(Yangon French Xindian) The conflict between the local armed organizations of ethnic minorities in northern Myanmar and the Burmese military has continued for five days. Thousands of civilians have been forced to escape from their homes, and hundreds of them may escape from refuge in China.The Chinese Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong met with the Minister of the Myanmar Military Government Aibi and held talks on the peace and tranquility of the China -Myanmar border.

The Dang National People's Liberation Army, Ruokai Army and the Myanmar National Democratic Allied Army launched an attack on the Burmese military in the northern part of Langbang on Friday (October 27), and claimed that several sentry positions and main roads had been occupied.

These three ethnic minorities and local armed organizations (referred to as civilians) have been rubbing with military and resource control issues over the years.Their combat power is no less than 15,000 people.

The United Nations Humanitarian Affairs Coordination Department on Monday (30th) in a statement said that as of the day, more than 6,200 people were displaced.

"In addition, it is reported that hundreds of people across the border to enter China to find a safe place for security."

Humanitarian Affairs Coordination Department predicts that as the conflict continues, more people will be displaced.According to the United Nations estimates, since the military government seized power in 2021, violent conflicts in Myanmar have led to more than 1.6 million people to lose their homes.

pictures taken on the evening of last Saturday (28th) showed that the Burmese army launched a missile from a base in Laotong Town, Punbang.The conflict between the civilians of the northern part of the Pangang and the Burmese military has lasted for five days, and thousands of civilians were forced to escape from their homes.(Agence France -Presse)

Following the situation of "paying close attention" after the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday (27th), and calling on all parties to avoid the situation, Myanmar's official media Burmese Global Star Guangbao reported that the Minister of Public Security Wang XiaohongMeets with the Myanmar Military Government's Minister of Interior Yar Pyae.

It is reported that the two held talks on the "peace and tranquility of the border areas of the two countries" and the issues of law enforcement and security cooperation.

China is an important allies and main arms supply for the Myanmar military government.China refuses to define the right to seize power launched by the Myanmar Military Government in 2021 as a coup.Deng Xijun, a special envoy of the Asian Affairs of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, regularly meet with the military leaders in recent months.

On the other hand, some analysis pointed out that China has also maintained a close relationship with ethnic minorities in northern Myanmar, supports several organizations active on the border between China and Myanmar, and provides them with equipment.During the crown disease, China also provided vaccines and assistance to areas controlled by civilians.