Lianhe Zaobao published an article by Professor Wang Feiling of Georgia Institute of Technology on April 1st on April 1st. The three views are the key to competition management and transformation in China and the United States.I really do not agree with some of the arguments and arguments of Professor Wang, closely written some texts to discuss with Professor Wang.

The views of the dissertation only are easy to fall into the white horse's dispute, and finally become a debate of dragon.Therefore, let's talk about it first.

The first and most powerful arguments for the text: From 1952 to 1953, in orderAfter 15 months, more than 10,000 American soldiers were sacrificed.

This argument is indeed convincing to prove that "the U.S. government does not hesitate to fight the blood at the end", and it is indeed convincing.However, the North Korean War: The Korean War: Years of Stalemate (p. 17, 18), while explaining this moral motivation, it also gave the other two other reasons for "blood war to the end": 1. Prisoners of warTo achieve repatriation according to your own wishes, you do n’t have to return to your motherland. For the West, it is a very useful publicity in the Cold War; second, the establishment of a prisoner of war with the Geneva prisoners of war voluntarily repatriated the repatriation right to the army.During the war, there will be a huge dividend.Because the soldiers of these troops knew that if they defected or surrendered, they would not be repatriated to their motherland.In short, realizing the voluntary repatriation of these prisoners of war is not only conducive to the current propaganda, but also creating conditions for future victory without war.The three views only refer to moral motivation. It is probably biased without mentioning the reality and long -term interests of the US government.

As for the United States to participate in World War II, I am afraid not only to "defend their beliefs and lifestyles."Since the three views and one article discuss Sino -US relations, the United States uses the strategic consideration of the United States to support the Chinese Anti -Japanese War to make a note for the United States' motivation.

Elliott Roosevelt, the son of President Roosevelt, has the following dialogue on page 53 of his father's memoir:

Eliott asked Roosevelt, why do you give China aid?

Roosevelt replied: Without China's resistance, Japan will occupy Australia, India and the Middle East, in the nearby east and German conferences, completely surround the Soviet Union, occupy Egypt, and cut off all the traffic lines in the Mediterranean ...

Roosevelt's answer proves the basic guidelines of international politics: the values ​​of a country are rooted in the country's national interests and serve the country's national interests.

The conclusion of the

Three Views is that China must be "internal change and three views updates, and its opening to the outside world can continue to the outside world and its rise will be peaceful and smooth."Unfortunately, Edward Luce, an American editor and columnist in the British Financial Times, does not seem to agree with this view.His comments on March 8, 2023 commented on the article "China Is Right About us containment".Will the tension between China and the United States continue?His answer is: even so, China will not reduce the anger of curbing the United States, and the United States will not be willing to share the spotlight with other countries.

In short, China is required to change the three views to manage Sino -US competition.

The author is the president of the British Three Rubber Technology Company