Shi Shi Yi, Israel's national strength is no longer the same, but the Palestinians are still the weak who is deprived.Some of them are fate and humiliation; there must be someone to resist, but the regular battlefield cannot be worked. The only path choice is only terrorism.Everyone hopes that the next generation is more successful than themselves, but in Gaza, in the Palestinian family, this is undoubtedly extravagant, and the sadness of life is not like this.

When I was young, I read the news of 11 people killed in the Israeli delegation in the West Munich Olympic Village. I intuitively determined that the gunner who interpreted the "Black September" was a "bad man", which was very abominable.Within a few years, the Israeli special forces ran thousands of miles, and magically rescued almost all the hostages hijacked at Uganda Airport. They also annihilated the Bazai and the German Red Army terrorists. Such a movie -like plot, after watching the context of hero worship (by the wayIt is mentioned that the Colonel named Jonatan Negana is sacrificed. Yes, it is the current Prime Minister's brother).

But when I grow up, I understand more, and I start to understand why anyone can be so bloodthirsty, or to be willing to be a human flesh bomb, and even with the enemy and even strangers.Of course, some of course were inspired by various ideology, or were fooled. For example, the Holy Warrior was told in heaven that many virgins were waiting for him.But even more unusual, first, forced to despair, second, there are no other struggles.

Emphasize me that Hamas is a terrorist organization, and killing innocence is not forgiven.But this article is more about trying to discuss how terrorism has risen, and it is difficult to eradicate.Let's talk about the follow -up premise -there is no other fighting means.

Few countries will practice terrorism, and there is no need for a strong country to engage in this set, because there are diplomatic status, formal military power, and the latest technology and financial backing.For example, Israel, its military power crushes all countries in the Middle East and any non -governmental behavior against it.Let's put it this way, when your weapon library has nuclear bombs, usually people with only stones and burning bottles are usually dealt with, and no terrorism is required at all.

Likardia Group was formerly a template for terrorist organizations

an extremely ironic anti -evidence is Israel itself.Generally, readers probably do not know that the predecessor of the Rockd Group, the ruling ruling today, is a semi -armed organization named Ilgon.When the Jewish recovery cause was just beginning and the strength was still weak, the organization did the crime of terrorism.

Shortly after the end of World War II, the explosion of the David King Hotel in Jerusalem, which caused 91 people to die and 46 people injured Yilgong.What is worse is the massacre of the Dieriaxin Village near the Saint City in April 1948.In this operation, Il Bunda had no difference in killing 107 Arabs in total, including women and children.After more than 70 years, this was exactly the same as the Hamas terrorist see someone at the Lehmkibz Music Festival last month. Is it the same?It can be said that Il Cun is the template of Hamas and "ancestor", and may also include the Leich Organization and Hugana. One of the reasons for the British to give up the custody in advance.Get too much precious life.

The terrorism of the Jews can actually be picked up longer.Before the tyranny against the ancient Romans, the most deeds were included in the history book: Fenre Party and Short Knife.They mainly killed Roman officials and any ethnic groups that cooperated with the Empire, including their Jewish "traitors" -as long as they did not agree with the uprising call, they could be removed.This is the earliest extreme violent group in human history I read.Of course, in that cold weapon era, there is no automatic rifle or explosive, and there is no "terrorism", but the nature of killing innocent and creating terror is the same.

Fenrer party finally was besieged by the Roman Legion for three years by the Masada fortress on the Dead Sea.The only more than 900 people inside were captured by the fortress, except for several women and children, all of them were broken.Note that Judaism does not allow suicide, so it is assigned the task to perform "he kills" by his own, including the wife and children at home, the tragic scene can be imagined.

There is a saying that the Jews have a decisive nationality, and they are extremely discharged in religion and culture.This explains why it has disappeared since 700 BC, and it has been spread all over the world from the Middle East. After dozens of generations of people, the blood of the nation can continue, the spiritual homeland is always intact, and finally it can be called back to the founding of the country in Canaan.This kind of persistence of life is unique in the forest of the world.

