This distant war reminds us not to remember the terrible consequences of historical lessons.In recent years, many international relations experts have pointed out that the current international situation is very similar before the First World War, and the biggest danger comes from Asia. Sino -US confrontation is a potential detonation point.Before the First World War, most people thought that war could not happen, but after all, it broke out.

There are some signs of relaxation of the Sino -US confrontation situation in justified swords. When people have a long breath, the Middle East situation, which was already calm and slowly stepped up, suddenly turned sharply.The horrible war has detonated the fierce public opinion war around the world, and strong sound waves also hit our surroundings.

Like some other international events, local social media have appeared on the influence of foreign influences, which are not that, non -black or white, and too simplified dual -opposite comments.In fact, the dispute between the Pakistani conflict, or the broader Jews and the Arabs / Muslim world is a very intricate issue. The two sides are in contradictions between nations, tribes, religions, sects, etc.The hostile situation and the grudges and hatreds can be traced back to more than 1,000 years.Judging from this long and complicated history, it is difficult to clarify some basic facts; "facts" are often indifferent because of perspective, position, interpretation, or time entry point, and they are different and arguing.Therefore, it is insufficient to blame all responsibilities on the narrative of any party, but people are easily misled by such biased narrative methods.

History continues to repeat itself on this bitter land.Each violence triggered the next more fierce violence, and each war detonated another greater war, a vicious circle, and reincarnation; every revenge laid deeper hatred seeds, "endless life", reported reports, and finally always reported.It was ended with huge humanitarian tragedies.The most tragic is the innocent people. In the brutal war fire, they were severely injured, displaced, and the spirit of the spirit.

This can't help but remind me of a golden sentence not long ago: "People who do not study history are destined to repeat the same mistakes.WHO DONETE Study History Are Doomed to Repeat It. Yet Those Who Do Study History Are Doomed to Standby Helplessly WHILE EVERYONE ELSE Repeats It.)

This is the president and founder of Eurasia Group, a well -known political scholar in the United States, and Ian Bremmer, the president and founder of Eurasia Group.It is "The Curse of History", which is indeed insidious and won my heart.

Is there an inertia for "repeating historical mistakes"?

Looking around this messy world, seeing the conflict and war of war, or the crisis that is brewing, are we all destined to "be helpless"?How many of them are caused by those who do not study history but have great power?

In fact, Bremer only said halfway. I suspect that many people who repeat the same mistakes do not understand history at all. Even if they do not understand, the think tanks or staff around them should remind them (unless you dare not).I think they are more interested in self -explanation or too high self -proclaiming, or to resort themselves for selfish political purposes, incite public opinion, and shift their attention.

I have read a lot of news reports about the Bazai issue in these weeks. After reading a lot of comments and some academic articles, and watching several more serious forum videos, in addition to Yifa, the conflict between the two parties feels more entangled and more entangled.In addition to the end of death, the inertia of "repeating historical mistakes" is even more deeply impressed.One of the comments I agree with, from the famous American time critic Faleed Zakaria.On November 3, he published an article entitled that Israeli leaders should not ignore the history of counter -terrorism, and reminded Israel not to repeat the mistakes of their predecessors.

At this point, it is necessary to clarify your views on this conflict first.

First of all, I think that the raid by the Palestinian armed group Hamas on October 7 is a brutal atrocities on Israel.It killed 1,200 people in this attack and held about 240 hostages. Most of them were killed by civilians, including babies, and committed unforgivable serious war crimes.This is not reasonable no matter what the reason is.

Israel suffered such a painful terrorist attack, and absolutely had the right to fight self -defense and annihilate the enemy.This is justified and cannot be denied.

However, when Israel counterattack, it must also abide by international law and war law, and cannot kill civilians.

Unfortunately, in the subsequent rapid revenge operation of Israel, at least 1,000 people died, including many women and children.It insists that the Hamas militants use hundreds of kilometers of tunnel networks to combine civilian facilities or buildings such as residential houses, hospitals, schools, and returning to churches as a cover to hide or attack in it.According to Reuters, the European Union also condemned Hamas on November 12 to use "hospitals and civilians as human shields" in Gaza, but at the same time, Israel urged Israel to show "maximum restraint" to protect civilians.On November 15th, the Israel Hospital, the largest Higher Hospital, claimed to discover Hamas's command center and weapons and combat equipment; Hamas said that Israel was lying.

The Israeli Army claims that its purpose is to destroy militants instead of killing civilians, but no matter how to justify, it has become an objective fact that it has "abused civilians" in Gaza.The World Health Organization said on November 10 that a child was killed every 10 minutes.In addition, in order to achieve military purposes, Israel also punished Gaza's Palestinians, breaking the water from water to break the water in the north, and forcibly evacuated the number of residents, which triggered a serious humanitarian crisis.The United Nations believes that these actions in Israel also constitute the crime of war.

In any case, Israel's excessive military operations on Gaza's excessive military operations have caused a strong rebound worldwide, which has been generally condemned by international public opinion.In this way, the international sympathy obtained by Israel's terrorist raid by Hamas was quickly consumed.

The international community has called on Israel's stop -to -hand sound, and even the United States has to force Israel to perform a short -term humanitarian "suspension" every day in the battle in the north of Gaza in the north of Gaza, so that humanitarian assistance can flow into the region.And enable civilians to get rid of damage.French President Macron also publicly urged Israel to stop bombing and kill civilians on November 10, becoming the first leader of Western powers to demand arms to stop.

