Recently, Chinese leaders have met with representatives of the American business and strategic academic circles, including the proposal of the "Xiu Catalded Trap", Ellison, which has made the concept of "Xiuxiandid Trap" again discussed by the time.The so -called "cultivation of the trap" is a kind of security predicament of mutual disobedience; the lack of trust, not the real existence of threats, is a sufficient condition for the establishment of the trap.There are many reasons for the lack of mutual trust, and the state of the main body is also one of the roots of mutual trust.Sighting the wounds of their respective spiritual trauma between China and the United States, and soothe, it may be one of the solutions of Sino -US relations.

In China, it can be found that a national psychological tendency is the poeticization of the country, becoming the object of lyric and appreciation, as a scenery for the people to appreciate, to obtain the inner aesthetic experience.

Not only is it related to the ancient and long history of the country and the moment when the rise and revitalization, even the experience of modern humiliation and ignorance has been pulled away from the theme of rescue as the target of the aesthetic appreciation of the public.The image of the country has become a panoramic aesthetic scenery, which is the opportunity to arouse the passion of the people.This poetic image everywhere is obviously incompatible with the reality of controversial social events in recent years. There is a certain gap in the country's poetic appreciation and the aesthetic ability of society itself.This is because once you enter the field of real and practicality, romantic aesthetic experience will be moved immediately, because the attributes involving objects will be a real, which will eliminate the infinite possibilities required for lyric imagination.

Romantic poetic experience, which is similar to the concept of infinite possibilities, distant, and abstract national concepts itself, and it is difficult to even restore the real aesthetic ability in society.It lacks a decisive ability to pierce the poetic experience and achieve the true appropriateness and control of the truth and the trueness of the soul.Therefore, the poetic country imagines the truth of the incomplete society and is judged to be two points.What is even more frightening is that what seems to be raised in romantic aesthetics is the country, but in fact, the country that is an experience as a poetic experience is abstract, but it may be specific and expanded self. Therefore, many societyBehind the problem, it is actually the flood of personal desire.

The poetic imagination of the country reflects a self -confident national mentality, so that everything in the country, regardless of beauty and ugliness, grasp it as lyric objects, and even suffering can make self -comfort compensation.This self -confidence is derived from the treatment of inferiority. In fact, it is covering inferiority, and inferiority rather than self -confidence is the true source of syndrome.This is a modern history trauma that China has not yet been solved.

The history of the late Qing Dynasty into the history is a tragedy course of the gradual collapse of self -confidence and the gradual dissolution of conceptual boundaries. It is also the process of stable personality core deconstruction.In the Qing Dynasty, Wei Yuan first advocated the discussion of "the teacher's long skills" to make a change in the times.The so -called "Yi" means barbaric, and "long skills" is a symbol of advanced. The two can actually combine it, which is also a surprise.That was to admit that the Westerners were more advanced, but they were still unwilling, but they were brutal, and the contradictions of their mentality arrived, witnessing the state's civil war in the state of adaptation at that time.

In the long run, inferiority is accompanied by self -blade of self. Learning Western skills can not become Western politics.In a way to completely destroy self, as a package of solutions for Moni -style, a package of problems.The trauma of this modern history is still to be cured. What it needs is not the false confidence of overlooking, but the true self -confidence of the vision, nor is it in the abstract government, but the specific carrier of emotions -nationals.

The United States also has spiritual trauma

In the United States, traces everywhere are the end of the country.The US presidential election is in full swing. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party are fiercely offensive and defensive around several topics that are always talking about the old. In fact, the two sides' refutation of each other's routes are actually condensed for this sentence: the country will die, there must be wickers.Trump believed that Biden was destroying the United States, and Biden believed that Trump was destroying democracy.

This is actually a misunderstanding of democratic procedures. Because democracy is not used to choose from, it is used to compromise.When democracy is used to make the so -called national destiny choice, it can only be believed that the country's psychology has spread deeply.A few obedience to the majority of democratic procedures are actually a compromise mechanism. If it is used as a selection mechanism, no matter what the proportion of a few to the majority, the choice of a few people cannot be represented and represented by the choice of most people.The democratic elections related to the destiny of the country are just the inexplicable panic psychology of the people, distorting the performance of normal democratic mechanisms. It is also a symbolic therapy to resort to passion, identity, and instant decisions to overcome panic., Strive to get rid of the long uncertain panic that plagues the soul.

Panic is not only seen in the civil war of the United States, but also hysteria on the opposite.The comprehensive national strength of the United States is far exceeding China. In China, it is a three -sided place in China. The recent military resident is only 300 nautical miles away from China.Any geopolital game with China, the United States is deemed to be the first card in the Mimino card of the hegemony. The disadvantage of any specific game point has been risen to a global height.This is undoubtedly hysterical, and it is also an abnormal height of panic.The academic circles have discussed this kind of crisis as a source of self -relief and excitement in the American nation, but this may be distortion; a rational crisis mobilization, such as stimulating agents to patients, can be temporarily used to refer to immune;If you have never seen an immune effect, it can only show that this is an unimporated disease of the country's psychology.

A kind of emotion with direction, it is inevitable to accompany an anti -directional emotion, with similar strength and hidden in the subconscious; the panic of the national psychological departure basis is derived from the arrogance and arrogance of the depths of the soul.EssenceIncreasing arrogance and arrogance for their own achievements, they are more and more afraid of the possibility of losing both achievements, and arrogance and fear become a closed -loop that supports each other: overcome one after another, and the pride of raw expansion is increasingly expanded.And this arrogance must accompany more far -reaching fear, which eventually leads to both arrogance and fear from reality and become a pathological state.Pride may come from the excessive smoothness after the founding of the United States, and it has never encountered a threat to the problem of the existence of the country. From the arrogance of too smoothness, it is also a kind of spiritual trauma, and it lacks a kind of peaceful and mental attitude.

The trauma of inferiority may be healed, and the arrogance of excessive smoothness may be difficult to heal. It requires a historical experience of the real experience and the power of impermanence that does not move artificially.But this is a tragedy for the main body of persistent arrogance.

Soothing their respective trauma may be the solution of Sino -US relations.But for the subject, nearly a reorganization of personality requires enough effort to add opportunities.If you do n’t see the monarch, who is determined by the rise and fall?

The author is a doctoral student at the School of International Relations of Sichuan University