Malaysian Prime Minister Anhua visited Singapore on October 29 and attended the 10th New Malaysian Leadership informal Summit.On October 30, he met President Shang Damman and Premier Li Xianlong, and held a press conference with Premier Li after the meeting.From the physical language that interacts and answers at the press conference, we can see that bilateral relations are more intimate and harmonious due to the friendship of leaders.Premier Li described the significance of Anwar. The previous summit of the two countries was held in Putheng, Malaysia in April 2019. After that, the crown disease epidemic was interrupted for three years.Anhua also described the will of cooperation between the two countries.

At an important moment of crustal changes in geopolitics around the world, Anwar's visit to Singapore is important for future bilateral relations.From the list of accompanying Malaysian delegations and the members of the Singapore cabinet members who participated in bilateral talks, they can see that the two parties attach great importance to this visit.Anwar revealed at a press conference that New Malaysia intends to sign a memorandum of understanding of Johor -Singapore Economic Zone on January 11 next year.The SAR is believed to play a mainstay role in promoting the economic, trade and folk relations between the two countries.In addition, there are huge development potential in the fields of economic and trade, logistics personnel, new energy, green and digital economy, and provide broad space for bilateral cooperation.

As for topics, water supply areas, water supply and white reef waters region in the waters of the Baijiao waters from time to time.The greatest goodwill and constructive attitude resolve differences, so that individual issues will not prevent the efforts of individual issues hindering the development of bilateral relations.The significance of this consensus cannot be underestimated.The geographical reality of the two countries and the long history and tradition of the long flow of water means that neither parties can be alone, and to avoid a single disadvantage that affects the long -term prosperity that affects the overall.The clear statements of the leaders of the two countries will help promote a virtuous circle of bilateral relations.

Regarding the difficulties of Xinrou's commuting difficulties that the people of the two countries are highly concerned, both Premier Li and Anhua believe that in addition to building Xinrou subway, the efficiency of tariffs, immigrants and quarantine facilities in Woodlands and Johorine Johor Bahru must also be improved.The Xinrou Subway is the third land connection between the two countries, which will maximize the travel of the people of the two places.Both sides are looking forward to the completion of the Xinrou Subway at the end of 2026.Premier Li pointed out that Singapore has begun to re -develop the Woodlands level to increase its capacity to meet the expected cross -border traffic that will grow long -term.He is happy with Anhua's efforts to welcome and support Singapore in this regard.

Premier Li and Anhua also asked the reporter to express their respective positions.Although the situation of the two countries is not exactly the same, they both unanimously demand that the dilemma of the suspension and the humanitarianism of Gaza also clearly states that it will not affect the cooperative relationship between the two countries due to the differences in individual views.As Premier Li said, Singapore and Israel have diplomatic relations, and they also develop friendly relations with the Palestinian Liberation Organization.Malaysia did not establish diplomatic relations with Israel.Anwar emphasized that the new horse capital jointly called for the suspension and also supported similar resolutions in the United Nations.It should be pointed out that Ma Guo people have a strong sense of conflict between Yha, but after all, it has nothing to do with bilateral cooperation.

Crown disease epidemic and potential threats of the Russian and Ukraine War, the conflict with Harbin, and the game of the United States and China in the South China Sea indicate that global geopolitics will be even more uncertain.For small and medium -sized countries like Singapore and Malaysia, the international environment is bound to become more challenging.Therefore, based on geographical and historical reasons, the close relationship between the traditional lip and teeth of Xinma must be strengthened.From Anhua's visit to observe, his tacit understanding with Premier Li is undoubtedly conducive to promoting the in -depth development of relations between the two countries.Premier Li will visit Malaysia next year to participate in the 11th New Malaysian Leadership Summit.There are reasons to believe that relations between the two countries will be more upper -level in the new era.