But Israel regardless of international public opinion, and continues to chase Hamas's poorness and affect the innocent people.

However, as long as it does not stop killing civilians, even if it successfully kills Hamas and eliminates the last militants, can Israel really "long -term stability"?History has clearly told it that this is impossible. The hatred seeds buried in Israel's military operations will only breed greater hatred and create tens of millions of future "Hamas".

In the commentary mentioned above, Zakaria pointed out: "Strong emotions often letIt is difficult for people to think about the impact of their behavior carefully. Looking at Israel's continuous strengthening military operations in Gaza, I think of another invasion of another Israeli right -wing government -also to deal with terrorist attacks -and its endingThe expectations are very different."

Continue to Political Life in Nei Tanahu in the battle of Harbin

What he refers to was another Pakistani war that occurred in the 1980s.He said that the Palestinian Liberation Organization established a base in Berut at that time, and the solution controlled some parts of Lebanon, which borded to Israel, and continued to fight with the Israeli National Defense Force and kill Israeli civilians.In 1982, the government led by Israeli Prime Minister Bi Jing decided to launch an invasion, eliminating the infrastructure of the Bazai Organization in Lebanon, and completely driven it out of the country.This invasion is large -scale and bloody.Israel dispatched nearly 80,000 soldiers and more than 1,200 tanks to launch an attack.It is estimated that more than 17,000 people in Lebanon died and more than 30,000 were injured.

In the end, Israel did achieve the goal of deporting the Bazi Organization.But the price is a cruel and cruel upgrade, which causes terrible tragedies.A militia that associated with Israel and moved in the Israeli control zone, slaughtered hundreds of or even thousands of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians in Berutzabra neighborhoods and neighboring Salachia, including many women, children and elderly peopleEssenceWhat has greater long -term significance is that Israel's invasion has stimulated the country's non -fundamental forces and helped the creation of the Shiite Organization of the Shiite Organization Party.Since then, the Allah has become one of the most powerful threats of Israel's security.

Zakarian's center of gravity said: "It is worth reflecting on whether the policies formulated in anger and revenge will generate lasting benefits. Israel invaded Lebanese to build the Allah. Israel has weakened the Palestinian power institutions on the West Coast, therebyStrengthen Hamas's power. "

This is a living and bloody history.

Of course, the Israeli Prime Minister Natana, of course, will not know that the "history" of the country has not been too long ago. He should also know that this raid was set up to destroy the establishment of diplomatic relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia.The trap underneath, but still jumped in "resolutely".Why?

In a recently related forum in the School of International Affairs of the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, a speaker described Trump and Neiahhu as a pair of "difficult brothers and brothers".In order to avoid the prison, Trump must strive for the presidential power. In order to avoid the jail, Neutana must live and live in the prime minister's power. With the Kazakhstan, he can continue his political life.This may be a drama, but he came to power by inciting Jewish mood of anti -Palestinian and maintaining the power. It is an indisputable fact that he can avoid being prison for corruption for the time being.

However, it is more than just Israel that repeats historical mistakes.Doesn't Hamas know that Palestine's attack on Israel is revealed by double repayment?I wonder if it is severely frustrated every time, the civilians are severely injured, and the discharge is out of discharge?Aren't these in modern history of blood and tears in the Palestinian people?

Besides, the raid on October 7 is still the largest massacre of Jewish civilians since the Nazi Massacre. Will Israel's gritted teeth and thunder counterattack be surprised?

Of course not.But just like Israel's far -right regime, Hamas also seized the regime with the help of anti -Jewish civilian emotions, and also needs to rely on endless armed conflicts to continue his political life and rationalize his existence.They do not want peace, and try to destroy the settlement between Afghanistan.They are going to prove their value in Palestinians and the Arab and Muslim worlds in this sensational raid.These can actually be seen from the statement after Hamas's raid.

Accepting the arrangement of the two countries will be true peace

The regime of Israel and Palestine unfortunately in the hands of the radicals. The two sides ignored the long -term interests of the country and the nation for their own political calculations and bet on the lives of the people. This is one of the causes of the current crisis.When democracy is abducted by populism, and when a gentle and rational voice is overwhelmed by the hatred of the unique politicians, there will be such an ending.

The Jews and Palestinians only admit each other's right to survival on their respective land, and only by accepting the arrangements of the two countries that have been widely supported internationally can they enjoy real peace and long -term stability.

This is originally a difficult process of cultivation in the distance.In the end, the situation was reversed, and a little achievement that was hard to achieve was made, and everything worked hard into the east.

With Hamas's terrorist attacks and the violent counterattack of Israel's repayment, hatred deepen sharply, and any reconciliation attempts are impossible in the foreseeable future. The goals of the two countries' plans are out of reach!

Is this not the curse of history?

It may be a little farther away from the Harbin conflict, but this distant war reminds us not to remember the terrible consequences of historical lessons.In recent years, many international relations experts have pointed out that the current international situation is very similar before the First World War, and the biggest danger comes from Asia. Sino -US confrontation is a potential detonation point.

Before the First World War, most people thought that war was impossible, but after all, it broke out.

The history of World War I is not so long. We can only want to dominate the world's destiny.Getting out, out of control and extension, becoming the fuse of the war.

Yesterday, the news of Sino -US relations came from Sino -US relations after the two heads of state.

Only by avoiding repeat the same mistakes will we be cursed by history.

The author is the editor -in -chief of the United Morning Post