Source: Bloomberg

Euras area inflation may slow down to the lowest level since July 2021, which will make central bank officials who want to see the policy tightening effect.

The consumer price index (CPI) increased by 2.7%year -on -year according to the medium value of 31 economists surveyed by Bloomberg.Basic inflation that eliminates volatility such as energy sources has also weakened again.

The data of next Thursday will be the last batch of inflation data that the European Central Bank can see before the policy meeting on December 14.At that time, the central bank's decision -making official will get the latest economic forecast until 2026, and the market is expected that they may stay for the second time.

The European Central Bank President Lagarde said on Friday that policy makers can now "observe very focused", judge that the time of lending costs can be maintained at a high level, and deciding whether the next action is "raising interest rates or rates".

Although the goal is to reduce the inflation rate to 2%, the most closely concerned indicators are the so -called core indicators.The core indicator is currently at a higher level, but it is also slowing.Economists expect 3.9%, the lowest level in about a year and a half.

The European Central Bank decision makers have warned that due to the base effect, inflation may be temporarily picked up in the next few months, but the direction of the leading direction is downward.

Before the release of inflation data of the euro area, it will release a series of inflation figures of member states of euro zone on Wednesday and Thursday. It is expected that these data will roughly show that the inflation of major economies of the euro zone has also declined, although the degree is different.