American Chinese scholars who have achieved outstanding achievements in Chinese and English have admitted to the author that he hopes to "inherit" his life -threatening Chinese graduate students who have learned to teach part -time teaching.The author also always believes that another senior scholar with a strong background and profound academic power. "If" in the first -class school in China, it should affect more students than in the United States.It was also this scholar that later realized that Chinese scholars should have a clearer self -subject consciousness and cannot always be a person who adapt to the American paradigm.

Recently, Zhao Dingxin, a famous sociologist who has been dismissed and resigned because of Zhejiang University's dismissal and resignation storm. In the author's opinion, it may be imperfect in personality.Academic talents.The reason why Professor Zhao thought back to China after Rongxiu in the United States, strengthen and transform a sociology department according to his own way and experience, and cultivate Chinese students. He still has some Chinese complex and ideal factor that belongs to his generation.

Back to the initial problem again, the author believes that the "talents" of the Chinese in the United States have benefited from Chinese social experience, educational background, reading experience, and long -term memories and reflections.In fact, even writers who are famous for their English creativity such as Harbin, Li Yanyun, and Yan Geling are writing China and writing themselves; Russian writer Nabokov's Lolita is not a Russian story, but only in it.The memoir said in the memory, we saw the Russian who was deep in the memory.

Of course, how to break through the "Chinese bottle" in thinking, creation and values ​​is another issue.Secondly, some people who are unsatisfactory in China are more successful in the United States, and there are Americans who are not very good in the United States. They feel like fish in China, which may be related to individual encounters.Third, the United States must have a more tolerant system and mentality in order to allow a large number of immigrants to play the director as much as possible for the United States.However, in this field of power, the adaptation and game of foreigners may be more complicated than the simplified "successful story".