Source: Workers' Daily

When "low -priced" became a iteration and evolution from e -commerce players themselves, and no longer relying on capital burning and subsidies to achieve it, it is that e -commerce competition has really entered the fierceness of fierceization.stage.

At 20 o'clock on October 23,'s "Double 11" opened a promotion; at 20:00 on October 24th, Tao Tian Group Tmall "Double 11" pre -sale was launched; Pinduoduo and Vipshop "Double 11" special saleSince 8 pm on October 20th, early purchase ... A new round of promoting carnival in the domestic e -commerce industry has been opened in the intensive drums.

Full of discounts such as staying up late in previous years and other discounts and spelling. The rules are different. This year, multiple e -commerce platforms have announced rejection of routines and directly "fight" at low prices.Various signs show that this year's "Double 11" may become the most comprehensive and worse of the "low -cost competition" in the e -commerce industry."I hope that the lower the price of major platforms, the better, I will wait for the new house to decorate the new house." Miss Chen, a citizen of Chongqing, said with a smile.

Data from Sky Eye Inspection shows that there are more than 18 million existing e -commerce companies in China.From January to September this year, more than 6.15 million registered enterprises, an increase of 82.5%year -on -year from 2022.

Regain the low price, e -commerce players will set off again

From 2009 to 2023, "Double 11" has gone through 15 years.Faced with the increasingly dense promotion, the boundaries of each platform gradually disappeared. In order to stimulate consumers to "buy, buy, buy" enthusiasm, this year's "Double 11" platforms have focused on the simplest theme of "low -cost".

Tao Tian Group sets the "lowest price of the entire network" as its core goal, including the three major industry development centers and horizontal departments such as users, platforms, live broadcasts, etc., all clarifying the "lowest price on the entire network" as the core KPI.

Tmall adds a new "Double 11 Tiantian Low price" throughout the journey this year. When consumers place an order, recognize very conspicuous lightning logos such as "low price on the entire network", and you can buy the lowest price in the entire network.The goods can also be dynamically compared in real time on the entire network to ensure the lowest price of Tmall platforms at the same time.

Taotian Group CEO Dai Shan said that this year's great promotion of user experience is simple and simple, so that all consumers have clear preferential perceptions and return to the original intention of the "Double 11". even set the theme directly as "JD 11 · 11 is really cheap."Xinli Jun, CEO of, said that from the perspective of trend, consumers are more rational and can buy expensive, but they cannot buy expensive.Low prices are genes engraved in the bones. will "squeeze water" in the supply chain to allow users to give users and partners.

Industry insiders admitted that the pre -sale model of consumers' appetite before is also gradually being abandoned.The "volume low price" method also reduced from the previous cross -store full -store, and added a simpler way to "decrease" and "direct drop".Compared with the full reduction of the store, the "decrease" does not need to make a single order, which further reduces the consumer's purchase threshold, thereby reflecting the price competitiveness and enhanced the possibility of consumers' purchase.

"It can be said that spot sales are the essence of returning to e -commerce, which truly benefit from multiple parties." Observed e -commerce industry pointed out that for "Double 11" this year, this may become the new change that consumers are most concerned about.

The time for the e -commerce transformation industry has entered the deep water area, and the significance of regaining the low price is actually more like a re -start.

Shopping, no longer just shopping

In the "Double 11" this year, quality and cost -effectiveness have become an indispensable theme.Not long ago, the Special Selling E -commerce Vipshop announced its strategic intention with China Prosecution. The two parties will deepen cooperation around various aspects such as product quality inspection and certification and corporate social responsibility, and work together to create a digital, standardized, and copy -available consumer quality guarantee system.

Shopping is no longer just shopping, it is a way we enjoy life and improve the quality of life.The reporter found that there are few "fast buy", "quick order", "no more if you don't grab" in the live broadcast room of major e -commerce platforms, but will make users "slow down"Essence

Taobao Tmall, as the largest consumer platform, will be the largest AI application test and birthday.This year, "Double 11", Taobao Tmall launched 10 free AI tools to merchants to help merchants realize digital operations.At present, Alibaba's "Mandarin Laboratory" has used more than 100,000 merchants, and its production efficiency has improved by 5 times. It has helped Tmall brands such as Kyan and Taipingbird to obtain significant business increasing business.

The reporter saw on the Jingdong platform that 800 million products participated in the full price guarantee from 8pm on October 23rd to 12 pm on November 13th. If consumers found that the related products they had purchased, the price reduced the price reduction., Click the "One -click Price" button, the difference can be returned immediately.

"'spot sales' and 800 million commodity prices are solving consumer online shopping pain points, protecting consumers' rights and interests." At the "Double 11" conference, the China Consumers Association China Consumer Magazine ClubLiu Fulin said.

The official data disclosed by shows that as of now,'s consumer price insurance application order has exceeded 1 billion, and has saved consumers a total of nearly 9 billion yuan.

In order to prepare for the "Double 11" promotion this year, the remote look technology company, which has signed a lot of star anchors, planned the "Huar Hope X27 theme Park". During the promotion period, all the company's contract anchors and external cooperation anchors will live here.Let the platforms, merchants and consumers no longer stick to the traditional "timed snap -up", integrate "online+offline" traffic to integrate marketing, break the "barriers" of linkage, break traffic restrictions, and reconstruct the new concept of "people cargo farms".

How to find new capacity in the stock market

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to September, the national online retail sales were 10.8 trillion yuan, an increase of 11.6%, which was higher than the growth rate of the total retail sales of consumer goods by 4.8 percentage points.EssenceOnline shopping is still one of the way consumers favored.

"There are too many shopping festivals at the moment. If the price is not really affordable, I will never buy it." During the interview, many Chongqing consumers told reporters like this.In the retail market, voting with your feet is always the best weapon. Consumers have more and more choices, while low prices, simple operations, and scores high.

Mo Yuanming, a researcher at the coordinated development center of the Shuangcheng Economic Circle of Chongqing University of Technology, believes that the importance of promoting consumption is becoming increasingly important in the moment when investment demand is insufficient and exports are increasingly weakened.However, the platform faces a package of quality, cost, and after -sales service caused by excessive low -cost competition.

"Jingdong's low prices, not only to help consumers make the price of goods, but also let manufacturers make money to form a positive cycle of" high -quality low -cost commodity supply, meet consumer demand, and make money by merchants. "Xinli ArmyIt is said that the low prices of rely on the continuous innovation of scale effects and technology -driven supply chain.

"The price war will only destroy one category, but the value battle will drive a category." Liu Peng, president of the Taotian Group brand business development center, said that enterprises reduce the cost of merchants through scale effects, while using technology to help brand innovation products to satisfy the brand to satisfy the brand to satisfy the brand to satisfy the brand to satisfy the brand to satisfy the brand to satisfy the brand to meet the technology to meet the satisfaction of the brand to meet the satisfaction of the brand to satisfy the brand to meet the satisfaction.Various consumer demand to activate the market.

"E -commerce is a more typical Internet model, relying on scale and efficiency to obtain development, which can be seen as the top of traffic. When the capital is tide, how to find new capacity in the stock market is becoming more and more e -commerce companies increasingly e -commerce companiesPlayers must think about the topic. "Mo Yuanming suggested that the development of e -commerce and physical stores need to strengthen the development of product brand cultivation and high -quality after -sales service.Give play to the basic role of consumption on economic growth.