The Washington Post reported that in the diplomatic photos issued by Moscow recently warned the United States and NATO not to transport "the most sensitive" weapons to Kiev, saying that it would "oil on the fire on the fire.", May cause" unimaginable consequences. "However, the U.S. State Department refused to comment on reports.

(Kiev / Moscow Composite Electric) Russia officially issued diplomatic photos to the United States to severely warn the United States and its allies not to continue to provide military reserve for Ukraine, so as not to cause serious consequences.The Russian army took revenge after the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet sinking, and fiercely bombarded the Kisu area for days.

The Washington Post reported that in the recent diplomatic photos issued by Moscow, the United States and NATO did not transport the "most sensitive" weapons to Kiev, saying that it would "oil on fire", which may cause "unimaginable consequences"EssenceHowever, the U.S. State Department refused to comment on reports.

According to the United States CNN (CNN), US officials believe that Russia's formal issuance will show that Russia is very concerned about the United States' continuous military aid for Ukraine, and may mean that Moscow is preparing to take a more aggressive position on the United States and NATO.

U.S. President Biden has recently promised to provide Ukraine with other 800 million US dollars (about S $ 18 million) for military reserve, including helicopters, grenade guns and armored soldiers.Germany also announced on Friday that it will provide Ukraine with more than 1 billion euros (about 1.46 billion yuan) for military aid.

pro -Russian media highlights that Western countries provide weapons for the URA, saying that Russia is actually fighting with the United States and intentionally destroying Russia.In Moscow, many commentators also called for attacking Ukraine Highways and railway systems to prevent western transportation weapons.

The Washington Post also reported that Ukraine President Zelezki asked Biden to include Russia in the list of "countries that support terrorism".

In this regard, the White House spokesman responded: "We will continue to consider all options to increase pressure on Putin." At present, the countries on this list include North Korea, Cuba, Iran and Syria.

Zelenezki reiterated in the latest video speech that the earlier, the sooner the weapons are provided to Ukraine, the earlier the war can end."When someone says that this war will last a year or years, my answer is: you can decide to shorten the time of the war. We will get all the weapons we need faster, and the stronger our position will beCome up. "

The Russian and Ukraine War has been last for nearly two months, and Russia has increased its offensive firepower on Ukraine after the flagship missile cruiser of the Black Sea Fleet.

The Russian army bombarded a rocket factory near Kiefu International Airport on Friday. This is the largest attack on the Ukrainian capital area for two weeks.Western media quoted residents reports that the factories were attacked five times before and after, and the military factories were severely damaged.

Russia said they used sea -based long -range missiles to attack the military factory producing Neptune's cruise missile.Both Ukraine and the United States say that the Moscow was destroyed by Neptune missiles.

Saturday, the Russian army destroyed a armored vehicle manufacturer with high precision remote weapons, as well as a military maintenance facility in Nicholaev.

Zelei Skyki said in an interview with CNN on Friday that there were 2,500 to 3,000 Urpicious Army since the start of the war, and about 10,000 were injured, but he had no number of civilians.As for the enemy, nearly 20,000 people died.

Moscow said last month that more than 1,300 Russian troops died and nearly 4,000 were injured.

Neither of these casualties provided by both parties are confirmed.