Source: Bloomberg

Author: Alfred Cang, Philip Heijmans

China and Myanmar's armed organization relationship in which tin resources have controlled tin resources have crackdown, or this important metal's supply has continued to extend.

China has a good relationship with the Organization of the Laun State Autonomous Region in northern Myanmar for a long time.Langbang ordered the suspension of tin ore mining earlier this year, cutting off nearly one -third of the total supply of Chinese tin ore, and a test of the relationship between the two parties.

The Chinese government's actions to combat telecommunications network fraud in the border area have exacerbated tension.China ’s crackdown includes some officials of the Jianlang Joint Army (UWSA), which is called the leader of the criminal group.Xinhua News Agency recently reported that in this multinational telecommunications network fraud law enforcement operation, more than 2,300 criminal suspects have been captured in Myanmar and returned to China.

"We expect that tin price will rise slightly in 2024, because with Myanmar's mining ban to continue to be implemented and Indonesia's export ban will take effect, the supply of shipping tin markets has begun to decline," BMI, a subsidiary of Fitch Group, slightly this month.Earlier reports pointed out.

Five tin financial traders and industry executives said that China ’s crackdown on telecommunications network fraud activities in the border area or let the Bao family family in charge of power delayed the re -production assessment.People familiar with the matter are unwilling to name because they have not been authorized by public speeches.They were originally expected to resume mining this year, but now they are now expected to be postponed to the first quarter of 2024.

Semiconductor requirements

People familiar with the matter said that some tin concentrate processing plants have resumed production.However, due to insufficient inventory, production efficiency is very low.

With the improvement of the semiconductor industry in the electronic circuit, the demand for the semiconductor industry of the tin is improved, which may cause a short -term supply interruption.

The tin industry has not been in crisis: the tin inventory of the London Metal Exchange (LME) warehouse has risen.However, tin -metal supply has repeatedly faced impacts this year. A protests have occurred in Peru's tin mine. It is expected that Indonesia, the world's largest tin export country, will prohibit overseas exports in order to develop the domestic downstream processing industry.

Since the discovery of a large number of tin ores, Myanmar has become an important tin producer and one of the factors affecting LME tin prices.This has made the Lugang Joint Army have considerable power.

After the announcement of the prohibited plan earlier this year, the price of metal tin rose by 12%, the highest level of nine months.After the states began to implement the provisions of the suspension of exploration and mining in August, tin metal prices soared again.At that time, nearly two -thirds of China's tin essence imports came from Myanmar, of which about 70%of them.