Source: Taiwan Economic Daily News

U.S. President Biden met with Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China on October 27. Bynden said that the United States and China need to manage the competition under bilateral relations in a responsible manner, and to maintain the smooth communication channels;The United States and China must also handle global challenges together.

Wang Yi's visit to the United States is the invitation of US Secretary of State Brinkella, and in -depth exchanges with the US executives on Sino -US relations and international issues that are concerned about common concern. It is understood that when it comes to the APEC leader summit held in San Francisco in November, Arrange a worship meeting.

The ups and downs of Sino -US relations seems to have reached the time when the peak is turning and the atmosphere is good.Looking back at the deterioration of this round of Sino -US relations, in March (2018) in March after Trump took office, the United States suddenly launched a trade war, investment war, and scientific and technological war on China.Attacking, it was very embarrassed to hit China, of course, the relationship between the two sides turned sharply.

In March 2021, Sino -US diplomatically discussed in Alaska Ankan, and the Chinese chief representative Yang Jiechi said strictly to the United States."This set" is the first counterattack by China on the United States.During this period, the United States hit Huawei, China, and detained the Meng Wanzhou incident (December 2018) and the intelligence balloon incident (February 2023).In February 2023, China officially published the US hegemonic hegemony and bullying and its harm. After positioning the United States as the hegemony of the world, the relationship between the two sides reached an unprecedented trough and was only seen since the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two parties in 1979.At this moment, the United States began to change attitudes. Since the first half of 2023, State Secretary of State Brills, Minister of Finance Yellen, and Minister of Commerce Raymond visited China and repeatedly released messages.The G20 summit held in India in September, but because Xi Jinping did not participate, it failed, so he put his hopes to the APEC Summit hosted in the United States in November.

Sino -US relations have deteriorated from changes, and then they turn straight to the bottom of the valley. Now they seem to have begun to ease, and we usher in a kind of gentle wind. How can the turning veins and logic observe?The key is mainly the United States.Because although the Chinese side also said a lot, the basic attitude of the Chinese side has always been consistent. I hope that China and the United States can respect each other, treat them equally, and win -win cooperation. It is just that the United States has always scratched and confirmed that China has become the biggest challenger of the US hegemony position., Threat, thus all the way to fight China.So, why is the United States began to change attitude and policies for China?

On the one hand, there are currently many troubles in the United States, regardless of their inside or outside.The internal situation is the crisis of the US debt in terms of economic aspect. The total scale of US debt has reached 33 trillion dollars (45 trillion yuan), and the yield of 30 -year and 10 -year US debt has risen by 5%, the highest level since 2007It has been described as "US debt volcano".In terms of politics, except for the continuous internal fighting of the two parties, it is about to enter the 2024 election season, and Biden and the Democratic Party are facing considerable pressure.In the external situation, when the Russian and Ukraine War fell into a stagnant, the Pakistani conflict suddenly broke out. The entire Middle East became a pot of porridge. Under the monopoly of the Western media from the media, the US moral bids have also greatly damaged the image of the United States' country image.EssenceThe internal and external situations have made the United States unable to deal with China, and even in turn hopes that China will assist the United States in some aspects.

However, the greater key is still in the two situations.First, the major frustration of scientific and technological warfare, the power of the United States United Allied countries targets Huawei, China. Four years later, Huawei was broken. The United States had to calmly think about the reasons for the failure of a series of trade war and scientific and technological warfare.

The second is the pressure from the Taiwan Strait.The United States knows that Beijing solves the position and determination of Taiwan under the principles of China, and with the continued strong national strength of China, the United States has special pressure on the Taiwan Strait in the Western Pacific., But how difficult the effect is full of confidence, just at this time, the Middle East is in a condition.The well -known American venture capital think tank Berlaide recently issued a report that the strategic competition between the United States and China is still the "largest geopolitical risk" facing the global market, and the thawing of US -China relations is still "fragile".The "geopolitical risk index" announced by the report shows that the tension between Washington and Beijing is "high risk", which is much higher than the situation in the Middle East after Russia and NATO and Hamas attack Israel.This may understand some of the deep factors of the United States' attitudes and policies that have changed its attitudes and policies.Perhaps Kissinger also saw this. Recently, he called for peace and development between China and the United States, because "this can bring peace and progress to the world."