Li Keqiang is kind and real. He has repeatedly rooted in the hearts of people with simple words, resonance, and spontaneously swipe the screen.He has his own original perception and research on economics, and is recognized as a recognized reformist, market, and enlightened faction.

China CCTV News Client reported at 8:06 am on October 27th that former Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council Li Keqiang on October 26 due to sudden heart disease, full rescue was invalid, died in Shanghai at 0:10 on October 27th.At the age of 68.

One stone aroused thousands of waves, Li Keqiang's death news quickly became the headline of the Sina Weibo hot search list. At 10 am on the same day, I read 1 billion people, discussed 439,000 people, read 1.63 billion people at 1 pm, discussed 5.37 millionTimes.There are three main moods of the Chinese people's comments: First, very surprised, incredible, and shocked; second, very uncomfortable, many emoticons such as candles and crying;Hard work is a good prime minister, I wish him a good way and rest all the way.

Li Keqiang's death news has also become the headline of the Baidu hot search list.Click on the search page jumping out of the headline link. The first Xinhua News Agency has a large number of comments under the draft at 8:16. At 9:22, the author query and take a screenshot.For the "Prime Minister, go all the way, you can finally take a good rest for a lifetime, and you can get a good rest." After five minutes, the query is no longer visible;I thought it was wrong, confirmed repeatedly, so sad (three consecutive crying emoticons), and then query again in five minutes. This comments rose to the first place, and then the query was not visible after one hour.

The expression of public opinion is still sincere and persistent.At 12:18 noon, there were still a lot of posts on the Xinhua News Agency of Baidu's search link at 8:16., The Prime Minister of the Loyalty, the people love you, go all the way [China will win] ", it is not visible after four minutes. The query can be visible at 1 pm.The second ranking, the content of the netizens from Jiangsu is "The Prime Minister of the People, serving the people for a lifetime. It is too hard. The people will not forget you all the way!" At 1 pmEssence

On October 22, 2022, the 20th National Congress of the Mainland Government closed after the election of the new Central Committee and the Central Discipline Inspection Commission.That night, Xinhua News Agency broadcast the long manuscript of the new chapters that had long been prepared to hold the great banner. One of them was "after the political voice went, public opinion talked about the public opinion."This is a big truth, but it is not the original of Xinhua News Agency.

I checked the reading notes. On the second edition of the Essay October 2, 1998, Zhu Huimin, the Propaganda Minister of the County Party Committee of Hebei, said in the Junju Lianlian Political Voice.Its situation is also good. It is right and wrong, and it can be straightforward. If people go, there is a political voice, it is true wise ", so you have to be" when the political voice is gone, the public opinion talks ".

In October 2022, Li Keqiang has opened the "naked retreat" and no longer stays as a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, which means that he will not be transferred to the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.In March of this year, he thoroughly bid farewell to the political stage, and suddenly bid farewell to the stage of life seven months later, you might as well talk about public opinion.

Li Keqiang's economics ended abruptly

He is the first batch of undergraduates for the college entrance examination after the Cultural Revolution, and obtained a doctorate degree in economics from Peking University. The mentor is Li Yining, a well -known economist.And research.

For example, when he was the secretary of the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, he was not superstitious about the macroeconomic data of the official statistical department, but preferred three three new industrial electricity volume, new railway freight volume, and new and long -term loans of banks.Indicators, analyze the current status and trends of macroeconomic operations, and have been recognized by top economists, publications, and investment banks at home and abroad.In 2010, the British Economist Magazine introduced the term "Li Keqiang Index". Barclays Bank of Barclays launched "Li Keqiang Economics" on the basis of the "Li Keqiang Index".In 2013, before and after his new prime minister, Chinese and foreign media also mentioned the "Li Keqiang Index", and it didn't mention this concept.

Wang Yang, who has also retreated naked after the 20th National Congress of the Mainland Government, is recognized as reformists, markets, and enlightened factions.People ’s livelihood is for the first.In September 2014, he proposed "Double Innovation" (Volkswagen Entrepreneurship and Non -Innovation). With the emerging "Internet+", he supported the grassroots economy and incubated small and micro enterprises to create more employment positions.Continue to implement the reform of "decentralization of management service" (compilation: refers to simplified administration, decentralization, innovative supervision, and efficient services), the blade is inward, reducing government approval, reducing power intervention, optimizing the administrative decision -making mechanism, and release of greater living space for market players to release greater living spaceEssence

He is kind and real. He has been deeply rooted in the hearts of people with simple words, resonance, and spontaneously swipe the screen.After the closing of the National Two Sessions in the past three years, there have been golden sentences at the press conference.On May 28, 2020, in a press conference, four words in China "600 million people's monthly income are 1,000 yuan per month".Other officials do not dare to say on other occasions. Even if they say it, eighty -nine may not be reported or widely questioned, and may even be deducted from a large hat of politics.

