Source: Zhongshi News Network

Author: Liu Birong

Israel announced that the war against Hamas entered the second stage, and the ground forces have entered Gaza.With the rise of the war, the number of deaths and injuries will inevitably rise.And all the war is the same. As long as the number of casualties climb to a certain number, the turning point of the war will appear: if the war is overflowing, the multiple countries are involved, or it is involved in multiple countries, and the force of the ceasefire is required to strengthen the fire.As an observer of the international situation, we want to see that at this critical moment of war, which countries are indispensable?Which countries are completely unable to work hard?

The United States has always wanted to draw from the Middle East and transfer his mind to Indo -Pacific. Now it is increasingly discovering that he cannot be drawn. It is emphasized that the United States is "indispensable" for the world.On October 20th, Biden delivered a speech that history is reaching an important "inflection point", and the more the critical moment is, the more the world needs the United States.However, when the United States reminds Israel, the ground attack must pay attention to civilians' casualties, and also told Israel not to repeat the United States 911, letting hatred swallow ourselves, so that when the anti -terrorist war is frequently made mistakes, we doubt how much Israel will hear in?How much is the United States in rebuilding the Middle East order?

A column of economists on October 26, based on the title of "indispensable" or "invalid" in the United States' power to review the situation of the United States.The article pointed out that the United States faces the Russian and Uchia war and the Middle East war. It may not only be the head of the United States, the rise of the United States, the rise of China, and the increasingly internal and external challenges of the Republican Party.But on the other hand, the United States is the country with the strongest military, the strongest economy, the most skilled diplomacy, and the most valuable country to yearn for, which makes the United States indispensable.However, it is indispensable or invalid. It depends on whether the United States can successfully deal with the Gaza crisis.

In addition to American characters, the observer also found that Saudi Arabia was gone in this Middle East war?After the outbreak of the Gaza War, Saudi Arabia issued a stable statement to call for a ceasefire. It also held multilateral meetings and conference calls with relevant countries, but there was no specific action.An American official complained that Saudi Arabia was "useless" in crisis treatment.

Saudi Arabia's dilemma in diplomacy is that they cannot publicly criticize Hamas, nor can they fully follow the United States.She was also afraid that Iran was too excited, causing Yemen's Iranian rebels, Hussean armed forces, to find the Said people in Yemen for revenge.So the Sands flashed far in this war.

On the contrary, another small country rises, making itself indispensable, that is Qatar.Qatar is rich, has the world's third largest natural gas reserves, and the average national income from the sixth high in the world.She provides Hamas asylum, supports Hamas in money, Hamas contacts office, Israeli trading office, and US military bases.These all gave her the best condition to serve as a medium.

Of course, there are other countries who want to grab this role.Turkey also wants to mediate, but the Arab country believes that it is better for the Arab countries to do it.Egypt can also mediate, but Israel wants to move Gaza's Palestinians to a large part of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt, so that Egypt becomes a party and is not easy to mediate.In 2020, the United Arab Emirates, Balling, etc., who had just established diplomatic relations with Israel, were also considered too relatives and were excluded.So Qatar became indispensable.

But Qatar can mediate the release of hostages.With the rise of the war, which countries have emerged to prove that they are indispensable?When will the war turn?They are the focus of our continued observation.