Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Author: Tan Chang

Recently, there are accounts on the social platform of Hong Kong to openly sell dog meat, which has attracted attention from all walks of life.In addition to illegal eating dog meat, there are new types of online fraud.

According to the Hong Kong Cats and Dog Regulations Chapter 167A, slaughter cats and dogs are eaten, or their meat is sold as food. Violax can be fined up to 5,000 Hong Kong dollars and prison for six months.Earlier, Facebook posted a page called "Yuding" and posted it for selling dog meat, and later renamed "fragrant meat", and pointed out that the two pounds were sold and available for payment.

Such obvious actions and laws and laws have aroused heated discussions.However, after a preliminary investigation by the police, the incident was unexpected. The police suspected that someone was named the name of the dog meat and tricked the customer's money through a malicious mobile phone application.

According to the inner text of the post, if you want to buy dog meat in the seller, consumers need to pay the deposit first after contacting the seller, download related applications through the link published by the seller, and order through the application.During the order, the application will require consumer mobile phone operation permissions, provide false bank login interface, induce them to enter bank accounts, passwords and other privacy information, and transfer money in the account.

Since September, the police have reported more than 10 related reports, involving the loss of over 1.14 million yuan.This new type of fraud is aimed at a specific group of crowds, caught the weakness of the deceived people who dare not call the police.

He Junxian, a member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, told Zhongtong Society reporters that because Hong Kong's sale and eating dog meat are illegal acts, citizens generally do not eat dog meat.Selling dog meat in Hong Kong is to screen a specific group during the sales process, causing consumers to not dare to report to the police even if they are deceived, because the behavior of "buying dog meat" itself is illegal."If you change the angle, sell legal things such as cosmetics, consumers will go directly to the police after being deceived."

He said that consumers who are suspected of buying dog meat themselves are in the gray area of the law. They are illegally engaged in illegal and naturally do not report it, so this kind of fraud can continue.

He Junxian pointed out that the behavior of "selling dog meat" is very bad, and it has an impact on the values of the rule of law and the emotions of the rule of law and the citizens, and the values of the animals who care for animals and have a deeper impact.

He uses an electronic cigarette as an example, saying that Hong Kong ’s electronic cigarettes are just legislative, but when citizens see similar cases, they may treat it as ordinary crimes without impacting personal emotions.But when it comes to dog meat, citizens often go directly to the police."This is full of human emotions for animals."

He Junxian suggested that even if the case itself does not involve the behavior of "selling dog meat", it will be treated as indeed."I think respecting local law is the most important."

The Hong Kong fraud case has risen in recent years, and the fraud techniques have become increasingly diverse.From counterfeit mainland officials to investing in fraud.With the police's publicity and blows, the fraud group is also "evolving", and slowly seduce it with online shopping.Ruan Guoheng, vice president of the Financial Administration, said that in the past two weeks, there was a new trick in Hong Kong in the past two weeks. He obtained the sensitive information of the victim's account through malicious applications, and finally transferred to the hukou money.

Selling dog meat is a reminder. All sectors of society should use this as alert. Whether there will be drug trafficking and illegal gambling in the future to deceive citizens' money.This is another dead cycle that is difficult to solve the case.