On March 11, 2021, he mentioned the most at a press conference.The first three questions are from foreign media. The first question and the truth, "Employment can be said to a country and a family."It also tells the ground that during the inspection of Zhizhen District, Yantai City, Shandong Province, more than 20 employees had no layoffs and crossed the difficulties during the epidemic of a cooked shop in a cooked shop in an old community.This happened on June 1, 2020. He also encouraged the stall owner at the scene: "The stall economy and the small shop economy are an important source of employment positions, the fireworks of the world, and the same as tall, it is the vitality of China."Promise "we will support you."

On March 11, 2022, he firmly responded to the doubts of countless concerns at home and abroad at the press conference.EssenceSimilarly, he inspected Shenzhen from August 16th to 17th and reiterated when he went to Lianhua Mountain Park to admire the bronze statue of Deng Xiaoping, the chief designer of China's reform and opening up.

In 2022, China still insisted on dynamic clearance policies. In spring, Shanghai and other places were severely blocked and controlled against epidemic prevention, which seriously impacted the economy and people's livelihood.Li Keqiang seemed to be practical, and he did not deny that the current economy was difficult, and he made his duties and tried to turn the tide.On May 23, August 24, and September 13, the executive meeting of the State Council was issued in batches to a stable economic policy; on May 25, the National Corporate Conference on the Economic Holding Economic Holding Economic Holding Economic Holding Economic Holdings was hosted; July 7On the day of the day and August 16th, a symposium on the governor of the Economic Provincial Provincial Governor was held twice; on May 26th and August 23rd, the State Council's inspection team was sent twice to urge provinces to accelerate the implementation of stable economic policies and measures.

Since the reform and opening up, each session of the National People's Congress has been re -elected by the State Council.On the 4th, the day before the opening of the 14th National People's Congress, he took a group photo with the staff of the General Office of the State Council in Zhongnanhai. In fact, he also said goodbye.Ah. "

Government reports "have the right to be uninvited"

This sentence is a feeling of Li Keqiang's weather during the group photo, but after the transmission of the photo video on the Internet, it is inevitable that the sensitive political observationPeople use the questions.In fact, this is not the first time he said. On March 16, 2016, he mentioned that "people are doing and watching" at the press conference of the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National People's Congress.At that time, he pushed the reform of "decentralization of management service" and asked "the government's power list should be online, and the operation of power must be online".look in".

Simplified administration and decentralization and restraint is one of his main themes during his serving as Prime Minister.On March 5, 2015, he proposed in a government work report that he should use the "subtraction" of government power in exchange for the "multiplication" of market vitality.According to the report of the report, the person in charge of the drafting group revealed to the reporter that the expression of "Avenue to Simple, and has the right to be unwilling" was personally joined by Li Keqiang when drafting the document.

On March 4 this year, the host was the then member of the State Council, Secretary -General of the State Council, and Xiao Jie, 65.Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Fourth National People's Congress.The 59 -year -old Deputy Prime Minister Hu Chunhua has served as a member of the Political Bureau of the Eighteenth and 19th Central Committee. He has not been promoted to the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee.Essence

In March of this year, the State Council was re -elected. The prime minister could not be re -elected for 10 years. It was very special that none of the other deputy prime ministers and State Councilors were re -elected or promoted, and they were all replaced.

Netizens have taken photos of Li Keqiang during the local inspection. An ordinary belt with no trademark, more than one eye hole, should be used for no less than five years, and is still in use.Whenever a major natural disaster, he always goes to the front line to condolences to the victims, guide the disaster relief, and be with the people.

Ten years of life and death are vast, not thinking, unforgettable.Ten years of the Prime Minister, the people looked in their eyes and remembered it in their hearts.Compare your heart and change your heart with your heart. Suddenly he died of illness, and his aspirations are difficult to pay.

The author is a Chinese current affairs commentator