The crown disease epidemic and tourism restrictions that lasted for more than three years have reached the retail and tourism industry in Hong Kong.The industry has been looking forward to the "revenge coming to Hong Kong" after the restoration, but after unblocking, it becomes a "retaliated tourism". It is near Shenzhen, Japan, South Korea, and Southeast Asia.The figure of the young Hong Kong people.During the long holidays of the epidemic, the number of Hong Kong people in the north increased significantly. On the other hand, the number of travelers in mainland China had not recovered to 2018.For Hong Kong, this is a great warning. It seems that Hong Kong's attractiveness is not as good as before, and even local consumption is difficult to retain.

In order to attract passengers and consume consumption, the Hong Kong government has launched activities such as "Happy Hong Kong" and "Hong Kong Night". The effect seems to be remarkable.But compared to the promotion and activities of "sports nature", it is more important to understand the crux of Hong Kong's loss of attractiveness.

In the past, Hong Kong was hailed as a shopping paradise.Shortly after the full opening of freedom in mainland China, I was studying in Beijing.When it comes to Hong Kong, the evaluation of many students is "cheap to buy things" and "quality guarantee".Under the environment of low tax rates and free trade, the price of imported goods in Hong Kong is often much cheaper than in mainland China, and it is easy to buy positive goods, and the style is relatively complete.At that time, the Chinese mainland's economy took off, and the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar against the RMB continued to fall. After the 2008 Sanlu milk powder incident, the mainlanders paid special attention to the safety of edible items, which promoted the "Hong Kong goods".The high middle class has also caused Hong Kong to have been the most important out -of -travel shopping location of mainlanders in the past ten years.

But the favor of Hong Kong goods in mainland China has led to a mentality of eating old -fashioned tourism and retail industry. It seems that even if nothing is done, passengers will naturally come to shop.Before the epidemic, there were pharmacies and golden shops in the central Hong Kong center, rare tourist products with unique characteristics.When neighboring areas such as Singapore, Malaysia, Macau and other places, the continuous development of local characteristics or very iconic tourist attractions, Hong Kong has been staying in the era of Fantai Xiangjiang, Ocean Park and Disneyland.All these make Hong Kong compare, and the image is shaped into a place for shopping.

In recent years, Hong Kong dollars have continued to rise with the US dollar. Shopping in Hong Kong is no longer affordable. Using the same price, you can buy cheaper products in Shenzhen, Japan and other places.It was reported earlier that a tourist from mainland China found that jeans purchased in a Japanese retail store in Hong Kong were about 10 % expensive than the Shenzhen store.In Hong Kong, which has always used price as a selling point for tourists, once the price advantage is lost, it will be difficult to restore the past scenes as it is now, and even the locals will reduce the consumption of Hong Kong.

Does this mean that Hong Kong is no longer attractive?But not necessarily.If Hong Kong is no longer cheap and cheap, you must start from the characteristics.The key is the "Hong Kong taste" often mentioned by mainland China.The living models and culture of Hong Kong and the mainland are different. In addition, the relics during the British colonial period are regarded as the reflection of Hong Kong flavor.For example, a wave of punching in Kuaifu Street and McDonald's Road in Hong Kong earlier, because the mainland will not have the streets named after this; British buildings in the University of Hong Kong can attract tourists to visit, because the style is unique; the mainland film and television circle is booming, andHowever, there are still many mainland sticks in the concerts of Hong Kong singers, because Cantonese songs and lyrics are unique; Hong Kong dramas and Hong Kong film are still hot, due to the differences in the social environment.All of the above reflect that the taste of Hong Kong still has a certain attraction. It is also the main selling point of shaping the impression of Hong Kong and attracting passengers.

Of course, how to reshape the taste of Hong Kong is a problem, especially in recent years, Hong Kong taste has signs of weakness, and the characteristics are an invisible concept, which is difficult to accurately describe and reflect it.However, it is worth noting that, as Beijing and Shanghai have their own characteristics, Hong Kong needs to show the unique taste of Hong Kong, not an only economy city.While retaining the taste of Hong Kong, we must also consider the continuous development.Zhou Xingchi's movie is wonderful and Eason Chan's songs will be out of date. There will be outdated days. How to inherit this taste is the key.

The author is a Hong Kong writer and a part -time psychological counselor