This is where the Inner Security Bureau plays a key role behind the scenes, providing the government with timely information and insightful assessments that transcend the public domain or social media.Your government -based suggestions enable the government to take action or adjust policies to solve these problems.In essence, you protect the public space to ensure the normal and successful operation of the Singapore democratic process.

People sometimes think that the cause of the founding of the country is pure and bright.As long as the leaders have a grand vision, we can inspire the people to unite in common goals and work together to make prosperity.Of course, all this is necessary, but it is not enough.

Real life is much more complicated.Society must protect themselves from all kinds of dangerous violations.If everyone thinks that everyone is kind to us, it is too naive.Foreign influence and concealed actions will target us.In China, the fragile links and faults of society must be managed.Although we cannot cup the bow snake shadow, we cannot be alert to the real threat facing open and stable society.Therefore, the government must fully understand these threats and be prepared.

This is why the British colonial government launched an armed operation 75 years ago after the establishment of a Communist regime after establishing a Communist regime.During the Malaysian emergency law, as an internal intelligence agency, the Ministry of Political Department played a key role in responding to the threat of the Communist Party.After the new horse was divided, the Political Department was renamed the internal security bureau in 1966.With the signing of peace agreements with the Malaysian Communist Party and the micro -style of the world's communist movement, the anti -communist struggle ended in 1989.

During the commented on the struggle with the Communist Party of China, Dr. Wu Qingrui, former Vice Premier, said: "I want to say that the most important prerequisite for success is a effective secret police force, or the political department of the Political Department with the euphemistic terminology of British colonial colonials''. "Dr. Wu said this to how to defeat the rebellion of the Communists.However, Dr. Wu said that the "effective secret police force" was not limited to that struggle.In the post -communism era, countries faced a series of other dangers.

Most countries have special intelligence agencies responsible for dealing with the domestic situation.The United States has the Federal Investigation Agency, the Britain has five military conditions, and the Israeli National Security Agency (SHIN BET), and the Malaysian Politics Department in Malaysia.The Inner Security Bureau is a exclusive agency in Singapore. It is more important to us than these foreign counterparts.Because Singapore is more vulnerable than most other countries.As a country with a diversified race and multiple religions, our innate social fault line always exists.As an open and connected society, our people are easily affected by external forces.

Today, we are still affected by regional and even farther.

We pay attention to the development of the situation in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia's continuous social reforms and conflicts of Eye to understand their impact on Southeast Asian countries and our own people.

Our terrorism threat does not originate from the country, but from a wider security situation from the region.The Muslim Prayer Group (Jemaah Islamiyah) originated from Indonesia and established branches in Malaysia, the Philippines and Singapore.The Islamic State is in Syria and Iraq, but it has led to self -evolution of individual Singaporeans.From Western countries, we are affected by the political and academic discussions that reflect their social problems and differences.Such as white privileges, structural racism, intersections and social justice, and identity politics, can easily and do without thinking about our public opinion space and take us astray.These are the external influences we should pay attention to.But because they may also become the medium that those who are not good at attacking us, they need to pay close attention.

This is why it is so key to protect us with the Internal Security Bureau of the Police Police.

Tonight, let me talk about three security issues that we are paying attention to -threats of terrorism, the danger of foreign influence operations, and our domestic vulnerability.


The first main threat is terrorism.This has always been the primary task of the Inner Security Bureau, especially the threat from the Islamic terrorist organization.Before and after the 1991 attack in 2001, we found that we had a recovery group that was related to the Kaida organization in Singapore.It has determined multiple goals and set a detailed plan to launch a major attack in Singapore.More than 10 years later, the Iranian organization (in Iraq and Islamic State in Syria) rose.Some Singaporeans become radical due to their ideology, and some people even go to Syria to participate in armed jihad.

22 years away from September 1st.The threat from the multinational Islamic terrorist organization has become different, but it continues to exist.Dangerous organizations continue to move in our neighboring countries, including Indonesia, the Philippines and other parts of Southeast Asia.They use new recruitment and fundraising strategies and formulate new tactics for attack operations.In addition, using an easy -to -obtain weapon to attack unique and small group attacks, it has become a more common crime method.These misleading people do not need a clear structure to accept ideological instilling, training or command and control.They only need to connect the Internet to call on them to take action to pose a threat to others.

At the same time, new forms of extremist ideology such as extreme right extremism have continued to appear.At the end of 2020, Singapore dealt with the first extremely right radical case -a 16 -year -old young man was inspired by the attacker of Christchurch (also known as Christchurch).Essence

We take this threat seriously, because a terrorist behavior may destroy the racial and religious harmony and trust we have worked hard for decades.We often see this situation in other countries.This is the use of martial arts of the Inner Security Bureau -ensuring that our people will not be captured by certain extreme ideology, or in a controversy that does not belong to us, so we create chaos in our own community.

The vigilance of the Inner Security Bureau has made it a precedent for many times to frustrate the conspiracy to our terrorists.We arrested them before the prayer group launched a plan.The Inner Security Bureau also discovered and handled many self -aggressive individuals to prevent them from making any harm.

Foreign Influence and Spy Activities

In fact, the Inner Security Bureau not only counterattacked these threats, but also successfully brought most people who went astray back to the right way.The cooperation between the Inner Security Bureau and the RELIGIOUS Rehability Group and the Inter-AGENCY AFERCARCARCARERCARE Group are critical to the transformation of many radical people.Since 2002, 137 Singaporeans have been arrested under the internal security laws, nearly 90%of people have made good progress after transformation, and have successfully re -integrated into the society.

