Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai on Monday (April 1) pointed out in Hadie Jie's return to the church that people with a sense of tribal recognition can condense the consistent goals, but if the spirit of coexistence of compromises is lacking, it may cause the communityHost of each other.He said that this phenomenon has been staged around the world, and Singapore also faces various pressures that may tear society.

Sociologists point out that the social network of modern human beings has split into a unique "tribe" from a large -scale community based on the objects of religion, race, and culture.In the tribe, people have a strong sense of identity and often have a hostile attitude to outsiders.

Huang Xuncai pointed out that human beings are more free than in the past and can do what they like to do. Modern technology also connects people unprecedentedly.However, it is contradictory that people around the world feel more emotional pressure, loneliness and sense of isolation.When interpersonal relationships are more alienated, people naturally return to the original "tribal instinct" to find their tribes.

Singapore is a urban country, which is widely opened to solicit talents and attracted funds from all over the world to invest here.Therefore, Singapore is a high -quality society.The diversified open society has made Singapore and the global Unicom more convenient and promoted Singapore's economic development.But at the same time, it produces many tribes and is more vulnerable to the influence of foreign politics and cultural disputes.

In addition to traditional diversified races, religions and languages, Singapore has emerging tribes such as gender, sexual orientation, animal rights, and environmental protection topics.During the crown disease epidemic, those who opposed the vaccine actively mobilized. Their members include doctors and propose different discussions from the official.In addition, the American music scene Tyrler's recent concert in Singapore is difficult to find. Local fans have gathered, asking the government to restrict the amount of foreign ticket purchases so that they have the right to prioritize tickets.

The popularity of social media has contributed to echo room effects and niche consciousness, further exacerbating the sense of identity of the tribe, increasing social fragmentation and compressing open space.The tribe with a single subject is easy to lead to the phenomenon of seeing the trees without the forest. It is liter to other tribes, and the heavy may lead to extreme thoughts and behaviors, causing social anxiety.

When a tribal identity is pushed to the extreme, it may cause fanaticism to blindly follow the tribe's credo, even if it contains false information.At the same time, they could not compromise others at all.Huang Xuncai warned that this would form a concept of "non -me is him", provoking the grievances and hostility between the group, leading to the division of society.

Under the exacerbation of global geopolitical contradictions, Singapore's evergreen subjects of races, religions and languages ​​will continue to be deeply influenced and impacted by foreign events, and have different responses to different tribes.The Harbin conflict, the South China Sea, and the Taiwan Straits seem to be far away from Singapore, but different tribes feel the emotional impact.

With the rapid changes in Singapore's society and the change of social structure, more new tribes will appear, and the original emerging tribe may accelerate their agenda and demands.This may trigger a rebound in other tribes.Therefore, ensuring that public space is not squeezed, it is essential for social cohesion.

The government ensures the harmony of society through legislation and formulation policies.This includes internal security laws to maintain the harmonious laws of education to prevent online false information and online manipulation laws and prevent foreign intervention (response measures).In addition to maintaining the collective consciousness of the people, common values, and psychological construction of the state recognition, the construction of social cohesion is more critical.

Human beings are social animals, and things are the instinct of survival. Tribal identity will always be displayed in this or that form.During the British rule, the colonial government passed the division of policies to ensure that different tribes and deaths did not communicate with each other to reduce the friction of diverse society.However, in a society where modern information is developed, the policy of dividing the division is no longer possible.For sovereign countries such as Singapore, this policy is not conducive to cultivating national identity.

As long as the concept of the national country still exists, the tribes need to expand the "imagination community" cognition.When multiple identity is conflict, the interests of the state must be placed on the tribal identity.How to cultivate and practice this common values ​​is the arduous challenge faced by Singapore's cities.