Source: Bloomberg

Author: jarrell dillard

They carry heavy student loans.They were rejected by the housing market.They were impacted by rising living expenses.They want President Joe Biden to listen to their voices.

As Donald Trump was weakened at the time of Biden's support among young people in 2020, the dissatisfaction among people aged 18-29 is increasing.A worry signs.

Gallop's recent survey data shows that people of this age are more than twice the possibility of their economy as their most concerned about issues.Although all voters are now worried about the economy than when the presidential election in 2020, pessimism is most obvious among voters under the age of 30.

This concern is reflected in polls.According to the March poll of Bloomberg News/Morning Consult, Trump currently leads Biden among the 18-34-year-old voters 18-34 years old.In contrast, Bayeng won 61%of voters under 30 years in the last round of elections.

Although there are still a few months before the November election, people's attitudes may also change, but there is no doubt that Bayeng needs the support of the Z -generation and millennial voters to win.

When voters are dissatisfied with the economy, the current president will be blamed.The challenge facing Biden is that despite the stable economic growth in the past year, the employment market is strong, and the inflation rate is also declining, public opinion surveys show that many people do not feel this.

The younger generation faces a long string of unfavorable factor: student loans are blocked, interest rates have reached the highest level since their birth, and rents are expensive.

In contrast, older Americans may live in houses with low mortgage interest rates. The rise in the property market and stock market over the years may benefit them a lot, so they are not as good as the economy as young people.pessimistic.After getting rid of the popularity of coronal viruses, different generations of people in different generations are very different in financial conditions, which may guide Bayeon how to pass political information to young people.

Christian Martin, a 22 -year -old student from Atlanta, Georgia, said he did not feel the impact of Biden's economic policy.He was worried that he had to repay student loans and pay high living expenses after graduation.

"If Biden can solve the problems that young people feel, the vote rate may be higher than expected," he said in an interview."This is the opportunity to listen to our voice, because this is basically a promise that has not been fulfilled."