For a smart philosopher or speculative politician, it is relatively easy to find a reasonable reason for the reasonable liberalist reason for almost any policy proposal for him.As far as the leader of the Argentine presidential election, he has stated to us that he will pursue a liberal agenda with obvious populist tendencies.

Javier Milei (Javier Milei) is not only a front rock star with five cloned dogs, but also a self -proclaimed "no government capitalist".In addition, he was the leader of the Argentine presidential election on October 22 (compiled: Milley won 29.9%of the votes in the first round of elections, ranked second, and will get 36.6%of the votes, but the current economy who has not reached the threshold for automatic election will beMinister Massa, the second round of elections on November 19), many Western experts suspect what the candidate's qualifications represent.

Some commentators described Millyi as "right wing", "extreme right wing" or "populist" candidates, and had sufficient reasons.He loudly supported populist politicians such as Trump and Bosonaro, and recently accepted the interview with Tucker Carlson, the hostIt is considered part of the global "socialist agenda".

Others believe that Milley should be understood as a principled liberal, and their views should also be based on the basis.After all, he is a well -trained economist, and strategies are rooted in the Austrian school methodology preached by Ludwig Von Mises and Friedrich Von Hayek.He developed his own thoughts under the guidance of Alberto Benegas Lynch. The latter's free research center helped create and maintain Argentina's classical liberal ideological tradition under the hostile environment of Peronism.

Finally, it threatened with the infamous threats such as Bosonaro. If you see two men kissing on the street, it is necessary to use violent populists to form.It is a position that supports both same -sex marriage and such as self -living rights to make others live.

Liberalism has both radical and reaction

Both sides of this debate believe that their respective positions are mutually exclusive.Milley is either a personal liberal instigator like Ayn Rand or a right -wing populist like Hungarian Prime Minister Olban.

In fact, Milley has both, and this combination is not particularly unusual or surprising.As John Tomasi and I described in the personalist history of liberal thoughts I have recently co -authored, liberalism is essentially a flexible ideology. In the history of the past 200 years,There are forms of radical and reaction.

For example, in the 19th century, liberals such as Lysander Spooner and Voltairine de Cleyre were pioneers of many progressive social movements.Liberals are firm critics of radical abandoned slaveists, feminist fighters, militarism and colonialism, and even in some cases, they are oppositions of exploitation employment labor and land private ownership.

However, in the middle of the 20th century, liberalism began to turn to the right.Faced with the common threat of socialism, the United States' liberals and conservatives formed a unstable alliance against the new policy against the New Deal in China and opposing international communism abroad.Defending economic freedom occupies the central position, and radical criticism of national capitalism and social hierarchy is placed on the edge position.

Therefore, even if we conclude that Milley is a liberal conclusion, we cannot tell us how he will govern.Although all liberals are committed to defending private property, free markets and limited governments, these ideals have a very broad explanation and can develop in the direction of progress or reaction.

For example, Milley's opposition to legitimate abortion is probably a minority position among American liberals; most of them believe that women have the right to dominate their bodies.But anti -abortion liberals like Millei argued that unborn babies also have the right to.

Similarly, many liberals in the United States support ending the "anti -drug war" and restricted immigration policies. They believe that these are examples of mandatory intervention in people's peace and voluntary choices.However, Merray's conservative position on these issues can also be reasonably explained from the perspective of liberalism, because modern welfare countries have already created a world where taxpayers must sometimes pay for others.If the legalization and open border of drugs means that it is heavier tax on existing citizens (liberals will be the same as greater coercion), what should I do?

In the final analysis, for a smart philosopher or speculative politician, it is relatively easy to find a seemingly reasonable reason to find a reasonable liberalist reason for almost any policy proposal for him.As far as Merray is concerned, he has stated to us that he will pursue a liberal agenda with obvious populism tendencies.

In the United States, Murray Rothbard and Lew Rockwell's "Paleo-Libertarianism", let us see the prototype of liberal population.In the early 1990s, this school supported racial politicians such as David Duke, supporting localism (highly restricted) immigration policy, and supporting police violence against criminals and "tramps".Since Trump has served as president, this position has regained its position and even dominated in the United States Liberal Party.

Therefore, people who cherish their personal freedom must be cautious before supporting Milley.That's right, he is a liberal; yes, liberals believe in personal freedom.But the real question is who's freedom and what specific policies to defend this freedom.Miley's answer may not be what many other liberals (or others) want to hear.

Author Matt Zwolinski is the director of ethics, economic and public policy center of San Diego University of San Diego University of Ethics, Economic and Public Policy Center: Javier Milei ’s Libertarian Populism All rights reserved: Project Syndicate, 2023.