India is competing for China's manufacturing crown.But can it succeed?

The Hong Kong South China Morning Post website published on March 23 that India is competing for China's manufacturing championship to analyze whether India can capture the manufacturing crown from China and become the next "world factory".Article excerpts as follows:

Kimner, the capital of Tamil Nadang, India, is known as "Detroit of South Asia" because of becoming a automobile manufacturing center.Now, it has quickly expanded global influence by attracting Apple's top contract suppliers.

As global companies seeking to establish a manufacturing base in many places in many places in the context of seeking games in the United States and China, many industrial hotspots in India have begun to expand, and Kim Nai is just one of them.

Analysts said that in the context of changes in world order, India may soon challenge the advantages of China's manufacturing.

The co -founder and CEO of Emo Mubi Manufacturing Company, Barlate Crhhona Laive Pot Lury, plans to establish a strategic partnership with Japanese Honda and Musashi Precision Industry to create a low -cost twoThe precedent of the wheels provides enterprises with the last mile of delivery services."We are abandoning the concept of super factories, and more believe in micro -factories in the regional distribution, closer to consumption points."

The first mini -factory of Emobic Manufacturing Company will begin production in Bangalore, Kanatak State in July this year.

Port Ruri acknowledged that Chinese companies have led the global leader of electric vehicles for 10 to 15 years, but he hopes to reduce the gap through new technologies and software development and integration.

Industry executives said that by combining the traditional advantages of India in software development with manufacturing, the Indian industry can open up new growth paths.

Adidi Raman, Deputy Moody's Analysis Company, said: "The long -term prospects of India are optimistic. Domestic demand will continue to act as an important growth drive. Strong investment and government expenditure are the key factor." She said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said, she said,Although India may have more production bases, India still needs to solve the obvious gap between urban and rural infrastructure.This gap leads to some inequality, such as the difference in fuel prices across the country.Analysts said the imbalance of the investment pattern will hinder India's manufacturing ambitions.Obviously, India still has a long way to go to catch up with the powerful neighbors in the north.

The partner of the strategic consulting company of Asia's strategic counseling company, Schbabrata Sengupa, said: "Many companies in the world will continue to maintain in -depth contact with China, although some facilities may be built in other places to build some facilities in other places"He said, one of the main reasons is that China occupies nearly one -third of global demand in certain product categories, and China has also established a complete manufacturing ecosystem."Therefore, even if the final assembly is transferred from China to Vietnam or India even in some cases, you may find that the parts are still from China. The nerve center of these supply chains is still in China." (Compilation/Tu Yan)