Asianan has proven that different political systems and countries in different democratic forms can seek common ground while depositing differences and coexist.Therefore, if the great power can open his mind and leave the desire to dominate the world, you must coexist and honor, you don't have to divide each other camps, and there is no need to make zero -sum games in the name of debitness.

The third democratic summit held in Seoul from March 18th to 20th, it can be said to start at a low -key start and quietly end.Although I tried my best to search online, I couldn't find many reports and information related to this summit.In the end, several countries and governments attended this meeting mainly online, and there were no exact numbers.That is, the United States, which initiated this summit in 2021, seems to be in a hurry.After attending the first day of the meeting, U.S. Secretary of State Brillings hurriedly continued to visit the Philippines and left the stall to South Korean President Yin Xiyue.Singapore's mainstream media simply reported the main points of speeches on the opening day, and there was no renewal afterwards.

World media, especially Western media, the cold treatment of this summit, indicating that everyone is not interested in the summit, and it is equivalent to feeling that the summit has nothing to do with the macro, itchy, and it does not matter that the major topics that are concerned about the current countries in the world.The fact is true.Summit theme: For the future generations of democracy (Democracy for Future Generations), the discussion is probably to combat corruption, support human rights, support democratic reforms, defend free elections, support independent media, and promote science and technology for democracy.

The only new point is the issue of artificial intelligence (AI) talked about by Brinton on the first day of the summit.He said that AI has huge potential, can promote development, directly improve people's lives, and give them confidence in democratic models.But at the same time, digital technology, social media and AI have also created a wave of false information to exacerbate polarization and chaos.Blint also announced that the US State Department released a series of suggestions called "democratic roadmap" on the same day to help people understand and resist information manipulation.This includes encouraging social media companies to label AI to generate content, so that users can identify the authenticity they see.In addition, this summit is really new.

At the end of 2021, the first summit was held online. The three major themes were anti -authoritarian, anti -corruption, and promoting human rights.Everyone knows that the spearheads mainly point to China and Russia, which are characterized by the Western world headed by the United States as the authoritarian system.In short, the Democratic Summit is Xiangzhuang dance sword, intending Pei Gong, and democracy is just a guise.If you really want to talk about democracy, in fact, you have to start from the United States itself, because after more than 200 years of evolution in the United States, important qualitative changes have occurred.It is believed that the current American democracy is essentially the Plutocracy, but the current American does not seem to have the ability to reform itself.

The Second Summit was held online last March, hosted by the United States, Costa Rica, Zambia, the Netherlands, and South Korea.The third summit was led by South Korea.The first summit is said to have 110 countries and government representatives invited to participate, and the second session has 120 countries, private groups and technology companies.The response at this peak seems to be relatively cold.

Everyone knows that the so -called democratic summit is only to serve the geopolitical strategic strategy of the United States, establish a "democratic camp" to fight against the "authoritarian camp", and the main target is China.But most countries in the world, including Singapore, are not interested in this, although we are also democratic countries.

On May 25 last year, during the "Future of Asia" Q & A session of the Nikkei Forum, the host asked the Deputy Prime Minister and Treasury Minister Huang Xuncai to ask the United States to make choices between democracy and autocracy, as well as SingaporeWhat do he think of not being invited to participate in the Democratic Summit?Huang Xuncai clearly states that the complex world of humans cannot simply classify and label binary labels.Huang Xuncai said that instead of using a cognitive framework such as "Democratic to Autocracy" to split the world or divide the opposing camps, more importantly, the establishment of a common cause between countries and the existence and cooperation of the mainland governments.

He also said that Singapore feels comfortable with his own system and does not require foreign or external events to prove Singapore's status."If you ask, do Singapore have the characteristics of other Western free democratic systems? The answer is not completely. In fact, we do not blindly copy the practices of others. We learn and adjust, apply, and develop a model suitable for our own needs and situations.This model has been effective so far and achieved good results. "

Indeed, democracy does not need to be the same, nor can it be required to be a single model.As you touch it yourself, you can't intervene because of the system of others.In the United Nations family, it is a golden discussion without intervention in the domestic affairs, but power often turns blindly.This is the most regrettable.

Southeast Asian countries are being able to form a family of Asian fine security because of the principle of respecting each other's sovereignty independence and non -intervention of each other's internal affairs.In this big family, there are so -called democracy in the West, there are also a socialist country with a dictatorship, and there are also democratic countries like Singapore in the definition of the United States.Asiansan follows the principles of the United Nations internally, promoted to the outside world, and also implemented a policy with friends from all over the country.Because of this, it hopes that the United States can find a balancing point of coexistence with China, rather than fighting for a deadly fight.The ideological struggle is actually outdated. Regardless of the black cat and white cat, it is a good cat that can catch mice.Therefore, what cat should be made by all countries by themselves.

Asianian has proven that countries with different political systems and different democratic forms can seek common ground while surviving and coexist.Therefore, if the great power can open his mind and leave the desire to dominate the world, you must coexist and honor, you don't have to divide each other camps, and there is no need to make zero -sum games in the name of debitness.Today's doctrine, whether it is socialism or democraticism, is not an idealism.As soon as all the doctrines are implemented, they have changed. The problem is that politicians often hang idealism in their mouths.

Two American political scholars Christopher H. Achen and Larry M. Bartels pointed outNow, including the democracy spoken by politicians and some scholars, it is just the so -called "Folk Theory" democracy, ideals and Romantik, but completely separate from reality.The reality, the results of democracy are very different from the ideals.Taking the United States as an example, the so -called people governing the people to enjoy the people, but the result is that money distorts politics. The rich, large enterprises and various chambers of commerce have applied for a large amount of money to fund campaign and lobbying politicians and political parties to ensure that government policies are conducive to their vested vested vessels.Benefit.In this democratic process, ordinary people can't play any role.

Today, most countries have realized that extravaganceism is not available, whether it is socialism or democraticism.Governing the country must be pragmatic, not empty talk, nor can it be kept.This means that the system must be adapted to local conditions, and the policy must be adapt to time. Therefore, it is possible to talk about talked about soldiers and sings on the paper.The Democratic Summit, which is purely a geopolitical strategic service of a great country, can also take a break.

The author is a former journalist, a former member of the Congress