Now it is easy to move, Israel's national strength is no longer the same, but the Palestinians are still the weak who are deprived.Some of them are fate and humiliation; there must be someone to resist, but the regular battlefield cannot be worked, and even there is no entry voucher. The only path choice is only terrorism.

Someone has reproduced the three or four generations in refugee camps

This is easy to understand. As for another premise of terrorism -the suffering of the Palestinians, it is estimated that many people are blurred and limited before the war broke out.In fact, there are no thousand -year grievances. Things mainly occur during this century, limited to space, let me try to summarize with four key items.But first declare: I am just trying, the most qualified to say is the Palestinians themselves.

One of despair: Lost home, the economy is withered, without freedom and dignity.

After several wars, and the Jewish continued expansion of the settlement, the current Palestinian refugees and their offspring have reached 6 million, distributed on the west bank of the Jordan River, Gasha, Israel, and some good Arab countries.Most of them live in refugee camps, and some of them have even reproduced three or four generations.

In Gaza, even if the left -behind is not geographical refugees, it may be an economic refugee, because this small flying land has been blocked by Israel for decades, people cannot flow, materials are blocked, unemployment and poverty have never been solved.EssenceNow because of war, it is completely reduced to war refugees.

Is it an option?That is always under the fence, and the land will always invade the Jews.Of course, most people think about the feelings and historical mission of the country, but they can't get away at all, because they are trapped in the world's largest "open -air prison" in Gagosa. Moreover, who wants to take a big question mark.At present, the only escape door is to enter the Sinai Peninsula from Lafafa Port, but Egypt dare not open it, because the many refugees it contains more than 400,000, and then the Gaza people are poured in.Multiple disasters are not affordable for this country that is seeking for the rescue of the International Monetary Fund.

Everyone hopes that the next generation is more successful than themselves, and life can live better.But in Gasha, in the Palestinian family, this is undoubtedly a luxury, it is the empty pavilion, and the sadness of life is not like this.

Desperate 2: War is burning, and the shadow of death is everywhere.

It can be seen from satellite images that nearly half of the buildings in Gaza Strip have been razed or destroyed, plus water breaking, electricity and grain, and infectious diseases.You said that before attacking North Kaisha, you asked someone to escape south, and don't say that there is no place to live in or there is no life. I look at the photos. Obviously, Lafa town at the southernmost town is also beacon. Obviously, you can't forget the fake compassion.As for the refugee camps and hospitals, it is unheard of. Even if there are terrorists hidden inside, it far surpasses the bottom line of war law and humanity.

In order to kill a Hamas, more than a hundred people can be buried

The most ridiculous is the largest local Jabalia refugee camp. After the first two rounds of air strikes, more than 100 people died.In the report, the only name appeared -Biary, because he was the goal of the army, a Hamas conductorofficial.But the rest of the dead, sorry, are all unknown, because they are just a regretful "attachment damage".

The same is true of

The biggest Highero Hospital.I believe there are indeed combat rooms, authentic, and Hamas.However, there are thousands of patients, medical care, and civilians who are seeking asylum.When the cannonball comes, the most died is these innocent people.Last week, the United Nations personnel went to the inspection for the first time and saw the burial post at the gate. Finally, they told the world that the hospital had become a "death zone".

Desperate three: The enemy is too fierce, brutal and hypocritical, or paranoia.

In the Palestinian founding of Palestine and refusing to withdraw from the occupation zone since Palestine has been in politics, and he has no intention of promoting the peace process, including the Oslo agreement that Laubin and Baba's leader Alafa, in 1993.In his launching anti -Rabin demonstration, the fanatical Zianist even lifted the coffin and shouted "La Bin to death!" After Labin was assassinated, his relationship with the incident has been difficult forSkill.

