The prosperity of civilization and experience in different historical periods in different historical periods fully stated that government power management, personal property rights protection, and independent judicial system are actually a trinity of modern civilization and lacking an indispensable organic system.

The regret medicine is not delicious, but the lessons and lessons must be summarized.China's biggest lesson is that if the reform and opening up is not comprehensive and thorough, and does not cover the system foundation, it is impossible to achieve real civilization development and upgrading, but only the reincarnation of fate.To achieve comprehensive and profound and thorough, three major "institutionalization" changes must occur: the power of election, checks and balances and supervision of supervision of personal property must be institutionalized;And the development of the judicial system independently.

A large mirror of modern Chinese history is a neighbor Russia.From the sound of the revolution in October of that year, to Gorbachev down the Soviet Union 32 years ago, and today Putin's hysteria at home and abroad, it is not difficult to find its own footprints from the course of Russia.

In mid -February, a major event occurred in Russia to accelerate the fate of the nation of this country.Russian opposition leader Navarni was not only persecuted, poisoned, and imprisoned by Putin's official long -term persecution.There are comments in the West that the dictator Putin has finally shamelessly shre the last "Russian democracy" after the Soviet Union's disintegration and pull it off directly.

Ordinary people may wonder that this Navali has been arrested and prisoned, and it is distributed to the ice and snow in the distant Siberia. Why should they be poisoned?It can be seen that ordinary people's thinking logic often cannot keep up with dictators.For dictators, the highest power possession is the departure of fate. The security is the first. Any existing and potential threat to power must be eliminated and eliminated.

Putin is already in his early 70s. Navalni is only 48 years old, and he has not changed the Putin regime. He also has the support of the followers of large groups and Western countries.EssenceOf course, the dictator's thinking and logic are also extremely fallacy. He forgot to turn Navalni into a martyr, which may be more threatened than let him live. In addition, the ruthless cleansing of the torrent of the times has beenPromoted "garbage time".

The Navali incident reminds the contemporary world, including China's contemporary world, modern civilized countries, systems and culture are not blown out.It reflects the advantages and disadvantages.

In 1957, the German American Sinologist Karl Wittfogel published a comparative research on the comparison of power of power.This book is considered by the international intellectual community as "a must -read book for all serious scholars studying human society", and even compare it with Marx's capital theory and Weber's economy and society.

Weitf's "Oriental Autocracy Theory" actually uses Marx's Asian production method.Marx pointed out in the 1859 Political Economy Criticism that the development of human society must go through several stages such as Asian production methods, slavery, feudal systems, and capitalist systems to the communist system.Weitf believes that China has always stopped at the level of the Asian production method. The Asian production method can also be called oriental autocracy, and it has not experienced slavery, feudal systems and capitalism similar to Western society.

This oriental autocratic society has the following characteristics: First of all, this is a high degree of political power concentration and autocracy, so Chinese society has always been a monarchy; it is this monarchy, causing production materials such as land, rivers, etc., To be owned by the emperor or the totalitarian, it is difficult to appear in the real land financial individual's property rights; the oriental society is only the aristocrats of the emperor, and there is no relatively independent noble class; in the oriental autocraticism society, the state conducts a comprehensive monopoly and monopolized and monopolized economic life.Control; there is no independent law, the will of the autocratic monarch is the law; the autocratic characteristics of the oriental society also have a strong stability, that is, not only has dictatorship on it, but also a group of promising groups, forming its own specific cultural environment and barriers.

The characteristics of the authorities fully reflect the core of autocracy is to monopolize power.During the Soviet Stalin period, Weitf's doctrine was banned, and all discussions on the Asian production method were listed as the restricted area.In China, Weitf's doctrine has also been blocked for a long time.His masterpiece did not have a Chinese translation until 1989. After the publication, he was immediately besieged and abused by leftist scholars. It shows that the oriental autocraticist gas field and inertia are still strong. Traditional power concept is the world's unable to cross contemporary China.

The rule of law is the characteristics of modern civilization

Some people always accuse the United States of democracy and hypocrisy. The argument is that the United States is actually not democratic, but the United States has no taboos to criticize and criticize US democracy and never sin.The real hypocrisy is bad but not criticized, and even said very well, it is correct.A basic characteristic of a modern civilized society is that power must be balanced and restricted, and no power can be above the law. All power must accept the supervision, criticism and inquiry of public opinion and public opinion.Without these modern civilization elements, the political operations of a country can only exist in ridiculous, hypocritical and lies, and eventually bring a disaster to the national nation.

Because Chinese social tradition has always been lacking in real personal property practice and concepts, it is also easy to be easily listed by some left -leaning political programs and slogans in the early days of modern capitalism., Blind, banned and prohibited.The fundamental misunderstanding of this move is that the unreasonable phenomenon such as the disparity between the rich and the poor in the early social society (that is, some people get rich first) and the squeezing exploitation, etc., and other unreasonable phenomena are attributed to the private ownership, but in fact, it is because the industry and benefits are not enough.Flowing and developing, the rule of law and democracy are not sound enough.

Individual property rights constitute the foundation of modern civilization, that is, the fundamental rights of the people as individuals and masters of society.No matter what kind of name is deprived of the right to destroy this, it is the manifestation of the backward barbaric system, and it will inevitably damage and destroy the overall development and progress of social civilization.This critical misleading is fatal for a social form and culture. It is like a car with a problem. It can be solved by updating parts or upgrading technology., Change back to the carriage.It is impossible to solve the problem of cars. Instead, the application of the equipment is backward backward and more old and backward, which can only lead to increasing absurd failure.

Looking back at history, if the prosperity of ancient Rome is derived from the "Private Property Protection System" under the ruling of relatively democratic venues.EssenceNot just the ancient Rome, the civilization process of many countries in the world was interrupted by a strong centralized government. The more concentrated power, the weaker the freedom of citizens' rights, and the turbulent society.

The awakening of modern civilization in Europe starts from the Renaissance in the late Middle Ages, and the origin and reasons for civilization and the emergence of politics are relieved by political inaction.In the Renaissance, Italy and southern Germany, and the loose England, was all because of the decline of kingship and warlord rule, and the promotion of business prosperity in the era of great sailing.

British philosopher Locke said more than 300 years ago: The property is not public and the power cannot be private.Today, Locke's idea is still great and profound, breaking through fog and darkness.Because the result of defending people's labor is to defend basic freedom and human rights.Private property is recognized and protected by law, marking the beginning of civilization; the rules of regulating and reasonable obtaining property rights are the key to all social moral civilization.Personal property and rights are the true origin of human civilization, and it is also the only correct way to maintain the development of human civilization.Essence

In summary, the prosperity and experience of civilization and experience in different historical periods in different historical periods have fully stated that government power management, personal property protection, and independent judicial system are actually trinity of modern civilization.EssenceIn any reform and opening up in China, if it cannot achieve breakthrough and substantial development progress in these three major aspects, the reform will die, and the openness will be closed and closed, and the dictatorship will be raged.How many generations do I have to take regrets in China?

The author is an expert in international cultural strategy research and consultation in the United States