The second threat is foreign influence and espionage activities.I talked about this at the National Day Mass of last year, although the wording must be cautious.This has nothing to do with war or physical attacks -the existence of Singapore armed forces is to deal with such threats.We are talking about a more insidious threat lurking in the dark.The work of the Inner Security Bureau is to find them.What the Inner Security Bureau wants to deal with is an attempt to subvert us, launch influence to manipulate us, or conduct spy activities to leak our most precious and secret foreign actors.

We rarely talk about these secret activities, which are sufficient reasons, but there are many such threats in the world.We must be alert to those countries we do against us.Such things also happened in Singapore.Officials of the Inner Security Bureau should be familiar with the cases of the 2017 Li Guangyao School of Public Policy.Spy activities have become more and more complicated and entered the network field.

Through public sharing of these cases, we hope to make Singapore people better understand that the world is not as beautiful as it looks like, we don't haveThere are composition of these threats to scare people.

We must be vigilant about this impact and espionage.Our opponents have sufficient resources and firm will.The Inner Security Bureau is our first line of defense. When deciding how to deal with these threats, we must be equally capable and savvy.Should we immediately intervene to stop this and prevent further harm?Or do you look at the changes first, observe and find out the entire network, and then take action?When taking action, how should we handle the potential impact of a wider range of bilateral relations?

Making these choices requires patience, wit and good judgment.In the end, the political leadership must make a decision, but they have received good suggestions from the Inner Security Bureau because it has rich experience in this field.Therefore, we thank the Inner Security Bureau and the entire government partner for their outstanding work.Your efforts make us better respond to such foreign influence and spy activities.

Domestic vulnerability

The third main focus is our own domestic environment.As I said before, due to the diversity of race and religion in our population, our society always has an inherent fault line.Since independence, we have made great progress in building trust among different communities.But if we think that the differences in views and attitudes have completely disappeared, it is unwise.

Just look at the response of Singaporeans to the development of recent things.For the tension between China and the United States, the Chinese in Singapore, especially the older Singaporeans, often have different views compared to other Singaporeans.Whenever there is conflict and violence in the Middle East, the passion of Southeast Asia will be excited, and Singapore is to some extent.The continuous conflict of Harbin Harbin is a problem that is particularly easy to cause excitement for Muslims of Singapore. Like the Muslim community around the world, they strongly sympathize with the Palestinian people's dilemma.On the other hand, some of our Jewish and Christian communities also responded strongly.

All these differences are the reality we must recognize and accept.They remind us that we continue to pay close attention to race and religious relationships, because misunderstanding and friction may still occur, and if it is not handled properly, it will cause serious problems.Just look at whenever some isolated race or religious events, and it is understood on the Internet and causing national anger.

In addition to race and religion, we must also be alert to new social differentiation.For example, the tension between citizens and non -Singaporeans living and working here is increasing.Different groups support different goals, and adopt strong publicity and pressure group strategies learned from other places to split support and oppose their career. The polarization is increasing.

This is where the Inner Security Bureau plays a key role behind the scenes and provides the government with timely information that transcends the public domain or social media and the evaluation of insight.You are our eyes and ears at the grassroots level, and keep in touch with all these different groups.You are wary to observe the trend, and when the problem may become serious, it will be destroyed in the bud state before they get out of control.Your government -based suggestions enable the government to take action or adjust policies to solve these problems.In essence, you protect the public space to ensure the normal and successful operation of the Singapore democratic process.

Reform Inner Security Bureau welcomes the future

In order to do all this, we need a powerful and effective Internal Security Bureau.I am very happy that Director and his management team are undergoing major efforts to organize organizational transformation, re -reshape your work, re -conceive your workplace, and regain your employee team.These efforts will ensure that the Inner Security Bureau has all required to continue to effectively implement the task: the latest capabilities make the Inner Security Bureau ahead of a few steps ahead of the continuous environmental environment; first -class facilities and offices make the inner security bureau officials favorable for favorable benefits.Workplace work and training; attractive career prospects can cultivate your officials and keep them professional and enthusiastic.An important factor in this organizational change is to change the way of thinking.

Inner Security Bureau is no longer just operating in the dark.Now it reveals the mysterious veil and tells the story contributed by the Inner Security Bureau in the museum display; the name of the Inner Security Bureau is proud of the professional exhibition, attracting interested people inquiries, and cultivating a new generation of smart, ideal and dedicated youngPeople join the team.These are forward -looking measures, which will help the Inner Security Bureau to become a first -class intelligence agency in Singapore for a long time in the future.


Singapore has been successfully reduced and eliminated the threat of domestic security and sovereignty, which is not accidental.Since its establishment after World War II, the Inner Security Bureau has been the stability of our front line.It is neither shaken by the challenge nor discouraged by difficulties; it is usually far away from the spotlight, but it is always present and prepare to respond.The mission of Nei'an is "maintaining Singapore's security and sovereignty for all Singaporeans."We slept more stable at night because we knew the existence of the Inner Security Bureau and paid close attention to what happened at night.

On behalf of all Singaporeans, I thank the Inner Security Bureau and all the past and present officials, and thank you for your unremitting efforts to defend Singapore.

Congratulations to the successful completion of the mission in the past 75 years!

The author is Singapore Prime Minister

This article is his speech at the dinner at the 75th anniversary of the establishment of the internal Security Bureau of Singapore on October 24

Golden Shun Festival translation