In the military context, experts often argue whether there is a proportion principle, that is, because of accurate weapons, when you solve a soldier of the other party, how much the number of deaths of civilians should be "reasonable" to be controlled.Or is it in line with humanitarianism?But I think that Israel has another simple and rude logic, that is, how many people you have killed me, I want you to repay X to achieve deterrent power.On the first day when Israel was raided by Hamas, the first 1,300 people died, including 800 civilians. After that, it launched a counterattack. After more than a month, more than 13,000 Palestinians were killed in Gaza, that is, this X X, that is, this X X, that is, this X X, that is, this X X, this X, this x X, this X, this x X, this X, this x X, this X.It has reached 10 times!I dare not imagine how much it will be in the end. I only know that each multiple is equivalent to the total number of people who died in the festival tragedy that day.

Palestinian Internal Division Israel Operating Alternative "two countries"

Nei Tanahu has warned that he will make Gaza a hell, and now it is really "fulfilled".There are more than 5500 children who have died there, I don't know how he feels.Last month, his online army staff member Hananya NAFTALI put a few photos of a few babies on the X account.Bomb. We are preventing similar incidents from happening in other countries in the next few years. "

Reading people shuddering.

The Fourth Desperation: No political way out, the prospects are getting darker and dull.

Palestine has two main political entities.One is the Palestinian national power agency on the West Coast, and the chairman is Fatak's Abbas.This is a corruption regime that is at ease. Although it enjoys "autonomy" and the so -called "recognition" internationally, in fact, land fragmentation, fences and cameras, people have to accept "racial isolation control", even taxes, and even taxes.The models are all collected by Israel, and the law and order forces are also controlled by Israel. The tasks are more targeted at their own people, and of course, they cannot have a army.In Chinese text, there is a difficult word called "Emperor Emperor", which is used to describe Abbas, which is confessed by the United States and Israel, and it is not far away.

The other is the actual control of Gaza Hamas. It has a more mass foundation and has won elections including the West Coast.Although Hamas opposed the founding of Israel, in the early years, Israel was also supported by Israel, which is better to fight against the core Farch, which is better to compete.Unexpectedly, today's strength and weakness, Fatheh's decline is to make a organization that requires beauty and "oxygen transmission" to ensure that it will not fall down.In any case, the maximization of Israel's interests is to make the enemy busy with internal fighting and have no time.In 2007, the two factions broke out under some external forces, and the civil war broke out, establishing an alternative "two countries" status of a tube plus sand today.

The larger Nakba 2.0, it is necessary to come to

The sense of weakness of the Palestinian people is not only uneven from countless or small factions.Internationally, the normalization rhythm of the Arab brother and Israel's relationship is accelerating.This is the signal of abandonment. Hamas knows that you have to let go of life and death, otherwise there will be no chance.

As for Israel, which is full of chips, Endgame strategies have become clearer and clearer, which is roughly like this:

1. Broken north and south, to create a state of unstoppable survival, including a large number of deaths.This has been "orderly".

2. Clear the population, including forcing Egypt to open the port, or requesting international containment.A few days ago, the Minister of Intelligence had written at the Jerusalem Post, pointing out the direction of "voluntary traversing+resettlement".What she did not say was that people could never go back as long as they went out; and a Gaza without the Palestinians had no Hamas or threatening.Of course, there is another small piece of land in Israel.

Three, larger fat, or West Bank and Jerusalem.It is much easier there, because time is in Israel, you can continue to occupy and expand the settlement. As long as you ensure that Abbas will not be pulled down, and in the long run, you can ensure that there are obedient people.

Fourth and two -country plan?After implementing the above one or two points, it is purely incumbent into international talks. It is no longer necessary to entangle or important.

The Jews announced the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1948. The first Middle East war broke out. The 760,000 Barstinians were forced to flee, and they called it "Nakba".A larger NAKBA 2.0, is it going to come faintly?

Some people think that the political life of Nei Tanahu is about to end, and those who take over may have another idea.But I think the probability is very low, because in Israel's politics, there are many people who are more eagle in Benanahu.

or there is such a question: It's so boring that it's not afraid of being condemned internationally, is it too boring?

I can only say: These days, it can be understood.The sister -in -law who kills children will not care.

The author is the deputy editor -in -chief of United Zaobao