The Washington Post website was published on December 15th that in 2024, domestic politics in the United States will cast shadows in the world. The author is the newspaper columnist Farid Zakaria.The excerpts of the article are as follows:

The US -led international system is threatened in three regions.In Europe, the Russian and Ukraine War shakes the rules that do not change the border with force.In the Middle East, the war between Israel and Hamas may lead to a dangerous extremeization of the region.In Asia, China's rise is still changing its strength balance.

These challenges need to be cleverly combined with deterrence with diplomatic methods.The Biden government has been actively responding, formulating the agenda and talking to opponents.Whether success will depend on whether the policies it formulates will be implemented.This may depend more on domestic politics in the United States, not its overall strategy.

In Europe, Russia and Ukraine have compared to the disparity. The West can only provide large -scale aid to Ukraine and pressure to supplement Kiev, asking them to formulate a more controllable military strategy.

In the Middle East, the challenge is mainly in the field of diplomatic.Israel will undoubtedly win in a military sense.However, in order to make Israel more secure, the United States must require Israel to solve the unavoidable reality: 5 million Barstinians have neither political rights nor their own country.

For China, the strategy of Biden's government emphasizes competition and deterrence, while trying to establish a working relationship with Beijing.This strategy seems to have achieved results in the past few months, and China has also issued a more reconciling argument.

Although the policy has been seriously formulated in each of the above areas, the reality faced by the Bayeng government is that domestic politics in the United States may damage all progress.On the issue of supporting Ukraine, the United States is getting stronger and stronger opposition from the new isolated right wing.Republican is preparing to nominate Trump as a presidential candidate, and he has no concealment of his disgust and admiration for Ukraine.

In the Middle East, Biden faced the Israeli Prime Minister Neitanahu, who was very good at using the support of the United States and resisting all suggestions.Neitanahu found a way to pretend to support peace processes, and secretly destroying peace in the same side.When Washington tried to pressure him last time, he bypassed the then US President Barack Obama and fought directly from the US Congress to support.

On the issue of China, the way the Bayeng government tried to adopt a combination of deterrence and diplomacy can only work without being overthrown by domestic policies.The issue of the China policy is still a background in the Eagle School. The House of Representatives US -China Strategic Competition Special Committee has just suggested to take more severe measures to China.

The most worrying challenge facing "rules -based international order" is not from China, Russia or Iran, but from the United States.2024 may be a year when the ugly polarization politics of Congress Mountain determines the world pattern in the next decades.(Compilation/Wang Dongdong)