For the recent concept of "new quality productive forces" proposed by China's official, some scholars have interpreted that the current economic policy ideas in China are still supply -side reforms, and the effort point is still the supply side rather than the demand side.According to the perspective of Keynesianism, corresponding scholars believe that in China's consumption -related fields, they have not received enough attention.For this reason, they were worried.In their opinion, China was facing serious problems with overcapacity, and now facing the risk of decoupled and "de -risk" markets in developed countries.Against such a background, it is still not from the demand to the side, and it is still from the supply side, which will only worsen the problem of overcapacity.This view is actually quite questionable.

In order to explain this problem, we also explain the "Baozi Economics" of Tsinghua University professor Sun Liping.The statement of applying Sun Liping is that the current reality of the Chinese economy is just like the breakfast shop has made "buns", but it can't be sold at all.For this phenomenon, in terms of economics, it is a typical insufficient internal demand.

So someone began to make an article from the demand side, calling on everyone to buy buns.But unfortunately, the buns can't be sold.This means that there is no room for making articles on the demand side.Therefore, everyone turned their attention to the supply side.After some investigation and research, the final conclusion was that the delicious buns were very limited, and the buns that could not be swallowed made a bunch.As a countermeasure, that is to make more delicious buns, less or not swallowing buns, and provide products that are suitable for marketing, in order to open the market and sell buns.But the effect is still limited.The delicious buns are made, but the sales volume still has not improved accordingly. Many people still do not buy buns.

For this reason, some people conducted another round of investigation. Finally, the symptoms of problems were that people's disposable income was too low. 10 yuan a bun. People could not afford it and could not form effective demand.We know that the price of goods and services is affected by market demand and supply.When the market supply is greater than demand, in order to promote sales, major manufacturers often choose to reduce product prices.Therefore, some people recommend the boss of the breakfast shop: Your buns are so expensive, how can it be?During the price reduction, will the sales go up?

But the boss of the breakfast shop is also bitter: I also know that this bun is expensive, and I know that 10 yuan a bun people can't afford it at all.But the problem is that the cost of my buns is there.Not to mention, in this bun, non -production consumption such as taxation and land rent account for a large piece. What can I do?In addition, although raw materials, meat and vegetables are not expensive, they are expensive. The logistics costs of each bun are united.Coupled with the artificial cost of seven or seven eight, you know how high the cost of a bun is.You said, how do I cut the price?

It is assumed that people's consumption tendencies are unchanged at this time and their income remains unchanged.If you want to sell buns to achieve the purpose of expanding domestic demand, obviously, you have to start from the supply side.The government should first significantly reduce the tax rate of individual and enterprises to increase personal savings capabilities and improve their investment capabilities and investment enthusiasm, especially to increase technical investment.It is very simple. Technological progress can affect the price level at the same time through income effects (increased income levels) and output effects (increased cost -effectiveness).The income effect of technological progress is a slow variable, which is not easy to detect in the short term, but the output effect can quickly bring increased supply of some commodities, which in turn causes the price to fall.The advancement of science and technology allows manufacturers to reduce production costs and improve the competitiveness of products in the market through scale benefits.

In other words, in order to sell buns, it is mainly necessary to optimize the factor configuration and adjust the production structure, thereby improving the quality and efficiency of the supply system.Only in this way can we systematically reduce the production cost of buns and then reduce product prices.The lower price often stimulates greater demand.The development experience of computers, mobile phones, and cars as luxury goods in the past has confirmed this.

The author is a Chinese economist and a financial columnist