According to the Hong Kong South China Morning Post website reported on March 31, industry leaders said that if Chinese artificial intelligence companies want to catch up with the US market leaders, they need to focus on developmentYour own hardware and software.

It is reported that on March 27, at a sub -forum of the Boao Forum for Asia 2024 held in Hainan Province, Liu Cong, vice president of China Artificial Intelligence Enterprise Science and Technology, acknowledged that the consensus in China is to generate the generation to generate the generation that is generating to generate the generation.In terms of artificial intelligence, China is now "gap" with the top international level.He said that when China stepped up, "software and hardware controlled control" is very important, especially in large models.

The big model is the deep learning artificial intelligence algorithm behind the chat robot such as ChatGPT (chat generation to generate pre -training converters), which can use massive data sets to identify, summarize, translate, predict, and generate text content.

HKUST, headquartered in Anhui, is one of the main Chinese companies that have launched chat robots, but its chairman Liu Qingfeng acknowledged that China's big model must bring in the "real gap" of its products and American competitors.

It is reported that semiconductor chips used to deal with large models are controlled by one of the main obstacles to the development of Chinese -generated artificial intelligence.In 2022, the United States prohibits Nvidia and Chaowei Semiconductor companies selling their most powerful chips to China in 2022, as well as equipment used to create these chips.The United States also forced other countries to follow the United States.

Zeng Yi, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said at the above -mentioned sub -forum that due to the persecution of Washington, Chinese companies must not only focus on the breakthrough of large models, but also focus on developing new software and hardware.

Zeng Yi said: "I believe artificial intelligence is still the trend of the global industrial chain. But we must also make such preparations. In the hardware infrastructure, we do not rely on these these that may be with us'" desulting chain ".Technology. "

It is reported that the United States and China are in a fierce competition in the field of artificial intelligence. China is considered to have increasingly leading leaders in the fields of facial recognition and autonomous driving.

According to the US Consumer News and Commercial Channel website reported on March 31, among many Chinese technology giants and startups in China, there have been no mainstream artificial intelligence companies that can compete with the American OpenAI.

However, although China is behind the basic models led by OPENAI and Google's "Gemini" artificial intelligence model, it is narrowing the gap by using the large language model LLAMA 1 of the Yuan universe platform.Dacheng Global Consulting Company Senior Vice President Paul Tre and said that Chinese competitors are quickly catching up even behind.

It is reported that China does have technical talents and can play a role in artificial intelligence competition in the next few years.

A new study conducted by Marco Polo Research Organization shows that 60%of the world's top artificial intelligence institutions are located in the United States. The United States is still the main destination of artificial intelligence elites, accounting for 57%of the total number of talents, and and and the total number of talents.China only accounts for 12%.However, research has found that China leads the United States in training top artificial intelligence researchers.Based on the number of undergraduates, China accounts for 47%, and the United States is behind 18%.

It is reported that the new Chinese competitors in the GM's artificial intelligence market can also quickly achieve large -scale applications.Baidu's ChatGPT competitor "Wen Xinyin" released by Baidu in August 2023 will receive approximately 100 million users by the end of 2023.

Several other Chinese companies are also moving forward, and they have received funding support from the main participants in the Chinese technology market.Large -scale cloud companies such as Baidu, Alibaba, social media companies such as Bytes, Tencent and other social media companies, Shangtang Technology, HKUST Xunfei, Kuang Technology and Horizon Robotics, and some research institutions are helping this effort.

It is reported that Techo believes that GM's "real killer -level application" will come from those companies willing to invest in this technology as part of their business operations.Alibaba is focusing on integrating artificial intelligence into its e -commerce ecosystem.

Singapore's technical consulting agency Asia Analysis of the founder and CEO of Podcast Bonard Liang (Sound) said that Huawei also has greater ambitions to develop artificial intelligence for specific industries, including mining industries.(Compiled/Du Yuanjiang Ma Dan)