The head of the snake is a triangular shape, and the oval shape is non -toxic. I don't know how many people have heard of this famous poisonous snake resolution?Even after hearing this method, how many people know that this theorem is not completely accurate, and there are exceptions. For example, the silver rings snake's head is elliptical but toxic;In addition to the head shape, people can also distinguish whether snakes are toxic or non -toxic.

The knowledge above, I am afraid that people in most countries in the world will not learn through school textbooks.Even if you have heard this famous snake head -shaped distinguishing method, an ordinary person living in the steel jungle, how to identify the head shape of the head when facing a snake, determine whether it is a triangle or an oval; if the discern is successful, it must be ensured that it must be ensuredAlthough the opponent was under an ellipse head, wasn't the deadly silver rings?

Not long ago, a hawker in Singapore was fined 1,000 yuan for hacked pythons. Relevant officials defined the client's move as brutal behavior, which was too extreme and was not fair.

The poisonous snake resolution method mentioned in the above article is an example. People living in modern cities are aware of wild animals. For wild animals who do not understand and dangerous, they make fierce self -protection and concerns because of fear and concerns.Preventing behavior must be emotional.As a threatening species for people, how can we expect the public who have not received relevant professional education and make appropriate response?

Although most of the non -toxic pythons are coming out of the streets of Singapore, no one can guarantee that they are not harmed.The National Park said python is a shy animal and will not take the initiative to attack people. There is a probability of 90 % to avoid humans. However, the public is not a snake -speaking Harry Potter.Is it shy?

When the Park Bureau said that the probability of snakes would take the initiative to attacked people, it was impressed by the hawker's 30 % monthly income of 30 % of his monthly income.In the face of public life and personal safety, is it a very low probability?For Southeast Asians, python attackers are not unfamiliar.

The uploaded snake -catching snake video is indeed uncomfortable, especially the laughter of the background, which makes people feel that it is a disgusting bullion, even if the object is a cold -blooded animal.The attitudes and movements of the parties and other people at the scene make people feel respect for their respect, and then make people sympathize with the killer python.

The controversy caused by the fines of the Park Bureau is that a snake is an animal that is dangerous to humans. The behavior of the parties should not be punished, and the crocodile that appears locally and is killed as a refutation example.The official position is that the python may avoid humans rather than active attacks, and the threat to humans is not high. "Snake" is already dizzy when captured, killing it too cruel.

In order to avoid similar disputes, the official may be more active and widely promoted to popular science education for local wild animals, popularize comprehensive awareness of local wild animals, and educate the public while self -protection, avoid harming wild animals while protecting themselves.EssenceHowever, in the process of seeking public security and animal equity, the specific situation behind each case must also be included in consideration.

The author is information technology consultant