The Chinese people who have participated in the military exercise of the national service may have such experience, that is, when reviewing the results after the military exercise is over, if the exercise is not smooth and the purpose is not achieved, most of the time will blame the communication system.Conversely, if the exercise is successful, you will not think of the hard -earned by the communication forces that support them.Military communication plays such an important but low -key behind -the -scenes role in the battlefield.

The development of past communication technology, especially wireless communications, originated from the military.After the successful development, the military slowly joined the restrictions and opened the non -sensitive science and technology part.In recent decades, wireless mobile communication technology and various related technologies derived from the progress of the rapid progress in the people and business circles have surpassed the military at the technical level.Not only in terms of communication systems, in the past, military technology turned into civilian use, but now civil technology has been cited as military.

For mobile communication services, the first generation 1G system is mainly connected by various communication systems of different specifications. 2G is a general GSM mobile service with international (except the United States and Japan).The call network adds data services. 4G is currently connecting communication systems such as networks and clouds.Due to the continuous improvement of users' communication and data requirements, the world has tried its best to speed up and enhance the era of 5G communication.The pusher of the 5G communication system can be said to be commercial and civilian demand, but due to its excellent potential, it has become an unspeakable technology for soldiers.

What are the potential of 5G communication?Modern military applies a large amount of data processing, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing. Whether it is the calculation result of the original data or output, it requires a large and ultra -fast information carrier support, and 5G is at least 10 times faster than the current 4G.In the fields of various remote control unmanned robots, aircrafts, cars and unmanned ships, the "delay" of the signal is very important for precise control and security operations.The 5G system can reduce the current approximately 60 milliseconds (MS) to only about 5 millisecond delay. Such remote control is almost no different from the response of humans in person.In particular, whether it is civilian or military, it is necessary to connect countless types and quantities of sensors, cameras, monitors, data routers, edge calculators, etc. to achieve the operation of all -weather IoT (IoT).The quantity that 5G can carry in this regard is at least 100 times more than 4G.

The above is only the advantage of "quantity" on the 5G surface, as well as the advantages of other complicated secrets of information and electronic interference.

Just as coins have two sides, the 5G communication system is used in military affairs, and many challenges need to be overcome.The first is to face the spectrum restrictions of microwave, which is an unavoidable physical nature.5G communication must be sent with a higher -frequency wireless microwave than 4G, which means that its communication distance (from mobile phone to base station) is much smaller than 4G.If 5G communication services cover the same range as 4G, the "honeycomb" 5G base stations required are more than 4G, so the cost of infrastructure will be higher.

It is necessary to effectively apply 5G communications in the military, and you can use discrete network methods, because services do not need to cover peric land.That is to create a small communication cover, so that the sergeants in the cover can enjoy the convenience and service brought by 5G.Each communication cover is actually like a small base station. When connecting the base station to the long -range communication network with the host, you can form a military private 5G communication network.At present, technology has developed light -saving small base stations, so the cost of formation will gradually decline.

In order to coexist with other various military communication systems currently in use, the design of military 5G operating systems and various terminal equipment is relatively complicated.If you do not replace the slower system, you must re -assign resources according to the needs of military activities to complement the new and old systems.Because the specifications and technology of 5G communication are basically a open system, the enemy can also find the solutions of the weakness and develop interference, listening, and network invasion and attack.This will inevitably trigger another wave of expensive reinforcement, encryption, hidden, and electronic interference.

According to the current speed of science and technology development and advancement, the 5G communication system is completely replaced by the 6G system, at least 15 years.The current technology of 5G communications has matured, and the regional tests of various countries have been completed. As long as there are sufficient users to pay for and complete infrastructure covering the service area, services can be launched.In the future, the validity of unmanned military campaigns can only be improved by supporting technology such as 5G communication systems, so it will now be labeled with a national security political label.

The author is an electronic engineer