If in the face of difficult tests, the society has a solid humanistic heritage, and it can constantly emerge to the burden, take the initiative, overcome difficulties, and turn the fate of the community.The worries of death prevent Singapore's decline.

"Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable. Every step of pursuit of justice requires individuals with dedication to complete; these people are suffering and strugglingLeader Martin Luther Kim Yiyu said that the real leader possessed, and Lee Kuan Yew is one of the most contemporary political circles.The most distinctive image of Li's is his pragmatic style; on the surface, he has no relationship with idealism; and modern people's settings of idealism are imagination and unscrupulous.If it is a charming idealist, it is even more dangerous, because the lessons of World War II tell the world that such people are extremely risky to endanger the world.

But we will all agree that Lee Kuan Yew is in line with the above description -he has the style of seeking truth from facts, but also an idealist.What is the relationship between pragmatism and idealism?Practical is by no means reality. The real pragmatic person must have an open mind in order to observe the truth and make accurate judgments. Only the open mind can only be possessed by real idealists.

With the death of Lee Kuan Yew, the local first -generation political leaders with idealism in life have disappeared.The successor of the second and third generations, because there are a long time with this batch of pioneers, coupled with the simple age of growing up in the society that has not been fully marketized in the society, under the end of their ears and ears, they have been deeply influenced and taught.What about the next fourth and fifth generations, and even the young generation?

Through hardware construction, such as the founding of the founding sages of the founding of the country, only cultural relics and historical materials are displayed; letting scholars conduct Lee Guangyao's ideological research, "Li Guangyao" becomes a ideological system, becomes a conceptual game, and it is used to public administration and politics.Alienation into a closed and exclusive ideology.Packing the difficult problems dealing with Li Guangyao into a case of business schools and use it as a leadership textbook, the longer the time, the more difficult it is to combine what they have learned with the reality. One of the reasons is that history will not be repeated.Enter the era of rapid and highly uncertain.

All choices are based on the overall core value

Li Guangyao said, "Even if I am on the bed, or I am about to be buried, as long as I feel that things are wrong, I will stand up!" This is his worries.If "I" is replaced with "us", we can penetrate the profound meaning of this sentence, and it is also the assignment that the Chinese must answer: how to reproduce the idealist feelings like his generation in the Singaporeans?

Because Li's pragmatic, on the one hand, from the open mind, another important source comes from the value subject spirit possessed by the idealist practitioner: all choices are based on the overall core value of the individual2. Smart calculation of personal interest gains and losses.

Looking around the world, the market -oriented acid rain has corroded the noble humanistic value accumulated by humans for more than 2000 years.All people's behaviors are inseparable from the calculation of personal core interests. The elite class is especially true. The United States is an example.The disease of American culture is a high -quality, market -oriented, and mechanized society, as a highly materialized, market -oriented, and mechanized society, as described by the Korean drama squid game -the top rich uses people as a horse racing in order to drive away the boring sense of existence.People fight each other, and they sit in the best position of the vision, while eating advanced dishes, enjoying the blood and rain, the greatest controller also personally gets off in person to enjoy a stronger pleasure.

Singapore is still a model of the world.However, the leader of the ruling party believes that "the success of the DAP has fallen over to make himself a victim."This phenomenon is the same as the disease of wealthy and anti -baying; fortunately, if we have historical vision and courage, we have time to change the track.

The 20th Century Spanish thinker Orta Kaga pointed out in the book of The Revolt of the Masses: An over -rich world will spontaneously create a deformed and different human life form. He calls it.For the "Volkswagen" -the serious self -closed personality, the only thing that cares about is the comfort and comfort of their lives, regarding it as a natural right, and full of mind, unwilling to listen to others, unwilling to submit their opinions to the referee;In addition, we must interfere with everything, forced the implementation of their own views, and at the expense of vitality to defend the rights they think they should have.It is worth noting that the "Volkswagen" of Oorta is not divided according to the social class, education level, and occupational nature; even in the elite group, this type of people are full of people.

Looking around the world, the richer the country becomes more full of such people.Promoting negotiated governance, although the shadow left by Li Guangyao's political politics can be faded, but the time bomb of "Volkswagen Rebellion" cannot be lifted; and social media algorithms continue to push the information of similar labels according to the category of information categories of users, which generates the information.The powerful echo room effect has caused all society to break into the diverse diversification of the extreme closure of the soul.

It's time to pay attention to the humanistic education of the development of idealism!The world admires the economic miracles created by Li Guangyao, but few people have insulted that behind his creation of tangible substances, the powerful life kinetic energy, the source comes from a strong and valuable spiritual subject, so that he can do it against the trend and create against the trend and create, Turning Singapore into a shiny little red dot.

The revelation from him is that only by allowing the Chinese people to establish a valuable spiritual subject can we relieve the threat of wealth and reflect, break the closed mind, and give birth to the consciousness of others, national, history, and culture.

Living in a wealthy society, like the description of French historian Tockerville in the old system and The Old Regime and the Revolution: Everyone is stimulated by desires, desperately climbing up, full of failure to failFear, wealth becomes the main sign of distinguishment and lowness, and wealth is constantly turning, affecting everyone to save or make money.In such a society, there is no stable force, and the spirit of everyone becomes sluggish and degraded.

Tocoke also pointed out that such a society will make democracy.In order to maintain the orderly operation of society, the future governance must rely on the powerful technology; we have experienced it deeply during the anti -epidemic period, and the hardships of people under the control of science and technology — emotional tight, behavior is becoming more and more and more and more of behavior.Mechanized, everyone needs to live according to the standard operating procedures (SOP). For a long time, people are more and more like Cyborg (half robot).

If the harmonious society is resorted to control to maintain, how can people living under this soil live their lofty ambitions and surpass the care of it?This vitality shrinks, and the remaining rigid operating system, when the sudden and huge changes fall, where can I find the courage to take responsibility as Lee Kuan Yew, take the initiative to act, and create a miracle community pillar?

Consolidate the cultural heritage cultivation and picked the heavy pillar

The social renovation project launched by Lee Kuan Yew -a harmonious society has now come to the watershed; linear follows, with the help of powerful technology and strict laws, let everything be controlled, and focus on the governance of the elites of governance.Create a society with centralized risks, mechanization, and lack of lively vitality.

Looking at the history of human beings for thousands of years, the time of maintaining harmony in society is very short. Long -term turbulence is normal.If you raise the dimension of thinking, if you have a solid humanistic heritage in the face of difficult tests, the society can constantly emerge to the dare to pick up the burden and take the initiative, To overcome difficulties and flip the fate's community, then really responded to Lee Kuan Yew's worries and prevent Singapore's decline.

The educational of craftsmen for decades, the existence of Singaporeans is finely defined and cultivated according to the function of economic needs.This kind of education is difficult to produce such talents. With the limitations and challenges brought by specific historical scenarios, the dare to make value choices and value creation, and condense consensus.This is also the core topic of the world's facing leadership.

The so -called value creation is to give people meaning, hope, and forge ahead; the subject of value creation requires a keen mind, strong willpower and open mind.Such the quality of life depends on a firm spiritual power, real humanistic literacy, and Bogu Tong's today's knowledge.Education dominated by economic thinking and interests cannot cultivate such a community.

The author is the founder of the Humanities and Life School of Social Enterprises