There are more than 10 days before the annual "Consumption Great" Double Eleven Shopping Festival. Chinese e -commerce has gathered in his palm and is ready to fight fiercely in this war.

Douyin first fired the first shot and opened pre -sale on October 15; Fast Hands followed on October 18; Vipshop and Pinduoduo joined the battlefield on October 20; and AlibabaThe pre -sale time is set on October 23 and 24, respectively.

Different from previous years, whether it is Alibaba or, which has a larger volume, has been in the market for many years, or has a lot of Person in the future, or the vibrato, fast hands, Xiaohongshu, Wei, only in recent years, or in recent yearsThe products, etc., use the "lowest price" and "cheaper" as the main selling point.

Taking Apple's latest mobile phone iPhone15 as an example, Pinduoduo sells 128GB iPhone15 Plus for 6098 yuan (RMB, the same below, about 1142 yuan), which is 901 yuan lower than the official retail price;If you only spend 10,698 yuan, you can buy a 512GB version of the iPhone15 Promax, which is 1301 yuan cheaper than the official price.

In addition to the price reduction, e -commerce has also launched the service of "buying expensive".For example, throws out the saying that "low prices are genes engraved in JD bones", saying that during the Double Eleven period, 800 million products were guaranteed throughout the process.This means that if consumers have discovered the price of the goods they purchased during this time, the price guarantee process can be returned.

E -commerce price war reflects a new trend among Chinese consumers.In order to cope with the economic downturn caused by the downturn caused by the downturn and weakened exports in the real estate industry, many of them are reducing expenditure.This is evident from the recently announced resident consumer price index (CPI).According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the CPI in September was rising from a year -on -year to flat, and it reappeared zero growth after two months.

Some analysts believe that this shows that the demand is weak, and it also highlights the limited effect of the Chinese government's recent aggressive drugs.

The weak emotions of consumers are not only reflected in official data.On Xiaohongshu, a 16 -second short video called "Consumption Dowager is really addicted" has attracted more than 180,000 likes.The topic of "downgrade consumption" also appeared on the Weibo hot search list last month.

According to a list of Chinese netizens in Xiaohongshu, she decided to cancel or reduce expenses in the past year.Headband.She no longer buys drinks and snacks, and does not order takeaway.

The online profile claims to be in the "big factory", that is, the "post -95s" of large Internet companies to work, and also said that although economical is not economical, the saved money makes itself "more secure".

China's final consumption expenditure in the third quarter contributed 94.8%to economic growth; in the first half of this year, the final consumption expenditure contributed 77.2%to China's economic growth.For the Chinese government, which requires people to consume and drive the overall economic growth, the phenomenon of being frugal and reducing consumption as much as possible is a worrying and attention signal.

In the long run, the motivation to support people's consumption depends on the income growth of the people, and this is inseparable from the economic environment.

China National Bureau of Statistics released data last week. In the third quarter, GDP (GDP) increased by 4.9%year -on -year, which not only exceeded market expectations, but also alleviated the concerns of the continued deterioration of China's economic situation.No one dares to package tickets for this kind of good signs.However, if the transaction volume of each e -commerce company can open a red disk on Double Eleven this year, it may indicate that China, the second largest consumer market in the world, is one step closer to the days when economic low pressure.